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What is pollution
Pollution is the introduction of
contaminants into the natural environment
that cause adverse change. Pollution can
take the form of chemical substances or
energy, such as noise, heat, or light.
Pollutants, the components of pollution,
can be either foreign substances/energies
or naturally occurring contaminants.

1. dolly jadoun 51
2. sonia 57
3. anshu 74
4. divya 92
5. ankit kumar 108
6. gulshan verma 109
7. mushkan 31
Types of pollution
Causes of pollution
Pollution from vehicles: Carbon monoxide gas is
generally emitted by cars and trucks and when we
inhaled CO, it blocks oxygen from reaching out to
our main vital organs such as brain and heart. Also,
excess emission leads to environmental pollution.
 Emission of fossil fuel: Various power plants
that burn coal as the main fuel that’s too heavily
result in the production of smog. Though smog is
also produced from vehicles here the quantity is
much higher. The result is a toxic gas which now
surrounds our planet

Rise in Carbon Dioxide: well, you all know why is this happening

right? The answer is simple i.e. deforestation. Trees are the only possible
thing on this planet which can control heat as well as carbon dioxide but
unfortunately, very fewer trees are left and gases are on the rise.
 Radiation all over the world: Ever heard of solar radiation? It is
radiation that comes directly from the sun but because the earth has its
own protective layer called the ozone layer it prevents sun harmful
radiation to enter earth but now depletion in the ozone layer has been
started and because of this many skin related problems are on the rise.

Industrial waste : Industries (especially manufacturing

industries) release a high level of gases and chemicals in the air
polluting the environment.. These pollutants lead to various
health issues for humans and animals as well
 Chemical Agricultural Activities: Without agriculture
activities food is not possible but an increase in demand for food
and related things resulted in contamination of soil and water
Effects of pollution

On Plants and Trees: Effects on plants and trees are higher and still
increasing. Do you know about acid rain? Yes, it has a direct impact on
small plants especially growing ones. As the water from acid rain mixes
with soil and contaminate it. Also, we are cutting trees so, how small
plants will grow securely?  By conserving forest we may save ourselves and
future generation
Effects on Animal’s life cycle: Yes, acid rain affects  negatively on
animals’ skin as well as on their health as they drink water from ponds and
rivers and the composition of rain with them leads to toxicity. Also,
because of land pollution microorganism will die and will have negative
effects as it kills our first layers of the primary food chain.
 Effects on Humans: We create pollution and now we die because of
it. The effects of pollution on humans lead to severe long-term damages to
our health. All the respiratory system problems like skin disease or asthma
problems or even cancer are associated with it.

Climate Change & global warming :Climate change is

a global issue we are currently dealing with. The rise of
pollution levels is disturbing the climatic condition across
the world.
 Increased level of environmental pollution is also
responsible for the rising of Earth’s temperature,
commonly known as global warming.
Pollution control
Pollution control, in environmental engineering, any of a variety of
means employed to limit damage done to the environment by the
discharge of harmful substances and energies. Specific means of
pollution control might include refuse disposal systems such
as sanitary landfills, emission control systems for
automobiles, sedimentation tanks in sewerage systems,
the electrostatic precipitation of impurities from industrial gas, or the
practice of recycling. For full treatment of major areas of pollution
control, see air pollution control, wastewater treatment, solid-waste
management, and hazardous-waste management
Much is being done to control, monitor and rectify
damage done by pollutants. The problems are diverse and
some are only being recognised but it is important to keep
a close control over pollutants so that we can maintain the
environment in an acceptable condition for future

We need to take pollution issue seriously because

ignorance is certainly not the proper way to go. The stakes
are really high and world needs to wake up and start
acting right now because environmental issues are
constantly growing in both number and size.

Aren't we aware of the different problems

occurring in our nature, especially in different
bodies of water? We, humans are only creating
problems that consequently we will also carry the
burden of these problems. We all know how
important environment is.


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