Request Letter

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Week 2 :
AND Lutfiatun Nadia (4121901022)
Sania Aggasi (4121901024)
REPLY Aprilia Prastiana P. (4121901028)
Dian Digdayani (4121901029)

Kelas ABL 4A Pagi

Request Letter
Request letter or Enquiry letter, It is a formal letter,
written to enquire and get details regarding something
that a person is interested in. It could be written with
respect to an item that a person is interested in buying,
As the sender of an Enquiry letter needs
information about something, the enquiry letter must
mention the contact details of the sender where they said
information has to be sent. It must contain the particulars
of the thing enquired about.
Format Letter
Sender’s address
01 Include an email and phone number, if
02 Below address. Leave one space or line.

03 Receivers’s Address

04 The subject of the letter

Format Letter
05 Sir / respected sir / madam

06 • Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself, the purpose of
writing the letter, and make your request.
• Paragraph 2: Detail of the enquiry, give necessary
details on what you are asking for.
• Paragraph 3: Conclude / end.

07 Complimentary Closing

Sender’s name, signature and

08 designation
A response letter to a request is a Reply
Letter, which is an answer to some initial
letter. It provides information or relevant
answer to the initial inquiry. Some people
might have a certain concern, or they would
like to address an issue, therefore, writing a
response letter to such requests become very
Format Letter
Same with the request letter,
but on the body contain :
G ive
y and
qui r
e en tio n
t h
dge ion. n fo r ma
le i
c know ormat e la ted
ail inf n alr
t itio
01 de
Off erad d

02 p any
ur com nt.
y, if yo mome
m pan t the
co uest a
t anoth the req
es ndle
g g
Su ot ha k y ou.
n an
03 can t h
Acknowledging Receipt Of An Enquiry/Request
Add Text
• Thank you for your letter of … regarding / concerning / in
connection with …
• I refer to your enquiry about / relating to …

Explaining Action Taken As A Consequence Of The Enquiry

• I have (reviewed our available stock) …

• We held a meeting on 21 January to discuss possible solutions.

Apologizing And Rejecting Proposals

• While I appreciate your firm’s need for this information, I regret

that …
• It will not be possible to … for legal reasons. We are bound to …
Stipulating Action Requested Or To Be Taken
Add Text
• We shall arrange for … by …at the latest.
• I shall see to it that …
• Our company will arrange for …

Establishing Goodwill And Suggesting Contact

• I hope this suggestion/information will be useful to you.

• I hope this information will prove useful to you.

Making Suggestions / Recommendations / Pointing Out Pros And

Cons / Hedging

• The best choice would be … since …

• I highly recommend … as / due to the fact that …
Example Letter
Request Letter
From the example above letter, it can be
seen that parts of the inquiry letter is
 Masthead (header)
Listed address,if an agency / company, at
the head of the letter can also use
the letterhead of the company / institution
where you work and simply write the
destination address of the company.
 Letter dated (date);Examples of this letter: 15
february 2013
 Opener (openning) : always begins with a
 Request information
After the reference,you can continue to write
the application you want to get information.
Reply of Inquiry Letter
Thank You

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