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• Optimized Production Technology (OPT) is a production improvement concept used to reduce
bottlenecks, increase throughput, reduce inventories and hence reduce overall manufacturing costs. It
is mostly used in manufacturing assembly companies.
• First introduced by Eliyahu M. Goldratt as Theory of Constraints (TOC) in his book The Goal.
• It is found that it would be best for small/medium size assembly companies to embark on using OPT to
improve their assembly throughput, inventories and operating costs before deciding to implement Lean
Manufacturing or Lean Six Sigma.
• The fundamental theory is that the manufacturing assembly line can only produce at the rate of its
bottlenecks. Three key performance indicators are used to monitor the results of performance in an
assembly line,
• Throughput
• Inventory
• Operating Costs
• The OPT method (Optimized Production Technology) is a method of production flow
management. It is essentially based on the identification and the removal of bottle necks,
origin of useless stocks in the production line.
• The aim of this method is to put a maximum just-in-time flow through the whole chain,
without creating any additional stocks.
• The low capacity resources are an obstacle to the daily output. If they are not identified and
taken into account in the planning, they will generate stocks that will not stop increasing at
their level.
• The OPT method is the management approach that offers working on the bottle necks of the
production line. In fact, these decrease the size of the production flow and increase the size of
the intermediate stocks. According to this method, we have to dimension the flow volumes
from the bottle necks capacity in order to avoid the development of useless stocks.
• The OPT allows you to do a better balancing of the flows on the whole logistical line. The
bottle necks are critical stations that need a meticulous monitoring.
• The limit capacity of a bottle neck determines the size of the flow that goes through the line.
The lateness on a bottle neck has a direct impact on the manufacturing and delivery times.
• The OPT system calculates the near-optimum schedule and sequence of operations for all a
manufacturing company’s work centers, taking into account priorities and capacities.
• Actually, OPT uses a set of “management coefficients,” which help determine the duration of
the fixed interval and the optimal batch sizes for each subassembly or component being
processed at each machine or resource.
• The system’s creators claim that OPT uses limited amounts of data, most of which are readily
available. They also stress that it makes use of an ideal batch size for each product at every
production stage.
• A model is an abstraction of reality or a representation of a real object or situation. In other
words, a model presents a simplified version of something.
• Modelling is about building representations of things in the ‘real world’ and allowing ideas to
be investigated; it is central to all activities in the process for building or creating an artefact
of some form or other. In effect, a model is a way of expressing a particular view of an
identifiable system of some kind.
• Models are:
• a means of understanding the problems involved in building something;
• an aid to communication between those involved in the project, especially between the
requirements analyst (a development role) and the user, as part of some deliverable;
• a component of the methods used in development activities such as the analysis of the
requirements for an artefact and the design of the artefact.
• The goal of modeling use is to adequately portray realistic phenomenon. Once developed
properly, a great deal can be learned about the real-life counterpart by manipulating a model's
variables and observing the results.
• Models allow the user to eliminate the unimportant details so that the user can concentrate on
the relevant decision variables that are present in a situation. This increases the opportunity to
fully understand the problem and its solution.
• Models are, in one respect, idealisations in the sense that they are less complicated than reality;
they are simplifications of reality. The benefit arises from the fact that only the properties of the
world relevant to the job in hand are represented. For example, a road map is a model of a
particular part of the earth's surface.
• Some models are replicas of the physical properties (relative shape, form, and weight) of the
object they represent. Others are physical models but do not have the same physical appearance
as the object of their representation. A third type of model deals with symbols and numerical
relationships and expressions.
• Classification in four main categories: physical models, schematic models, verbal models, and
mathematical models.
• PHYSICAL MODELS - Physical models are the ones that look like the finished object they
represent. Iconic models are exact or extremely similar replicas of the object being modeled.
• SCHEMATIC MODELS - Schematic models are more abstract than physical models. While they
do have some visual correspondence with reality, they look much less like the physical reality they
represent. Graphs and charts are schematic models
• VERBAL MODELS - Verbal models use words to represent some object or situation that exists, or
could exist, in reality. Verbal models may range from a simple word presentation of scenery
described in a book to a complex business decision problem (described in words and numbers).
• MATHEMATICAL MODELS - Mathematical models are built using numbers and symbols that
can be transformed into functions, equations, and formulas. They also can be used to build much
more complex models such as matrices or linear programming models.
• Models generally are easy to use and less expensive than dealing with the actual situation.
• Models require users to organize and sometimes quantify information and, in the process,
often indicate areas where additional information is needed.
• Models provide a systematic approach to problem solving.
• Models increase understanding of the problem.
• Models enable managers to analyze "what if" questions.
• Models require users to be very specific about objectives.
• Models serve as a consistent tool for evaluation.
• Models enable users to bring the power of mathematics to bear on a problem.
• Models provide a standardized format for analyzing a problem.
1. Define the problem, decision, situation, or scenario and the factors that influence it.
2. Select criteria to guide the decision, and establish objectives. A perfect example of this is the use of
heuristics in assembly-line balancing to guide the decision and the criteria of maximizing
efficiency/minimizing idle time as an objective.
3. Formulate a model that helps management to understand the relationships between the influential
factors and the objectives the firm is trying to achieve.
4. Collect relevant data while trying to avoid the incorporation of superfluous information into the model.
5. Identify and evaluate alternatives. Once again, the example of assembly-line balancing is appropriate.
The user can manipulate the model by changing the heuristics and comparing the final results,
ultimately finding an optimal solution through trial-and-error. However, the production of alternatives
may not be necessary if the model in use initially finds an optimal solution.
6. Select the best alternative
7. Implement the alternative or reevaluate

• Simulation: Simulation is conducting computer-based experiments with the model and predict
the real behavior of the system. It is an effective tool in saving time and minimizing the costly
trial and errors experiments. Simulation optimization is a process which finds the best input
variable values among all the possibilities available.

• Optimization: Optimization is a process or technique involved in a system, design, or decision

making in order to make it fully functional, perfect or effective as much as possible. An
optimization problem is a mathematical formulation wherein, design parameters or variables
needs to be identified or determined to achieve the best measurable performance or objective
function, by considering the given constraints.
• Simulation in manufacturing systems is the use of software to make computer models of
manufacturing systems, so to analyze them and thereby obtain important information. It has
been syndicated as the second most popular management science among manufacturing
• This technique represents a valuable tool used by engineers when evaluating the effect of
capital investment in equipment and physical facilities like factory plants, warehouses, and
distribution centers.
• Simulation can be used to predict the performance of an existing or planned system and to
compare alternative solutions for a particular design problem.
• So basically it allows organizations in the manufacturing industry to analyze and experiment
with their processes in a virtual environment, reducing the time and cost requirements
associated with physical testing.
• Successful companies need to ensure that the costs associated with time, equipment and other
investments are being considered and optimized.
• At its core, manufacturing simulation is an inexpensive, risk-free way to test anything from
simple revisions to complete redesigns, always with the purpose of meeting production goals
at the lowest possible cost.
• Simulation also provides a way to test and implement principles of Lean manufacturing and
Six Sigma.
• The application of simulation solutions has enabled the manufacturers, to decentralize the
entire process of manufacturing and also gave them access to real-time information exchange
between the stages of product manufacture life cycle.
• Since Product development processes are becoming increasingly more complex, due to
versatility and variations of products, industrial simulation has emerged as the only solution
which can address this variation.
• Get a 3D simulation of your facility and get a better visual understanding, as it gives an
experience like real life.
• You can start over again or change the manufacturing process or try different alternatives, it is
very user friendly. There is add/drop facility to build even the most complex systems, and
with a little knowledge about the commands in the software once can make the most of its
• Project of any size can be built in the simulation, so you get an idea about the inventory
space, the logistic support needed and right sizing.
• You can determine and eliminate the bottlenecks, which further helps to get an optimum
• Simulation solutions in an industry help the manufacturer to gain a better insight, into what their
operation needs. This insight would not only help them the manufacturers to save time but also use
the right resources at the right time.
• Simulation solutions enable manufacturers to understand the production system better. It is due to
this, that the manufacturers develop a tap over the utilization of resources within the production
facility. This in turn, not only helps in reducing the amount of waste produced but also helps in
attaining overall production efficiency.
• The simulation solutions help the manufacturers to get into the minute aspects of the production
process, identify problems involved and then accordingly design solutions for the same.
• Energy consumption is reduced when overdesign is avoided and valuable resources can be saved.
• The simulation solutions help the manufacturers to understand the functioning of the machinery in
their unit under severe conditions. This would help them to take precautionary measures for the
safety of human lives and the machinery. Virtual system simulation allows the manufacturers to carry
out tests for the most extreme situation, without putting health and safety of human lives at risk.
• Optimization in manufacturing is the discipline of finding the best alternative among a set,
under a specific criterion in the manufacturing environment.
• Manufacturing Optimization is a holistic discipline that enables manufacturers to get from
proto to mass production and beyond as quickly as possible, with as little waste as possible.
It’s a data-driven embrace of a better way – one that leverages emerging technology built on
the powerful shoulders of math.
• Manufacturing optimization is the practice of using data to build better products, faster, with
the goal of being more competitive.
• Product design optimization is a focused subset of optimization which takes into account the
shape, size, component assembly, desired functionality, and consumer lifestyle of a market
need in order to build the most effective device possible to meet the demand.
• Process optimization leads to working more efficiently. You eliminate unnecessary steps and
automate steps in the process to save time, reduce errors and avoid duplicate work. Especially
with frequent processes, the ones that take place every day, the increased efficiency through
process optimization can be of great benefit.

• By optimizing processes, you become more effective as an organization. You can act faster
and you become more flexible regarding customer requirements. When you use the right
software solutions you have more complete and more accurate information, enabling you to
help the customer better. Naturally, a higher level of customer service leads to more satisfied
customers and is in the interest of the entire organization.
• Much inefficiency in processes is caused by a lack of clarity. Who is responsible for what?
What information should be registered? What work was carried out by my colleague in the
other department? By looking at this critically you can quickly make progress. Making clear
agreements and communicating clearly with each other prevents confusion and problems.
And if it does go wrong, you know where in the process it happened and who was
• The business operations must of course be in line with the laws and regulations. Where this
undoubtedly is already arranged for most of the processes, there will probably also be room
for improvement.
• Processes that are strictly organized and carefully documented form the foundation for
continuous improvement. In a well-organized work environment, innovation, new ideas and
continuous improvement are stimulated. It also makes it easier to collaborate with other
departments and share best practices with each other.

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