W6 - Facebook Ads - Kiddie Klin

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Kiddie Klin
Facebook Ads Report
About Us
Kiddie Klin is a platform engaged with expert Social Media Team
laundry specialist with focus to baby gear with the
latest advanced technology : UVC Light

Iffa Debian Irham Qinthara

Hi-Tech Machine Free Pick Up and Delivery

Rani Ravi Vivi

Good Guarantee
Executive Summary
Drive 80 Leads with cost IDR 342K
@kiddieklin kiddieklin.online
Total Leads 80 Total Spends 342
K Follower 107 Visitor 425
Impressions 14,854 CPC 1.8K Account Reached 6548 View 1031
12% 88%
Reach 11,624 CPL 4.2K Male Female Interactions 402

Link Clicks 186 CTR 1.2%

● Group Target: Leads 50 vs CPL 5,000
● In average leads increase around 1.6 times compare to previous day, this
one because we focus to continue Ads with good performance and create
new Ads with new content after we had learning on the previous day
● At the same time we stopped some Ads that did not give ‘leads’ and added
cost in Ads that gave us highest impact on the conversions
Facebook Structure

66k 40k 30k

Facebook Structure





Target Audience
Prospecting Re-engagement

Age: 20-40 yo Age: 20-40 yo

Gender: Female & Male Gender: Female & Male

Location: Location:
Indonesia,Jakarta,Semarang; Malang, Surabaya, Indonesia
Yogyakarta; Bandung, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang
Custom Audience:
Interest: 1.KiddieKlin LP and IG Visitor
Laundry, The Family Travel, Baby transport or 2. LAL 1% KiddieKlin LP and IG Visitor

Behaviors: Engaged Shoppers

Parents: New Parents (0-12 months), Parents with
toddlers (01-02 years) or Parents with preschoolers
(03-05 years)
Day To Day Optimization Leads vs CPL

IDR 9.2K
IDR 7.2K
IDR 5.7K IDR 4.2K

44 80
3 17 23
15 Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb
Growth Leads 466% CPL Leads 76% CPL Leads 46% CPL Leads 81% CPL -
-44% -21% -21% 24%

AM ● FB: Run Ads ● FB: Stop low performance ● FB: Stop low performance ● FB: Stop low performance ● IG: Post content relate
● IG: Create @kiddieklin, post ● IG: Post ‘Prospecting Content’. Ads Ads to dad and mom with
first content ‘Coming Soon’, all of us put comment ● IG: Post content ‘how to ● IG: Post content with their babies
Follow selebgram that relate to order laundry’ information relate to baby
our target audience gear dirt

PM ● FB: Run Ads with more ● FB: Run Ads with content that ● FB: Run Ads with Engage ● FB: Run Ads with LAL 1% ● FB: Stop All Ads
personal picture content Stop more to the point on discount Shopper, Update promo Add double budget on
Low Performance Ads and less duration video 14 -> 4 validity perform campaign
● IG: Comment on selebgram seconds ● IG: Reply all DM from ● IG: Upload story and
post ● IG: Upload story & mention customer mention selebgram, act as
● LP: Put disc. price personal account then added ● LP: Update count down customer - give likes and
story promo comment on feed
Social Media Fun Fact
Demography Analysis
6400 idr
39000 idr

2200 idr

2032 idr 4800 idr

● Male still have 11.5% contribution to leads with 30% more expensive than female
● Age range 35-44 only have 1% lead with expensive cost
● The top three of region performance come from Jakarta, West Java and Banten

● Utilize ‘Male’ demographics only on prospecting campaign and create more creative campaign to lower CPL for Male (more straight forward
wording such as a good price, clear usp, and contact person and off course attracting woman model)
● Exclude Age 35+ as our prospecting target
● We’ll focus to reach All Jakarta, West Java (especially Depok and Bekasi), also Banten (Tangerang)
AdSet Performance Analysis
ASet Code Ad Set Name Leads Cost per Amount
Lead (IDR) Spent (IDR)
A Kiddie Klin_JADETABEK_Prospecting_Parents with Toddler 0 0 94,078
B Kiddie Klin_JADETABEK_Re-Engagement 2.0_Conversion_IG&LP Visitors_Auto 26 1,077 79,662

C Kiddie Klin_JADETABEK_Re-Engagement 3.0_Conversion_IG&LP Visitors_Auto 26 2,152 55,958

D Kiddie Klin_JADETABEK_Re-Engagement_Conversion_LP IG Visitors_Auto 10 1,440 29,157

E Kiddie Klin_JADETABEK_Re-Engagement 4.0_Conversion_LAL 1% LP Visitors_Auto 5 2,766 28,000

F Kiddie Klin_ID_Prospecting 3.0_Conversion_Engage Shopper_Feed Stories 5 5,831 18,235

G Kiddie Klin_JADETABEK_Re-Engagement 4.0_Conversion_LAL 1% IG Visitors_Auto 4 2,194 14,404

H Kiddie Klin_ID_Prospecting 4.0_Conversion_Engage Shopper_Auto 2 9,118 13,830

I Kiddie Klin_JADETABEK_Prospecting 2.0_Parents with Toddlers_Feed Stories 2 39,831 8,775

● Average CPL is 4,280 (IDR)
● AdSet B-C-D are have high performance because the right target audience, has improvement content (to the point, less duration, engaged shopper) these 3
actually similar only have differentiation on content (running period)
● Most of Ads using Auto for placement since it’s more effective than manual
● We will stop bad performing Ads (A, H, I) that not have personal content (moms with baby picture), too wording, long duration video
● We’ll continue AdSet B,C,D and combine into one AdSet, keep Auto mode on placement and increase budget until 20%
● We’ll continue AdSet E and G since we have great performance on IG (402 interaction) and LP (420 view) and increase budget until 15%
● We’ll continue AdSet F focus on region location in Jakarta, Depok, Tgr; review it regularly to monitor and make sure its CPL is going lower
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