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Why should I pass you in my

As a student who is enrolled English for
Occupational Purposes in this semester, the number
one reason that I should pass the subject it’s
because of our instructor Mr. David, he is not just
our instructor but also our mentor in EOP class. I
learned a lot from him, he help me improve in so
many ways not only for the better but for the best.
Why should I pass you in my subject?

I think that I deserve to pass because I

worked very hard and I’ve done all my
homework and assignments. And I am all the
time present and arrive the class on time. 
Why should I pass you in my subject?

Passing this class is very important to me

because this is a step that leads to my better career
and life. Even if we don’t meet regularly in class, I
did learn that if you have a passion on things, it
would be easier, and that something I did learned
from my instructor. 
Why should I pass you in my subject?
Because I did everything to pass every activity
that our instructor gave us. I always make sure that I
gave my very best to at least get a high score in every
exam. Most importantly, I believed I have greatly
enhanced my communication skill throughout the
course. In particular I feel I have improve my overall
ability to deliver ideas effectively and has developed
confidence in public communication. 
Why should I pass you in my subject?

This subject helps me grow as person, to be a

responsible person; I hope all my dedication and
hard work will pay off to this subject because I
really love this subject. I hope my instructor will
agree that I deserve to pass to his subject 

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