Chapter # 7 Induction Motor: Week # 15, Lecture 42

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Chapter # 7

Induction Motor

Week # 15, Lecture 42

7.5: Induction Motor Torque-Speed Characteristics
• How does the torque of an induction motor changes as the
load changes?

• How much torque can an induction motor supply at

starting conditions?

• How much does the speed of an induction motor drops as

its shaft load increases?

To find out the answers to these and similar questions, it is

necessary to clearly understand the relationships among the
motor’s torque, speed, and power.

Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
No Load Condition
• Figure shows the induction motor operating at no-load. At no load
the rotor slip is very small and so the relative motion between the
rotor and the magnetic fields is small.
• The voltage ER induced in the bars of the rotor is very small and
the resulting current flow IR is very small.

• Also, because the rotor frequency is very

small, the reactance of the rotor is nearly
zero, and the maximum rotor current IR is
almost in phase with the rotor voltage ER.
• The rotor current thus produces a small
magnetic field BR at an angle slightly greater
than 90o behind the net magnetic field Bnet.
• Notice that the stator current must be quite
large even at no load, since it must supply
most of Bnet. This is why induction motor
have larger no load current compared to
other types of the machines. 3
Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
No Load Condition

• The induced torque which keeps the motor running is given by:

 ind  kBR  Bnet

 ind  kBR Bnet Sin
• Since the rotor magnetic field is very small, the induced torque is
also quite small---just large enough to overcome the motor
rotational losses.

Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
Machine under Loaded Condition
• Now suppose the induction motor is loaded down as shown in the
Figure. As the motor’s load increases, its slip increases, and the
rotor speed falls.
• Since the rotor speed is slower, there is more relative motion
between the rotor and the stator magnetic fields in the machine.
• Greater relative motion produces a stronger rotor voltage ER
which in turn produces a larger rotor current IR. With a larger
rotor current, the rotor magnetic field BR also increases.
• However, the angle of the rotor current
and BR changes as well. Since the rotor
slip is larger, the rotor frequency
(fr=sfe), and the rotor reactance
increases (ωLR).
• Therefore, the rotor current now lags
further behind the rotor voltage, and
the rotor magnetic field shifts with the
Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
Machine under Loaded Condition
• Figure shows induction motor operating at a fairly high load.
• Notice that the rotor current has increased and that the angle δ
has increased.
• The increase in BR tends to increase the torque while increase in
angle δ tends to decrease the torque (Tind is proportional to sin δ
and δ>90o).
• Since the first effect is larger than the second one, the overall
induced torque increases to supply the motor’s increased load.
• When does the induction motor reaches pullout torque?
• This happens when the point is reached
where, as the load on the shaft is
increased, the sin δ term decreases
more than the BR term increases. At that
point a further increase in load decreased
Tind, and the motor stops.
• For a typical induction motor, the pullout
torque on the curve will be 200 to 250
percent of rated full load torque of the
machine. 6
Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
Machine under Loaded Condition

 ind  kBR  Bnet

 ind  kBR Bnet Sin
Each term in the expression can be considered separately to
approximate the overall behavior of the machine.
1. BR
The rotor magnetic field is directly proportional to the current
flowing in the rotor, as long as the rotor is unsaturated. The current
flow in the rotor increases with increasing slip (decreasing speed).

Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
Machine under Loaded Condition
2. Bnet
The net magnetic field Bnet in this
machine is produced by the
magnetization current IM flowing
in the motor’s equivalent circuit.
The magnitude of the
magnetization current and hence
of Bnet is directly proportional to
the voltage E1. If E1 is constant,
then the net magnetic field in the
motor is constant.
In actual E1 decreases with
increasing current flow, but this
decrement is relatively small and
can be ignored.
Thus E1 (due to which Bnet) is
assumed to be Constant for
changing speed / slip / load.
Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
Machine under Loaded Condition
•3.  sin δ
The angle δ between the net and rotor magnetic fields can be expressed
in a very useful way. The angle δ is just equal to the power-factor angle
of the rotor plus 90⁰.

This term turns out to be the power factor of the rotor. The power factor
angle can be calculated as

Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
Machine under Loaded Condition
• Since the induced torque is proportional to the product of these
three terms, the torque-speed characteristic of an induction motor
can be constructed from the graphical multiplication of the previous
three plots

Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
Machine under Loaded Condition
This characteristic curve can be divided roughly into three regions.

1. Low-Slip Region
2. Moderate-Slip Region
3. High-Slip Region

 Low-Slip Region
In this region, the motor slip increases approximately linearly with
increased load, and the rotor mechanical speed decreases approximately
linearly with load. The rotor reactance is negligible, so the rotor power
factor is approximately unity, while the rotor current increases linearly
with slip.
The entire normal steady-state operating range of an induction motor is
included in this linear low-slip region. Thus in normal operation, an
induction motor has a linear speed droop. 11
Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
Machine under Loaded Condition
 Moderate-Slip Region
The rotor frequency is higher than before, and the rotor reactance is
on the same order of magnitude as the rotor resistance. The rotor
current no longer increases as rapidly as before, and the power
factor starts to drop. The peak torque (the pullout torque) of the
motor occurs at the point where, for an incremental increase in load,
the increase in the rotor current (BR) is exactly balanced by the
decrease in the rotor power factor (sin δ).

 High-Slip region
The induced torque actually decreases with increased load, since the
increase in rotor current (BR) is completely overshadowed by the
decrease in rotor power factor (sin δ).
Induced Torque from a Physical Standpoint:
Machine under Loaded Condition

• For a typical induction motor, the pullout torque on the curve

will be 200 to 250% of the rated full-load torque of the
machine, and the starting torque (the torque at zero speed)
will be 150% or so of the full-load torque.

• Unlike a synchronous motor, the induction motor can start

with a full load attached to its shaft.

Thank you

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