Lesson 4 Anatomy and Physiology of Reproduction

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Humans experience various physical and emotional changes from childhood

to adulthood. These changes are gradual and progress at different ages and
speed in different people. These stages are based on human growth and
development from childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

This chapter focuses on the adolescent stage of human development, which

is characterized by dynamic changes in physical and behavioral traits. Despite
differences in physical and fulfill similar functions. Each person has a pair of
gonads: ovaries are female gonads; testes are the male gonads. The gonads
produce germ cells and sex hormones. The female germ cells are ova (eggs and
the male germ cells are sperm. Ova and sperms are the basic units of
reproduction; their union can lead to the creation of a new life.
Anatomy the study of
body structure in relation to
body parts. The female
sexual anatomy is designed
for the production and
fertilization of ovum, as well
as carrying and delivering
infant offspring. Puberty
signals the final development
of primary and accessory
organs that support
A. The female external genitalia consist of the following:

· vulva - all the external genital structures taken together;

· mons veneris- pads of fatty tissue between pubic bone and skin;

· labia majora - outer lips surrounding all the other structures;

· prepuce - clitoral hood (foreskin above and covering clitoris);

· clitoris - glans (heads, shaft, and crura (root), the clitoris is particularly sensitive to stimulation:

· labia minora - inner lips surrounding the vestibule where sweat and oil glands, extensive blood vessels,
and nerve endings are located;

· vestibule - area surrounding the urethral opening and vagina, which is highly sensitive with extensive
blood vessels and nerve endings;

· urethral opening - end of tube connecting to bladder and used for urination;

· vaginal opening - also called introitus; and;

· perineum - area of skin separating the genitalia from the anus; distance is less in females than males.

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