Population Density

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Population density
Population density is the number of people per unit of area.
( per square kilometer or square mile)
The area may include or exclude for example areas of water or glaciers.
Commonly this may be calculated for a county, city, country, another
territory or the entire world.
Population density

Population density is often measured in three different ways:

 arithmetic density,
 physiological density, and
 agricultural density.
Population density

The total number of people per unit area of land
population (people) / land (square kilometer)
The total number of farmers per unit of arable land
population of farmers (farmers) / arable land (square kilometer)
The total number of people per unit of arable land
population (people) / arable land (square kilometer)
Population densities
densities (abundance/unit
(abundance/unit area)
area) provide
provide greater
greater informatio
nn on
on population
population status,
status, the
the effects
effects of
of ecological
ecological and
and anthropogenic
anthropogenic fac
tors, and
and population
population responses
responses toto conservation
conservation measures.
The population density of an area is the most im
portant determining factors for business and ma
rketing planning.
It is not enough to know how many consumers li
ve in a specific state or city. You have to know ho
w many people live in a particular radius. This wi
ll allow you to choose a location for a business t
hat is accessible to the largest amount of people
Physical factors

Physical factors that affect population density:

 water supply
 climate
 relief (shape of the land)
 vegetation
 soils and
 availability of natural resources and energy.
Human factors that affect population
density include social, political and
economic factors.
Let us continue our discussion………

What about here in our country, Philippines?

What city or province has the highest and

the lowest population densities?

What are their key drivers?

Key factors affecting our Pop Den:
 flat or gently sloping land.
 mild climate.
 good soils.
 lowland.
 water.
 good transport and communication links.
 places to work.
 resources, (natural, renewable, non-renewable).
Population size

Population size influences the chances of a species

surviving or going extinct.
Generally, very small populations are at greatest risk
of extinction. However, the size of a population may
be less important than its density.
Globally the average population density is 25 people per km2, but t
here are very large differences across countries.
Monaco led the ranking for countries with the highest population d
ensity in 2019, with 26,150.3 residents per square kilometer.
Many of the world’s small island or isolated states have large popula
tions for their size.
Macao, Monaco, Singapore, Hong Kong and Gibraltar are the five m
ost densely populated. Singapore has nearly 8,000 people per km2 –
more than 200 times as dense as the US, and 2000 times that of Aus
Of the larger countries:
1.Bangladesh is the most densely-populated
with 1,252 people per square kilometer;
this is almost three times as dense as its
neighbor, India.
2. Lebanon (595)
3. South Korea (528)
4. Netherlands (508) and
5. Rwanda (495 per km2)
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