Chapter 3

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Room acoustics

Chapter 3
When a sound wave hit any
surface in a room
The sound behavior when it encounters the end of the medium or an
obstacle, they will reflect, absorb and transmit .

Reflection, absorption and sound transmission

A sound wave doesn't just stop when it reaches the end of the surface
or when it encounters an obstacle in its path.

Angle of reflection = angle incident

Direct Field : the region in which the sound measured can
be attributed to the source alone without reflections. Early
reflections that reach the listener within 50 ms integrate
with the direct sound and can improve speech clarity.
Later reflections may have a negative effect on speech

Reverberant Field : the region in a 'room' where the

reflected sound dominates, as opposed to the region close
to the noise source where the direct sound dominates.

Sound Fields depend not only on the Sound Power and

directional characteristics of the Sound Source, but also
on the properties of any medium it passes through, is 
reflected by, absorbed or diffused by.
• Sound is reflected in different ways depending on the shape of the
reflecting surface:

Concave surfaces
Convex surfaces
• •
Concave surfaces cause
reflections to be concentrated . Convex surfaces are the best
surfaces for distributing
• This causes an abundance of sound.
reflection to be heard by the
• They provide a wide spread
listeners in the focal point, or
the point at which all of the of reflected sound
reflections are focused.
The prolongation of
the reflected sound
is known as
1. When a reflected sound reach the receiver at different time
and delayed.
2. The reverberation sound is heard differently from the original
3. It creates echo.
4. Reverberation is not wanted in a room depending on the
function of the room.

Alternate Time reflection

The effect of sound reflection (amplifier, sound mixer or
reverberation) depends on the time difference between the
original sound and the reflected sound at the receiver.
Time difference (second) effects
0.02 – 0.03 GOOD AMPLIFIER
0.03 – 0.07 MIXED SOUND
>0.07 ECHOES
1. The distance difference is the length taken by the sound from the source
to the receiver.
2. This distance must be controlled.
3. The distance difference shouldn’t be more than 11m and the best is not
more than 7m.
Difference = - travelled
in distance by
by direct
A B sound

J = (A + B ) - C

Describe the condition of
15 14 the reflected sound that
reach the listener/ in the

J = (A + B) - C
= ( 15 + 14) - 20
Time Effect
= 29 - 20
<7 Optimum amplifier = 9m
7 - 11 Good amplifier From the table, the effect
11 - 23 Mixed sound
> 23 Echoes
of the reflected sound is :

The room situation is –

good amplifier

1. Explain the condition of a space when a sound is reflected by a flat ceiling as shown below:

20 25

The Purpose
1. Reduce the noise level.
2. Avoid the sound reflection which can cause mixed, confused and
echoes sound.
3. Reduce the Reverberation time.(RT)

The sound
insulation to
absorb the

The noise is transmitted out The noise is contained inside.

Noise from the equipments in

AHU room.
Reflection at this points Absorbers at the ceiling
will cause mixed and will absorb the sound
echoes sound. and prevent echoes
Need reflector Reflector is
placed at this
point. To amplify
the sound.

Ceiling is being installed with reflectors and absorbers.

Absorption aim is to reduce the reverberation period. That is why the

absorption materials is placed throughout the room so that the
reverberation period is evenly distributed.
Sounds from reflections compete

Sound absorption controls echo

Reverberation Time Calculation

The area of the equivalent total sound absorption and the room volume determine
the expected reverberation time (RT).

The Sabine reverberation time equation can be used to obtain a simple estimate
of the sound absorption required to achieve a particular reverberation time,

A = 0.161 V/RT,
where the room volume is in m3 .

For example,

To achieve a 0.5s reverberation time in a 312-m3 room would require a total of about
100 m2 of sound absorption. If each person adds 0.75 m2 of sound absorption, 25
people would add 19 m2. Thus a further 81 m2 would be required to meet the 0.5-s
RT goal.
To meet a 0.7-s reverberation time goal would require only 72 m2 of sound
absorption or 53 m2 in addition to the sound absorption of the 25 people.
Types of rooms and activities
Different activities require different RT.
< 1 second is for speech
>1 second is for music.

The best RT
1. Shorter RT means clearer sound.
2. Longer RT causes mixed sound (good for music)

How to measure RT
Use Sabine formula

RT = 0.16V
RT = reverberation time
A = the absorption surfaces area
( total area of the components X Absorption coefficient)
V = volume of the room/space
Sound absorption
Sound absorption is the incident sound that is not reflected back.

When a sound wave strikes an acoustical material the sound wave causes the
fibers or particle makeup of the absorbing material to vibrate.

The more fibrous a material is the better the absorption; conversely denser
materials are less absorptive.

Factors that influence the sound absorption characteristic:

In general low frequency sounds are very difficult to absorb because of their long

The material thickness has the greatest impact on the material's sound absorbing
Factors in calculating RT
1. RT cannot be added or subtracted directly. Total RT can be obtained by calculating the absorption
2. Sketch the situation to help finding accurate measurement.
3. Any surface than is not touched, should not be included in the calculation
4. Prepare a table that includes all the related elements in the calculation.

Example calculation.

Example 1.
A 2000m3 hall is usually used for assemblies every Monday morning. Assume that the hall doesn’t have any absorption
materials that causes bad echoes. Calculate the RT of the hall if 200 students with absorption coefficient of 0.46 Sabine
use the hall for their activities.

Example 2.
A hall with a volume of 1500m³ has the following finishes that absorb sound at 500Hz.
Plastered brick wall --------400m² ---------0.02 Sabine
Plastic tiled floor ----------300m² ---------0.05
Plaster board ceiling ------300m² --------0.10
Students ----------100 people --0.46
Calculate the RT of the hall when 100 students fill the hall.
Calculate the extra area of sound absorption needed to be added in the hall so that it can suitably used for a speech
program next week. The optimum RT for speech is 1 second.
Absorption coefficient
1. It is the ratio of the acoustic energy absorbed and changed into heat energy.
2. Different types of materials and sound frequency has different value of absorption

Material Frequency (Hz)

125 250 500 1000 2000
Unpainted 0.36 0.44 0.31 0.29 0.39
concrete block
painted 0.1 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.09
concrete block
Brick 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04
Plastered brick 0.13 0.15 0.02 0.03 0.04

Glass window 0.35 0.25 0.18 0.12 0.07

Example 3

A hall dimension of 30m X 10m X 5m. There is an opening at one of the walls. The opening
area is 50 m². The wall is a plastered brick, the ceiling is from hard board and the floor is
made of wood block on the concrete. There are also 200 fabric type seats. The measured
RT of the emptied hall is 1.5second at 500Hz. Using the table given below, calculate the area
of the carpet needed as a sound absorption to reach the correct RT.

Materials Area Absorption coefficient

Dinding (-bukaan) 350 0.03
Lantai 300 0.15
Siling 300 0.05
Fabrik seat 200 0.28
Karpet x 0.50
RT = 0.16V
Materials Surface area Absorption Absorption
Coefficient surface A
(SABINE) (m²sabine)
S (m²)
Dinding 400 0.02
Lantai 300 0.05
Siling 300 0.10
Pelajar 100 0.46

Total Absorption Surface = m² Sabine

Question 1
A hall with a volume of 5000m³ has the RT of 1.6s. Calculate the total extra area of sound
absorption needed to reduce the RT to 1 second.

Question 2
A 900m³ room has a RT of 1second. Calculate the total extra area of absorption needed
to lower the RT to 0.8 second.

Question 3
Calculate the actual RT for a hall that has a volume of 5000m³ and the following details
on the finishes that are in the hall at 500 Hz :

finishes Area (m²) Absorption

Brickwork 500 0.03
Plaster on solid 600 0.02
Acoustic board 150 0.70
Carpet 350 0.30
Curtain 70 0.40
Seats 500 0.30
Question 4
From Question 3, Calculate the total extra area of sound absorption needed if the
optimum RT for the hall is 1.5second.

Question 5
A multi purpose hall has a volume of 120,000m³ . If the hall is empty, the RT of the
hall is 9 second. When there is an assembly, the hall has the RT of 6 second.
Calculate the number of audience needed to reduce the RT if each audience acts
as sound absorption coefficient of 0.46 Sabine.
Acoustic absorption materials
3 types :
1. Porous absorption
2. Diaphragm panel
3. Resonant absorption

The sound wave vibrates in the
cavity space/holes
The friction caused by the
vibration will turn the sound Cavity holes.
energy into heat energy and the
sound will reduce.
2 types of porous absorption
Acoustic “Popcorn” Ceilings
- an acoustic spray
Acoustic foam : charcoal Bonded acoustical cotton.
grey, fire retardant foam

Acoustic Wedges Pyramid Acoustic Soundproofing Mineral Fiber Acoustic

Soundproofing ceiling Board
• most popular industrial • Gypsum acoustic
noise source absorber ceiling board
1. Bulk type
The performance of this absorbents is better. For example : Foam and fiber
1. Curtains
a) The air gap between the glass window and the curtain acts as the
cavity space that trap the sound waves.
b) The trapped sound will reflected in the cavity area, slow down and
die in the end.
c) The curtain material itself is a good absorber.
d) It gives double impacts to sound absorption.
2. Carpets
It absorbs the sound/vibration on the floor.
Types of carpets:
• Cut pile yarn ( High absorption)
• Looped yarn (Less absorption)
The thickness and weight of the carpet influence the quality of absorption.
3. Akustik plaster
 In the form of semi plastic.
 The plaster is ether sprayed or laid
 It absorbs high frequency sound better.

4. Acoustic blankets
• Materials are from rock wool, fiber glass and hair felt (bulu
• It is usually placed in between the wood/steel frame and
covered by a thin protection materials such as wire mash.
NRC Ratings for Inexpensive Sound Absorbtion Material:
 Material  NRC

Audimute Sound Absorption Sheets 0.70

Sound Absorbing Carpet with or without padding 0.20-0.55

Polyurethane Foam (1" thick) 0.30

Auralex 1" Studio Foam Wedge 0.50

Sound Absorbing Drapery, light weight 0.05-0.15 

Sound Absorbing Drapery, medium weight 0.55

Sound Absorbing Drapery, heavy weight 0.60

2. Sheet types
It depends on the density, area and thickness of the materials.
Examples: Fiberglass wool, mineral fiberglass

Acoustic fiber panel Acoustic Fiberglass Fiberglass sheet is

panel placed on board.
This panel will vibrate at the frequency that is the same as the source
In reality, this panel in not elastic. That is why the sound energy will be
forced to stop vibrating and change it into heat energy.
heat energy received = absorbed sound energy.

This absorber is suitable for high

Sound frequency sound.

f = 60 / √ md

Panel f - frequency
m – density
d – distance from the wall
2. Diaphragm/membranes panel




For low and medium sound frequency, this absorber is not


To increase the ability to absorbed sound, blanket type of

absorber is placed on the wall surfaces.
This types is suitable for rough and tough places like gym, bowling alley,
machine rooms factories, bus/train stations and highways.

2 types of resonant absorption

1. Cavity resonator
It consists of a hard wall which has a small hole/opening in front.
Inside the block, it has a wide cavity area/space with small and narrow mouth/opening.

Sound that enter the
A mouth into the cavity
space will being reflected
A = Area or the mouth
continuously till all the
V = Volume inside the block.
sound energy is
V = volume of the mouth.
1. This concrete block
consists of a small
long mouth in front.
2. It also has hard walls
which will create cavity
space effects to the
3. It is suitable as sound
barrier walls.
4. The outside surface of
the walls can be
painted without
damaging the
absorption quality of
the wall.
Acoustic transmission in building design refers
to a number of processes by which sound can be
transferred from one part of a building to another
It is the weak sound energy which transmitted
through an object but it can damage the
building structures.
Airborne transmission - a noise source in
one room sends air pressure waves which
induce vibration to one side of a wall or
element of structure setting it moving such
that the other face of the wall vibrates in an
adjacent room.

Structure-borne transmission
1. Vibration from an operating fan may be
transmitted to the interior of the building
through building structure when the fan is
directly mounted on a supporting structure
without proper isolation.
2. The vibration transmitted may activate the
building structure to generate noise which
causes noise disturbance to residents inside the
The transmission loss (TL)
a) The definition - " The accumulated decrease in acoustic intensity as an
acoustic pressure wave propagates outwards from a source."
b) As the acoustic wave propagates outwards from the source the intensity of
the signal is reduced with increasing range due to:
1) Spreading
2) Attenuation
The term Transmission Loss (TL), or more commonly Sound Reduction Index (SRI) are used
to describe the reduction in sound level resulting from transmission through a material. This is
given by:

SRI    = 10 log (W source / W receiver) = 10 log (1/t) = -10 log (t)

Sound Transmission Loss (TL);

1. A door’s ability to reduce noise is called its sound transmission loss (TL) effectiveness.
2. TL is a value given in decibels, which is determined by measuring sound pressure levels at a certain
frequency in the source and receiving rooms.
3. The calculation also factors in the area of the partition shared by the two rooms, and adjusts for the
receiving room’s acoustic “liveness” (known as reverberation time).
4. The adjusted difference between the two levels is the TL of the door. The higher the TL, the better
the result.
Sound Transmission Class (STC):

1. TL measurements for a door are taken across a range of frequencies, which makes it
difficult to compare the effectiveness of different doors.
2. Sound transmission class (STC) ratings solve that problem by giving a single value to
acoustical performance for a door.
3. The higher the STC value, the better the rating and the better the performance
Transmission coefficient.

1. When sound is incident upon a building element some of it will be

reflected and some will be transmitted through the wall.
2. The fraction of incident energy transmitted is called the transmission
coefficient . The sound reduction index , is in turn defined in terms of
the transmission coefficient.


1. The sound reducing ability of a partition wall depends primarily on its mass per
unit area.
2. The Sound Reduction Index SRI or Transmission Loss TL of a partition
measures the number of decibels lost when a sound of a given frequency is
transmitted through the partition.
3. The sound reduction index is used to measure the level of sound insulation
provided by a structure such as a wall, window, door, or ventilator.

1. The basic measure of sound insulation provided by a partition is called

Sound Reduction Index (SRI) or R or Sound Transmission Loss(TL).
2. The unit is in dB.

Where 𝝉 = Transmission coefficient

Sound Reduction Index between 2 rooms:

Where Ls = Sound level in the source room (dB)

LR= Sound level in the receiving room (dB)
S = Partition/wall area (m2)
A = Absorption area of the receiving area (m2)
The transmission loss (TL) for a partition and the noise reduction in the room
The transmission coefficient 𝝉i

Where 𝝉 = Transmission coefficient

For composite partitions of n nos. of surface parts, the average

transmission coefficient TAV can be found from the following equation:

where Ti = transmission coefficients of the ith part

Ai = area of the ith part
A = total area of partition =
Example question 1
A 5m X 2 m wall is used as a partition between 2 spaces. If the wall SRI is 35 dB,
calculate the sound transmission coefficient of the same wall.

Example question 2
An office measuring 5m X 7m X 3m is adjacent to the factory hall.. The dividing
partition between the rooms is 6m X 3m. The SRI of the wall is 40dB. The sound
pressure level (SPL) in the factory is 80 dB. Calculate the estimated SPL in the
receiving room if the reverberation time there is 1 second.

Example question 2
Calculate the average transmission coefficient of the 5m X 5m wall partition that
has a door and a window on it. The SRI of the wall is 55dB. The 2m² window and
7m² door on the wall have the SRI of 35dB and 35dB.

Example question 4

A 20m2 brick wall is placed as an insulated partition with the sound reduction
index of 65 dB. A door is built onto the wall with the sound reduction index of
40dB. Calculate the area of the door if the SRI for both components is 50dB.

Actual sound reduction index in dB :

It can be seen that the poor insulation of the window of small area reduces the overall
insulation very considerably. If the window had fitted badly the insulation would be even
Example 4
A partition of total area 10 m2 consists of a brick wall plastered on both sides to
a total thickness of 250 mm and contains a window of area 2 m2. The
brickwork has a sound reduction index of 51 dB and the window 18 dB at a
certain frequency. Calculate the sound reduction of the complete partition at
this frequency.

Brickwork : if TB is the transmission coefficient of the brick, then

Window : if TW is the transmission coefficient of the window, then

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