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Literature Review on

A Study of the future of the Sanitizer

Business post COVID -19

Submitted to: Prof Sunita Srivastava

By Vikhil Kotian
MMS A , 48
Objectives :

• To understand consumers and the industry experts opinion if the sanitizers will have opportunity post covid

• To understand if consumers opinion if they would still stock or buy in same quantity post covid as compared
during covid

• To understand consumers view point if the sanitizers will still be used more than once or twice a day aftre

• To understand consumers and the experts opinion whether the sanitizers will still be the 1st option for

• To understand consumers and the experts view point if there would still be a demand for alcohol based
sanitiizer or not

• To understand how often would consumers prefer to buy sanitizerspost covid

Methodology of the work done

Research design :

The study conducted on the future opportunity for the sanitizer business is a mix of both the primary and the
secondary type of the research which includes the the artciles already published to carry out a new research and also
the questionnaires formed to conduct a survey . Also the research includes both the quantitative and the qualitative
methods as well where the comparision of facts and figures are involved to get to a final result.

Data collection sources :

• The study involves secondary information analysis as well which is used to complete the research work is taken
from the different articles , research papers , websites , IBEF

• The study also involves primary data collection in this entire research work collected from the researchers own
questionnaires , textbooks , survey and the telephonic interviews .
Sampling plan

Sample size : The number of the respondents targeted for this survey would be 100 people

The area that will be targeted will be both urban and rural

Description of the questionnaire :

The questionnaire will be conducted to understand the future opportunity for the sanitizer business post covid 19 .
The target audience for the same will be both urban and rural consumers who would be asked about their
preference towards the sanitizers whether they would still continue to buy or not which type of sanitizer will they still
continue to buy , which would be the most preferable way to maintain hygiene , etc which will also help in
understanding whether there will still be demand for the sanitizers in the market . The questionnaire will not only
focus on the opinion of rural and urban consumers but also the opinion of the industry expert to get more precise
information about the sanitizers market in the future .
Questions to be asked to general people

1. Area of residence
2. which would be the most preferable way for you to maintain hygiene post covid ?
3. Which type of sanitizer will you still continue to buy in coming time or post covid ?
4. Which will be the important factor while buying sanitizers post covid ?
5. How often would you prefer to buy sanitizers post covid ?
6. What size bottle of sanitizer will you continue to buy after covid ?
7. How often you used to sanitize your hands during covid ?
8. Will you still prefer to sanitize your hands twice or 4 times a day post covid ?
9. Given a choice to select the sanitizer with both alcohol and non alcohol in it both being equally
effective which would you opt for ?
Questions to be asked to industry experts

1. What could be the opportunities and the challenges that this market would face owing to
outbreak ?
2. What are your plans to move ahead in this business post covid ?
3. Will there be any change in the strategy to market sanitizer post covid if so please describe ?
4. Which segment is likely to dominate the market backed by the outbreak ?
5. What are your thoughts on alcohol free or the organic hand sanitizers ? will that be an better
option or any opportunity than the alcohol based sanitizers ?
6. Do you feel whether the new or the local players in this sanitizer business will be able to sustain
in the long term ?
7. According to you what should be strategies or the steps to be taken in order to sustain in this
business post covid ?
8. Will the valuation of hand sanitizers remain constant in the coming years
General management

Literature review :

In this article the author is talking about the one of the largest sector which is FMCG which contributes around
20% to the GDP . The sector is also one of the major contributor to the employment opportunities which stands for
around 3 million. Talking in terms of the market share the rural segment accounted for 36% for their spending on
this sector in comparison to the urban population which stands for 55% and the growth drivers of this sector are
the lifestyle and the easy availability and growing awareness as well. The overall revenue generated from this
sector was 52 billion which would still increase to around 100 billion in coming years . The sector also witnessed
an FDI of US$ 16. 28 billion during April 2000 to March 2020.
This article talks about the competitor of the ITC which is the Nestle India having more than 2000 brands in
around 187 countries founded in 1866 the largest manufacturer of the consumer goods worldwide having
more than 400 factories that are ISO Certified and has been using latest technology in manufacturing process
and the largest share holders of the Loreal . With more than 30 of its brands having annual turnover of over
84 billion.Nestle India has also occupied 97 percent of the instant cereal market in India. Also the company
hold’s a strong position, with most of its product categories having more than 50 percent of the market share
in India.
This article speaks about Parle Agro, competitor of ITC. The company was founded in 1929 by Chauhan Family. With
so many categories of products they are in Some of the products of the Appy Fiz , Frooti , Bailley , etc. Innovation is
what keeps them keep going and differentiates them from other players in the market. Having the net worth of 2500
crore and almost 4000 channel partners. Today this company is an 2000 crore orgfanization also with its new product
b fizz which would become a market of 1000 crore and also with a anual turnover of over 1 billion dollar
This article speaks about Britannia which is the competitor of ITC, another leading Indian company in the
FMCG market which is mainly into daily food essential like biscuits , breads , diary products, etc. It was
founded on 1892 headquartered in kolkata having its presence in almost 60 countries around the globe . As
of 2017 it successfully acquired 40% of bread and biscuits market and also net revenue of Rs 7 million. It is
the leading biscuit manufacturer having a 33% of market share of the overall biscuit market . The company
is also into the other category like the diary products contributing 5% to the revenue and having the reach
to around 1,00,000 outlets .
The article was written by Nikhil Agarwal in Field assist on 24th April 2019 where he talks about the major
challenges the sector is facing is Mismanaged supply chain , environmental issue , consumer health and
safety issues , delivering personalized promotions and many more which the company needs to stay more
focused on also When the companies are operating in such a sector they also need to keep in mind the raw
materials they use or the packaging system they have should be in a Eco friendly and less harm to the
customers and many other things as well . Also due to availability of social media and almost all the
information about the products or the company could be obtained the companies cannot mislead or cheat the
customers by false data or the product.
The article was published on 6th of August 2015 where the author talks about the different opportunities faced by this
sector that in this sector the demand for the personal hygiene products has been seen a hike this is because people
have become more conscious about themselves and also the spending capacity of people has increased in the
recent times there has been a increase in the health and wellness space where in people are more likely to prefer
less oily foods and the snacks rather they would go for the healthy diet so the companies have the option to try out
something new
The article was taken from the IBEF published on November 2020 where in it talks about the potential of this
sector in the future which is majorly from the rural areas and it is expected to grow by almost 220 billion by 5 years
down the line Also there would be increase in the organized sector when compared to the unorganized sector
because people are more conscious about the brand or the quality of the product they are consuming . This sector
has the great potential ahead as the demand for the food products are also seeing a hike in demand the report
also shows that around 40 to 50 % of the purchase related to FMCG products are been done online and it is still
expected to grow in the coming future .
The article was published on 31st of December 2019 where the author discusses about the various emerging
trends in this sector like the digitization , shopping on various social media platforms , availability of foreign
brands and also direct to consumer model .There is an increase in the use of the internet even in the rural
areas which would encourage them to make their purchase from the online platform. In this sector the
companies have to face the challenge while dealing with the middlemen and so by implementing this model
would cut the cost and also makes the purchase of the customers more beneficial for them . People have also
started shopping through the social media page of the companies where in they get the better opportunity to
connect with the shoppers and even get the personalized products with having an option to encounter wide
range of the products and also get updates on the upcoming products . where in following such trends would
be beneficial for the companies to deliver better service to the customer with cost cutting and connect more
with the cusstomers.
The article was published on june 5 2020 wherein it talks about the how there would be a shift in demand for the
sanitizers post covid in the coming years . It is said that the global hand sanitizer market is expected to grow at
CAGR of over 17 % in around 2019 - 2025 also the average market for han sanitizers globally would be witnessing
a huge rise of around 600% during the coming years. And the reason for the growth in this business now and in the
future is the introduction of the fragrance based sanitizers , influence of the internet , organic hand sanitizers ,
people becoming health conscious and other promotion activities . Also the market for the organic hand sanitizers
are emerging as people are becoming aware of ill effects of the chemical based sanitizers
The article was published on May 05,2020 wherein it talks about how the India’s Sanitizer Market grew after
Corona Virus outbreak.The size of this category touched Rs. 43 Crore in March from Rs. 10 Crore a year ago. A
total of 152 new manufacturers started making sanitizers commanding 61% Market and 46% value share.
Demand for the sanitizers surged to 87% in April from 58% in March. The pandemic is changing consumer
behaviour and needs to a greater extent. The market is currently witnessing supply of bigger SKU’s. Once the
lockdown is lifted smaller SKU’s will enter.
The article was published by BW Online bureau on 13th May 2020. The report provides insights on the strategic
shifts the FMCG Industry will face in the coming months and the change in behavior of the Consumers. The
global pandemic has led to a change in the attitudes of consumers around the world. The report is divided into
various categories including home, surface, fabrics and personal care. It indicates that there is a steady growth in
the launches of the products with clean claims. About 81% of the consumers in West India have used Hand
Sanitizers more than before compare to 67% in North India. There is also high usage of Hygiene products among
the older age groups. In April 2020 alone, there were 2.2 million searches for Hand Sanitizer which is a year over
year increase.
Digital Campaign Analysis of Hindustan Unilever Ltd for
Body , Hair and oral care category

Submitted to: Prof Sunita Srivastava

By Vikhil Kotian
MMS A , 48
Objectives :

• To understand if the digital campaign help people recall the brand or the product

• To understand the target audience in the digital platform for the campaign run for body , hair and oral care

• To understand the different digital platform used by the company for conducting a campaign for the

• To understand the message given by the brands in this category through digital platform

• To understand if the digital campaign has the impact on people’s buying

• To understand if people would pefer digital campaign over the traditional form of advertising

• To understand the objective behind the beauty & personal care product category to run this campaign
Are you aware of the digital campaigns run for the body , hair and oral
category ?

l Yes
l No
How do you know about the brands of body , hair and oral care products of

l By word of mouth
l By television ad
l Through digital medium
l Through pamplets , newspapers , etc
Have you been watching the campaign for the brands of HUL 's body
and oral care category in youtube , instagram , facebook , etc ?

l Yes
l No
Does the digital campaign run for the brands of these oral and hair care category of hul
helps you recall the brand ?

l Very likely
l Less likely
How satisfied are you with the digital campiagns run by HUL for the brands like close up ,
tresemme ,dove , etc ?

l Highly satisfied
l Satisfied
l Less satisfied
Which mode of advertising influences you to buy any of the brands for oral and hair care
product ?

l Newspapers or magazines
l Television ad
l Digital media
l Word of mouth
Which factor do you like the most in the digital campaign run by the brand like HUL ?

l Social message
l Innovative idea
l Offers or discounts
l Others
Which would be the most preferable way for you to get updates on any new launch from the
brands of HUL ?

l Advertisement
l Reference group
l Internet
How much would you rate digital platform compared to television ads in terms
of making an impact ? ( 1 being lowest and 5 the highest)

Findings from the survey

l A study was conducted on digital campaign analysis of beauty , hair and oral care product of Hindustan Unilever Ltd
i.e to understand whether the digital campaign has an impact on people’s buying , does it help them recall the
brand , whether people would prefer digital platform over traditional advertising , whether digital campaigns help
recall about brand , etc .

l Respondents were ask if they were aware of the various campaigns run by the brand and if they really helped them
recall the brand for which more than 70 % of them were aware about the campaigns run by the campaign and 75
% of them found that those digital campaign do help them recall about brand and which ultimately impacts their
buying as well and it tends to have a stronger connection with a brand than brand recognition which means that
reaching out through digital mode could prove to be one of the effective way for the company to have an impact
on their customers mind and reaching out to its customers .
l During this survey I even wanted to understand whether people would prefer digital or the traditional way of
advertising and which mode influences you to buy any of brands of oral and body care category and majority of
the respondents would prefer digital platform which is 61.7% of them followed by that 56.7% getting influenced
through television and remaining for reference and newspaper and by seeing this we can say that the company
should continue focusing more on digital and television ways to promote their products as they could engage
more people through these platforms as more people are already present on the social media which also causes
daily interaction with the brands .

• From this survey i even found that the people are aware of the digital campaign run by the company in various
platform like instagram , facebook , youtube , etc for the most of the products of body , hair and oral care products
which means that the company is on a right track for promoting its products to its target audience as majority ofthe
audience have a presence on social media and it is a great source to get to knwo anyhting and everything about the
brand and also get to interact closely with the brand and that also more than 60% of the respondents are satisfied
with the digitally run campaigns by the company which shows a support towards it as well .
l The respondents when asked about which is the one factor that you look for or you like the most in the
digital campaigns run by the company for its products in which 35% of them said that they like the
social message which the company gives through its campaign and ultimately promoting their brand as
well . And the second preference people gave it to the innovative idea like the example of Sun silk
shampoo were they introduced a mobile game which keeps people engaged . Seeing all this we can say
that the company should continue focusing on these two aspects as people remeber such campaigns
which has something unique idea and a message to give to the people and also this digital way is
proving successful and people are liking it .

l The respondents were even asked to rate the digital platform in comparison of the traditional television
ads in terms of numbers 5 being the highest majority of them voted for 3 , 4 and 5 which might also be
because that people are more involved in social media and other digital platforms and it is the easiest
way to get updates on any product or the brand to reach out the people effectively and it feels more
interactive with the customers with low cost and also find new markets as well where in companies can
even hire the brand ambassadors as well to market their products and also people feel more connected
than through television ads .
Thank you


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