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Communication is an essential business skill

that encompasses reading, listening, speaking
and writing. Administrative communication
involve writing business correspondence such
as memos, notices, reports and latters,
speaking in meetings, and presentations and
listening to all levels of employees, co-
workers and superiors.
 Communication goals in business- the four basic goals of business communication are
receiver understanding, receiver response, a favorable relationship and organizational
 Patterns of business communication- that reflect their structure and purpose.
 Communication process- both sender and the receiver have a important roles in the
communication process.

The importance of communication in business

 A skilled business manager must be able to manage
 She must also be able to delegate
 Spearhead new ideas and assess business success and failures
 To be able to do any of this successfully
 A business manager must be able to communicate
 Types of communication
1. top-down communication
2. bottom-up communication
1. Frequency communication- manager not only need to be good communicators, they
also need to communicate with their employees frequently to stay abreast of changes
and assess new programs and polices. Business managers need to set up regular
opportunities for communication through online forum discussion, comment boxes,
individual meetings with employees or group discussion with specific committees.
2. Audience for communication- it’s important that managers have a keen
understanding of what subjects need to be communicated to which people in an
organization. Withholding information that’s appropriate for the entire organization
to know detrimental that organization’s success.
3. Communication traits- of successful business managers include being able to listen to
other’s ideas well and respond to them appropriately and clearly.
The Importance of Communication in the Organizational Structure
 Employee trust from effective communication
 Relationship
 Clarity
 Collaboration
Organizational Structure & Communication
 Function
 Features
 Benefits
 Consideration
 Potential
Communication Techniques in the workplace
 Determine your communication objective
 Analyze your audience
 Select communication tools- or a mixture of tools
 Create key messages
 Listen and learn
Strength & weakness is workplace communication
 Choose the appropriate audience
 Select the right medium
 Provide enough details in emails
 Use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar
 Verify facts
 Seek third-party review
What are the benefits of effective communication in the workplace
 Building a team
 Making things clear
 Managing diversity
 Dealing with problems
 Surviving catastrophe
What are the lines of communication in a business?
 Line power
 Line of technology
 In-person communication
What internal factors affect communication with stakeholders?
 Senior management advocate
 Communications research team
 Communications project team
 Communications project team lead
 Communications staff
Internal stakeholders- staff members are both a part of the stakeholder community and effective emissaries for business.
How are the external stakeholders of a company
 Customers
 Communities and government
 Suppliers and partners
 creditors
What are the stakeholders’ roles in a company?
The role of the stakeholders varies depending on the organization and particular project being develop or decided upon.
 Internal stakeholder roles
 External stakeholder roles
Business and the community
Must work together because they need each other. Business ensure profitability and sustainability, coordinating with
What is business communication?
Are critical for performing basic operations and for effectively running and managing a business.
 Technology and communication
 Internal communication true apps
 High level communication
 Formal communication
 Meetings and conferences
 Informal communication
External Communication- involve everything customer and public facing. External lines of communication directly impact the company
image and overall brand.
 Communicating with the community
 Communicating through marketing advertising
Role of business communication- most of business people have been in situations where lack of communication or poor communication
cause an adverse result.
 Communicating with one or many
 Business innovation
 Shaping company morale
 Sales and marketing

Purpose of communication in business
1. Features
2. Effects
3. Considerations
4. Misconceptions
5. Benefits
What role does business communication play in your day-to-day Activities at work?
Being able to communicate effectively is a valuable trait that can help your business career
flourish. Employers consider top-notch communication skills to be advantageous to their
companies, so both you-and your employer- can benefit from your ability to communicate well.
6. Building rapport
7. Resolving conflict
8. Meetings
7 C’s of Effective Business Communication
1. Concise
2. Complete
3. Conversational
4. Clear
5. Considerate
6. Confidence
7. Cheek
Barriers to effective business communication
 Audience needs
 Wrong communication channels
 Ensure understanding
Types of business communication
 Internal , upward communication
 Internal , downward communication
 Internal , lateral communication
External communication- is any communication that leaves the office and deals with customer, prospect, vendors
or partners.
What are communication channels with an organization?
 Face-to-face
 Broadcast media
 Mobile communication
 Electronic channels
 Written messages
What are communication strategy?
your focus as a business leader is to drive sales into your company and to generated high overall profits. The
marketing communication strategy is a fundamental in the goal, because marketing communication gets
consumer attention and entices consumers to reach out to your company.
A. Understand your demographics
B. Define your unique selling proposition
C. Be consistent in messaging
D. Use the right marketing avenues
How to determine the appropriate communication channel
Broadcast (radio and TV)
Face-to-face communication
Mobile communication
Social media
Types of marketing communication concepts
1. Clearly identifying and understanding the target audience
2. Differentiating from the competition
3. Developing key messages
4. Selecting communication channels
Understanding Production and Operations Management
Production is a scientific process which involves transformation of a raw material (input) into desired product
or services (output) by adding economic value.
Production through separation: it involves desired output is achieved through separation or extraction from
raw materials.
Production by assembly

Labour Capital material

INPUT Scientific Process Output-Services/Goods

Operations management-is an area of management concerned with designing and controlling the process of
production and redesigning business operations in the production of goods or services.
Operation strategy is essential to achieve operation goals se by organization in alignment with overall object of
the company. Operational strategy is design to achieve business effectiveness or competitive advantage.

Organization Business Product/Service SWOT Operation

Goal Goal Goal Analysis Strategy

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