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• Refers to the application of some strategies to make the textbook
more effective and flexible. The process of changing or adjusting the
various parts of a course book is closely related to the reality of
dealing with learners in the dynamic environment of the classroom.

• Materials adaptation involves changing existing materials so that they

become more suitable for specific learners, teachers or situation.

Learner-centeredness and critical
awareness development

• The materials should put learners at the center of the learning process and make
them input providers .
• Teachers should be facilitators and co-ordinators
• Materials adaptation, should be shared between - materials developers.
• Teachers and learners
Flexibility and choice
• Materials should be flexible
• -should provide choice
• -should enable learners to develop a variety of skills and learning styles
• -encourage them to experience a wide range of tasks and approaches
• -they also become more independent learners.

• Learners themselves become more flexible learners

• -Learners can be encouraged to experience them all
Open-endedness & aesthetic experience
Aesthetic experience originated from (the theory of Aesthetic Response by
Rosenblatt (1995)
- refers to the process of reacting spontaneously when reading literary texts
(typically represents the immediate response to language and literature)
- involves interaction between readers, language and texts
Aesthetic experience and Materials adaptation
-Aesthetic Experience promotes the subjectivity of texts and their various
they should, not only be based on right/wrong testing and practice but, rather, they
should also focus on open-ended tasks and texts
• to draw a link between the adaptation process and reading
-open-ended materials, have the potential to become relevant to the learners
when they fill those gaps with their ideas, interpretations and discussions.

• It is only at this level that materials become relevant and potentially more
effective for learning development.
• The materials should be based on
-Universally appealing topics
-culturally provoking
-culturally specific but, at the same time, they are present in all cultures.
• A rich source of this type of topics comes from:
-life experiences,
Authentic and non-authentic input
• In order to expose the learners to realistic input.

-Materials should be based on authentic texts

• In order to draw the learners’ attention to certain linguistic features

with activities based on texts selected from authentic sources a

-combination of authentic and non-authentic tasks

Provocative topics and tasks
• In order to make learning more engaging and perhaps
also more humanistic
• Materials should include topics and activities that can:
• potentially provoke a reaction,
• Provide an aesthetic experience, whether it be positive
or negative, that is personal and subjective.
• the adaptation process is considered at two levels
- adapting materials with the purpose of making them effective and relevant to
a specific classroom;
-adapting materials with the purpose of changing their objectives, in order to
reduce the distance between research and classroom practice.
• Developing critical awareness of learning and teaching is the main aim of adapting
and evaluating courses;
• learners can become, the main input providers, the teacher’s role is simply that of
facilitator, co-ordinator and monitor.

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