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Prof. Dr. I.Dudani

• the Latin verb 'adolescere', which means, "to grow
up." It can be defined as the transitional stage of
development between childhood and full
adulthood, representing the period of time during
which a person is biologically adult but emotionally
not at full maturity. It represents the period of time
during which a juvenile matures into adulthood.
Period: 10-19 years, 1.2 billion adolescents
worldwide ,85% live in developing countries.
characterized by :
1.Appearance of secondary sex characteristics
to adulthood.
2.Change in psychological ,social and mental
3.Sense of identification, new relationship with
opposite sex, may develop tobacco, alcohol or drug

• Early adolescence: 10-13 yrs, spurt of growth

physical, sexual and mental.
• Mid adolescence : 14-16yrs,strong sense of
identity, relates more to peer group. Thinking
becomes more reflective.
• Later adolescence: 17-19yrs.Develops fully.
Have more settled ideas and opinion.
Features of adolescence
• Rebellion: Rebels against his or her parents for
independence and freedom. Reject opinion,
attitude and advice of parents. Accused them
of being old fashioned or out of touch.

• Concern about looking good: looking for own

identity. Spent more time in bathroom and
bedroom, experiment with many ways of looking.
• Increased peer group allegiance: peer group
friendship become very important and a lot of time
is spent in company of friends. This influence
adolescent's behavior, appearance and ways of
speaking etc.
• Increased Sex Drive: major characteristics of
adolescent. Due Hormonal changes and sexual
development they become more interested in sexual
matters . All adolescents need clear information and
guidance regarding sexual development, and about
forming close relationships.
• Increased Aggressive Drive:become more
assertive in making demands from adults.
When they do not get their own way, they
may become more physically resistant and
• Mood Swing: Due to physical and hormonal
changes their mood change rapidly.
• Unpredictable Attitudes and Opinions: Try out
varieties of attitude and behavior.
Health services needed
• Adolescence are often thought of as a healthy
group. However many adolescence die
prematurely due to accidents, suicide, violence,
pregnancy related complication and other illness
that are preventable and treatable. Many more
suffer chronic ill health or disability. Many serious
diseases in adulthood have their roots in
adolescence for eg. Tobacco use, STI(HIV),poor
eating and exercise habits lead to illness later in
• Adolescence is a phase of rapid growth and development
during which physical, sexual and emotional changes
occur. Adolescents are not homogeneous group and their
needs vary with their gender, stage of development, life
circumstances and the socio economic conditions in which
they live.

• WHO, along with its partners, UNICEF and UNFPA,

advocate an accelerated approach to promoting the
health and development of adolescents and young people
in the second decade of life
Health services needed
• Confidential counseling and health services
• Keep record of growth and development
Also of behavior habit.
• School heath services –comprehensive
• Support of community, family and youth

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