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Unpacking the Self

Lesson 1 – The Physical and Sexual Self
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, you should be able
 Discuss the development aspect of the
reproductive system
 Describe the erogenous zones
 Explain human sexual behavior
 Characterize the diversity of sexual behavior
 Describe sexually transmitted diseases and
 Differentiate natural and artificial method
of contraception
Activity 1 – Defining beauty
Complete the sentences below 1,2,3,4
Activity 2 – Fill out the table below by listing
the common secondary sexual male and female
Male Secondary Sexual Characteristics Female Secondary Sexual

Activity 3 – Analysis 1,2,3,4 and 5

Activity 4 – Identity and explain the diseases
associated with the reproductive system
Activity 5 – Human Sexual Behavior
 Define Human Sexual behavior
 Identify the various types of human sexual
Activity 6 – Philosophy of Human Sexual
 Explain sexual responses on phases when
sexual activity is continued – 1,2,3,4
Activity 7 – Sexually Transmitted Diseases
-Explain sexually transmitted diseases. Give
examples of sexually transmitted diseases and
explain each.
Activity 8 – Natural and Artificial Methodology
A. Explain Natural Method and identify the
natural methodology contraception and
B. Explain the Artificial method and identify
and explain the different artificial method
Activity 9 – Application and Assessment
Answer and Explain : Are you in favor of
legalizing marriage among homosexuals and
transgender? Why?
Lesson 2 – To buy or no to buy? That is the
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain the association of self and possession
2. Identify the role of consumer culture to self
and identity and
3. Appraise one’s self based on the description
of Material self
Activity 1 – Debit Card Challenge
A wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use it
as much as you want to make yourself happy. What are you
going to do with it? Make a list of what you want to have.
Write as many as you want.
Activity 2 – Analysis Answer the following questions:
1. How do you feel as you do the debit card challenge
2. Which among the list you want the most? Why?
3. If ever you were given the chance in real life to have one
among the list, which would you choose? Why?
4. Does your choice differentiate from what you answer in
question number 2? Why or Why not?
Activity 3 – Draw and label the material self investment
Activity 4 – Application and Assessment
Lesson 3 – Supernatural: Believe it or not
Lesson Objectives
-Identify various religious
-Understand the self in relation with religious
-Explain ways in finding the meaning of life
Activity 1 – Answer these questions
1. When was the first time you realized that
there is a higher being than yourself?
2. How old when you then? And what made
you believe that there is a higher being?
3. Define religion and write the six basic
4. What is ritual? What is its
5. What are some of the world religious
beliefs and practices
6. What are the six assumptions of logo
7. Explain the sources of meaning of life
8. Make a reflection on Victors Franks
Sources of the meaning of life
Lesson 4: The Political Self of Being
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the student
should be able to:
 Develop a Filipino Identity
 Identify Filipino values and traits
 Reflect on your selfhood in relation
to your natural identity
Activity 1 – Who is Filipino? To answer the
question in one coupon long paste cut out
pictures or illustration from magazines and
newspaper that how what being a Filipino is
about at least four pictures.
Activity 2 – Analysis – Answer the questions 1-
4 in relation to what you have posted
Activity 3 – Explain in your own words the 13
Filipino values and habits by giving example
for each
Activity 4 – Explain few ways on how to be a
good Filipino
Lesson 5 – Who Am I in the Cyber world?
(Digital Self)
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson you should be able to:
1. Define online identity
2. Compare real identity versus online identity
3. Describe the influence of internal on
sexuality and gender
4. Discuss the proper way of demonstrating
values and attitudes online
Activity 1 – Construct 4 sentences that start
with “I am __ 3 of the 4 sentences should
be true about yourself. One statement
should be a lie something that you just
made up about yourself.
Activity 2 – Analysis
Read analysis and answer the following
Activity 3 – Explain selection of self
presentation and impression

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