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The Bahamas



DATE SHEET :2189889

This is his flag
 the Bahamas is one of the thirteen countries that make up insular America or
Caribbean islands, one of the thirty-five of the American continent. its capital and
most populous city is Nassau, located on the island of new providence.
 made up of more than seven hundred islands (of which 24 are inhabited), cays and
islets in the Atlantic ocean, it is located north of Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican
republic, northwest of the Turks and caicos islands, southeast of the us state of
Florida and east of the Florida keys
It is one of the largest island countries in the Caribbean
the Bahamas is made up of a group of 700 small islands and 2,400 cays in an area of ​13,878 square
kilometers, but only about thirty of these are inhabited.
Government and inhabitants
the population of the Bahamas is 332,634 inhabitants, according to the 2018 census. among the
main islands of the Bahamas are new providence, where 69.9% of the inhabitants live: its capital
nassau is located there. in grand Bahama and abaco live 15.5% of the population, and the remaining
10% are scattered on other islands and cays, according to the central government.
the official currency is the Bahamian dollar and the prime minister is Hubert
Minnis, since 2017. Minnis broke a 25-year political alternation between perry
christie and Hubert Ingraham, since between 1992 and 2017 both took turns in
It was an English colony until the 1970s
the Bahamas is a relatively young state, having achieved its independence in 1973 after
centuries of English rule. in the seventeenth century the first settlement was
established by a group of English settlers who organized a community on one of the
islands of the Bahamas seeking religious freedom.
after its independence in the 1970s, the island is a self-governed state, a member of the
united nations, the Caribbean community and the organization of American states.
They live largely
from tourism
 the Bahamas has the second
highest capital income among the
English-speaking islands of the
 this island is the most dependent
on tourism in the Caribbean, as the
industry represents 60% of the $ 9
billion economy.
It was the pirate route
Between the late 17th and early 18th centuries, piracy flourished on the Bahamian islands due to their
proximity to major shipping routes. But by 1718 the first royal governor, Woodes Rogers, imposed order.
Years later, in 1776, a US naval squad captured today's capital Nassau, but the soldiers withdrew only a day
later. After the American War of Independence, thousands of Americans and their slaves settled in the
But not everything was good in the Bahamas.

on September 1, 2019, hurricane Dorian passed, which made landfall in the Bahamas as a category
5, seriously affected some of the more than 700 islands that make up this state, in addition to deaths
and generalized destruction in the places where the powerful one made landfall. cyclone.

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