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Fluid part Cellular
plasma part

Function of the blood
1- transport of gases , nutrients, waste products,
hormones .
2- homeostatic role – temperature regulation
3- contain buffer regulation
4- protective functions
5- contain substances that prevent blood loss
6- estimating the level of chemical substances
inside the body
Characteristics :
1- the plasma is about 55% of the total blood
2- the plasma is consist of 91% water ,7%
proteins , 2% nutrients in addition to hormones
and electrolytes
Function of plasma
1- the medium in which the blood cells are
transported around the body
2- helps to maintain optimum body temperature
3- help to control the ph of the blood and the body
4- helps to maintain an Ideal balance of
electrolytes in the blood and tissues
The red blood
(erythrocytes )
Characteristics :
1- RBCs formation in bone marrow
2- are non –nucleated cells
3- life span is 90-120 day
4- normal count is about 4-6 millions per mm3
5- the count is higher in males than females
6- the main function is gaseous exchange
7- it’s a disc bioconcave shape to increase surface
area , flexibility and decrease fragility
Characteristics :
1- are irregular shape
2- it has sticky surface that enable it with
other substances to form clots
3- the main function is clotting factors
4- the normal value is 150,000 to 450,000
per cubic mm3
The white
blood cells
Characteristics :
1- formation in bone marrow
2- the main function is defense mechanism
3- its lacks to the red protein ( HB)
4- normal range 5,000 – 11,000 mm3
Classification of WBCs
According to morphology :
1- Granulocytes
2- Agranulocytes
*) the term granulocyte is due to presence of the
granules in the cytoplasm
*) each type of WBCs found in the blood in
different proportions :
1- in neutrophils : 50% - 70%
2- in eosinophils : 2%- 4%
3- basophils : 0.5% - 1%
4- monocytes : 3% - 8%
5- lymphocytes : 20% - 40%
Characteristics :
1.Very active phagocyte bacteria and present in a
large number in the pus of the wonnds
2.Have nucleus with 3-5 lobes and fine evenly
distributed granules with pink colours in it is
3-The granules include enzymes kill bacteria
Characteristics :
1-It has abi-lober nucleus (two lobes) with red
golden coloured granules in the cytoplasm

2-primarily deal with parasitic infection

3-causes allergies such as asthma

Characteristics :

1_has blue granules and single

2_basiophils responsible for
allergic,by releasing
histamine causing
Characteristics :
1-are much more common in the lympatic system
2-formed in the bone marrow .
There are two types of lymphocyte
3- T lymphocyte (mature in the thymus gland) and
lymphocyte (mature in bone marrow
4- This cells play an important role in our immue
Characteristics :
*this cell is the largest leucocyes
*share phagocytosis function of neutreophils ,but
are much longer lived as they have an additional
* It is bean shape , and cytoplasm is abundant and
light blue.

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