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PROBLEM STATEMENT:- To improve the knowledge of plant classification and protection.
The main content of this paper is to extract plant leaf features and identify plant species based on
image analysis.
In this paper, 50 plant leaf databases are tested and compared with other algorithms. The class
label of the test set can be obtained by reconstructing the deep learning model with the smallest
error set. It is analyzed using MATLAB R2014b.
The traditional methods rely on manual acquisition of a large number of
data, coupled with low labor efficiency, heavy workload, the objectivity
and accuracy of the recognition results are affected. Computer pattern
recognition technology made it possible to solve these problems by relying
on computer image processing and pattern recognition technology.
Firstly, plant leaf images are segmented by various methods, and then
feature extraction algorithm is used to extract leaf shape and texture
features from leaf sample images.
Leaves are often used as the main reference for identifying plant
characteristics and recognizing plants. They are two-dimensional planar
system, which is easier to process images.
1. Ch. Usha Kumari S. Jeevan Prasad K-means clustering for feature It is observed that the accuracies
and G. Mounika "Leaf Disease extraction and ANN for classification for bacterial leaf spot and target
Detection: Feature Extraction with K- spot of cotton leaf diseases as 90%
means clustering and Classification and 80% respectively. For tomato
leaf diseases- Septoria leaf spot
with ANN" Proceedings of the Third and leaf mold as 100%.
International Conference on
Computing Methodologies and
Communication (ICCMC 2019) pp.
1095-1098 2019..
2. Enes Yigit et al. "A study on visual Artificial intelligence techniques (AIT) It is observed that SVM model with
features of leaves in plant identification such as artificial neural network, naive the accuracy of 92.91% is found to
using artificial intelligence techniques" bayes algorithm, random forest be the most successful identifier for
Computers and electronics in algorithm, K-nearest neighborhood combination including all groups
agriculture vol. 156 pp. 369-377 2019. (KNN) and support vector machine among all classifier.
3. S. Anubha Pearline V. Image processing and deep An accuracy of 96.53%, 96.25%
Sathiesh Kumar and S. Harini "A learning and 99.41% is obtained for
study on plant recognition using Folio, Flavia and Swedish leaf
conventional image processing datasets using VGG 19 CNN
and deep learning approaches" architecture with logistic
Journal of Intelligent & regression as a classifier.
Fuzzy Systems Preprint pp. 1-8

4. Md. Rasel Mia Sujit Roy Neural Network and Support The proposed system could
Subrata Kumar Das and Md. Vector machine successfully detect and classify
Atikur Rahman "Mango leaf the examined disease with
disease recognition using neural average accuracy of 80%.
network and support vector
machine" in Iran Journal of
Computer Science Springer
4.1 Image Recognition
Image recognition is to extract the target features to be recognized in the image. The recognition
process is mainly divided into three steps:
 image processing
 image feature extraction
 image classification.
4.2 Roberts operator
A Method Of Using Local Difference To Find The Edge Of An Image

Figure 1:Schematic diagram of Roberts operator

4.3 Image Feature Extraction
 Image Feature Extraction refers to extracting the image information which
is invariant by zooming, translation, scale transformation or illumination,
and abstracting the image into some specific mathematical representation or
vector description.
The global feature of an image refers to the representation of all the features
such as the color feature, shape feature and texture feature of the image.
Local features of an image refer to the partial features of an image within a
specific region. They are only the local features of a region in the image.
Corner detection and speckle detection are commonly used in local
detection methods.
4.4 Image Classification
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) method abstracts the neural network structure of human brain
into a mathematical model, sets up a large number of neurons and connects each other to form a
simulated neural network structure, and gets the weight parameters of each neuron in the network
through data set training.
Firstly, the network parameters are adjusted and optimized by the image training set to improve
the accuracy and speed of image recognition and classification . Backpropagation (BP) network
and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network are commonly used at present.
4.5 Neuron Structure Model
Figure shows a simplified model of neuronal architecture. It is a nonlinear element with multiple
input and single output, and its relationship can be described as:

Figure 2:Neuron structure model

when the sum in Formula can be written as follows:

Among them, W0i = −θi , x0 = 1.

Figure 3:Feedforward network

Forward network (feedforward network): The forward network contains many layers, as shown
in Figure as the three tier network. The characteristic of this network is that only the neurons
between the two adjacent layers are interconnected, and there is no feedback between the neurons.
The feedforward network is divided into input layer, hidden layer and output layer. In the forward
network, nodes with computing function are computing units, and no computing units in input
Feedback network has feedback from input layer to output layer, that is, each node receives
both external input and feedback input from other nodes. It also includes the neuron output signal
back to its input loop feedback.
Accordingly, ANN learning can be divided into two types: supervised learning and unsupervised
learning. Training ANN is mainly used to complete mapping, clustering and constraint
optimization. Pattern classification and schema correlation can be considered as a specific form
of mapping input vectors to desired output vectors.

Figure 4:Feedback network

4.6 Plant Leaf Recognition Based On
Deep Learning
The ability to extract image features hierarchically, and train automatic learning features through
large amounts of data, the ability to extract global features and contextual information, has
greatly promoted the development of image recognition technology.
A large amount of plant digital image information is collected, whether in the training or testing
stage, multiple plant digital images can be used to replace the traditional research on
identification and classification methods of single plant images, that is, plant classification based
on image sets.
In image feature extraction, the feature expression learned in the first layer of the deep learning
network expresses the presence or absence of ‘‘edges’’ in a specific direction and position, and
then the pattern is detected The ‘‘similarity’’ abstracted from the image can be used as a
prototype to test the image to be recognized. If a similar prototype can be found, the image will
be recognized.
In order to improve the quantity and quality of training data and reduce over-fitting phenomenon
in training models, some commonly used data enhancement methods, such as translation
transformation and rotation transformation, are adopted in the research. Some blade images after
data enhancement.

Figure 5: Leaf image after data enhancement

The performance parameters of image segmentation before and after optimization. After wavelet
transform and filter optimization, the topological structure of image segmentation is greatly
optimized, with fewer nodes and better monitoring area are given in table.
The simulation comparison of topological reliability optimization of image segmentation in fig.

Table 1:Performance parameters of image

structure before and after image segmentation
Before After
optimization optimization
Row number 136 112
Column 97 65
Monitoring 346 543
Fig 6:comparision of image segmentation filtering optimization points
In this paper, plant leaves were collected and photographed from the local botanical garden, a
total of nearly 50 plant leaves were collected and photographed, each leaf took an average of 200
samples, of which 180 were taken as training samples, 20 as test samples. This experiment has
done several experimental studies:
(1) the validity of the recognition comparison of different features in leaf recognition;
(2) the comparison of recognition time and recognition rate of different recognition algorithm
training time;
(3) in the artificial neural network (BP algorithm), extract seven different plant leaf samples to
identify and compare.
A. Recognition Ratio Of Different Features
Experiments were carried out on leaf sample images. The proposed global features were
identified by statistical method, Hough transform method, corner detection algorithm and
watershed algorithm, respectively. The experimental results show that the average recognition
rate of plant leaf texture features is relatively low compared with other features. It is effective to
combine shape features and grain features to form feature vectors in plant leaf recognition based
on image analysis.

Table 2:Recognition rate of different features

Characteristics adopted Average recognition rate
Shape feature 88.72%
Texture feature 85.36%
Comprehensive characteristics 90.44%
B. Recognition Ratio Of Different Features
The results of training recognition time and average recognition rate of the 4 classification
methods are shown . Seven different plant leaves were extracted from the same batch of leaf
samples and tested by BP artificial neural network.

Table 3:Comparision of four identification methods

Recognition Training time Recognition time Average

methods recognition rate
KNN Adjacent _ 617ms 85.94%
Kohonen net 56s 394ms 86.78%
SVM Support 47s 646ms 86.45%
vector machine
BP neural network 118s 122ms 92.47%
As can be seen from Table , the recognition effect of the plant leaf recognition model is still
higher, and the average recognition rate of the seven plant leaves is as high as 92.38%. Among
them, the recognition rate of Camellia and peony is relatively low, and the leaves of these plants
are more common ellipse, easy to integrate with the background of the natural environment in the
field, the characteristics are not prominent enough, and the recognition difficulty is relatively
large. But as a whole, the recognition efficiency of plant leaf recognition model is still very high,
the scope of application is also very wide, and the usability is very strong.

Table 4:Leaf recognition rate of plants

Cuckoo Ginkgo Camellia Peony Clove Locust Begonia

Recogni 92.5 94.1 90.47 91.6 93.8 92.3 92.38
tion rate 4% 3% % 5% 3% 6% %
In this paper, the methods of plant leaf recognition based on digital image analysis are studied,
and the current methods of plant leaf recognition are classified. The technology of plant leaf
recognition based on image and intelligent analysis is introduced.
The relative shape features and leaf texture features are obtained by threshold segmentation,
edge segmentation and region segmentation. Aiming at the low recognition rate of current
classifiers, an artificial neural network classification method based on backpropagation error
algorithm (BP algorithm) is proposed to recognize plant leaves, and good results are obtained.
The experimental results show that the method of artificial neural network (BP) is effective and
provides a research direction for plant leaf recognition technology based on image analysis. The
method can be applied to plant identification, improved variety identification, plant ecological
monitoring and other aspects.
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