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Synopsis: Preeclampsia
Tim Ruangan Februari 2015


 Preeclampsia is much more than hypertension and protein- uria

complicating pregnancy – it is a syndrome affecting virtually every
organ system.
 Some organ systems are predominantly affected more than others

 Early preeclampsia (onset <34 weeks) is associated with greater

morbidity than late-onset preeclampsia.
Risk Factors
for PE
+ Risk Factors for PE
Pathophysiology of PE
 Cytotrophoblast invasion of
the uterus is shallow, and
endovascular invasion does
not proceed beyond the
terminal portions of the spiral
Normal Trophoblastic Invasion
Abnormal Trophoblastic Invasion in PE
Immunology of PE
Immunology of Trophoblastic Cells
Immunology of PE: Two Stage Model
Role of
Immunology of PE
Stage 1 of PE: Inadequate Trophoblastic Invasion

 Endometrium in an immune tissue.

 Uterine NK cells interact with HLA expressed by trophoblastic tissue

 have capacity to secrete cytokines and angiogenic factors 
promote infiltration of spiral arteries by invasive trophoblast.
 Inadequate activation of uterine NK cells may lead to inadequate invasion.

 Maternal T-cells may be activated as well to fetal HLA-C, but its role
is undefined.
Immunology of PE
Stage 2 of PE: Maternal Syndrome

 Associated with inflammatory response due to syncytiotrophoblastic

stress, hypoxia, or oxidative stress.
 PIGF, sVEGFR-1, soluble endoglin

 Endothelial cells mediate systemic and local inflammatory responses

by upregulation of adhesion molecules that anchor marginated
leukocytes (granulocytes, macrophages, NK lymphocytes).

 Coagulation system, liver, and adipose tissue also contribute factors

to the inflammatory response.
Updated: 4 stages of PE
Cerebrovascular Impact
 Gross intracerebral
hemorrhage was seen in up to
60% of eclamptic women, but
it was fatal in only half .

 Most common in the occipital

lobes and least common in the
temporal lobes

 Cerebral edema may occur,

but is frequently reversible.
 Vasogenic  more common
 Cytotoxic
Cerebral Autoregulation

 Autoregulation: process by which cerebral blood flow (CBF)

remains relatively constant in the face of alterations in cerebral
perfusion pressure
 Physiological protective mechanism that prevents brain ischemia during
drops in pressure and prevents capillary damage and edema from
hyperperfusion during pressure increases

 In normotensive adults, CBF is maintained at approximately 50mL

per 100g of brain tissue per minute (mL/100g/min), provided
perfusion pressure is in the range ~60–160mm Hg. Above and
below these limits, autoregulation is lost and CBF becomes
dependent on mean arterial pressure in a linear fashion
 Sudden elevations
in BP exceed the
normal CV
 Disruption of
endothelial tight
junctions (BBB) 
vasogenic edema
 Regions of
vasodilatation and
Mechanism of Seizure

 Seizures consist of excessive release of excitatory neurotransmitters

(especially glutamate), massive depolarization of network neurons,
and bursts of action potentials.

 Fluctuations in neurosteroid levels (progesterone and its metabolites)

during pregnancy result in selective changes in the expression and
function of GABA (inhibitory receptor) receptors that cause neuronal

 Preeclampsia is a state of altered neuronal GABA receptor function

as well, further making the brain hyperexcitable
Cardiovascular Changes in PE

 Myocardial Function
 Ventricular remodeling  adaptive response to maintain normal
contractality due to increased afterload of PE
 Diastolic dysfunction

 Ventricular Function
 Increased cardiac afterload due to hypertension
 Preload may be diminished
Cardiovascular Changes in PE
Platelet Changes & Activation

 Increased platelet activation, due to:

 Extrinsic factors: endothelial damage
 Intrinsic factors: alterations in platelet-binding sites
Platelet Changes & Activation
The Liver in PE

 Macroscopic lesions:
 Periportal hemorrhage
 Ischemic parenchymal
The Liver in PE
 Clinical aspects:
 Symptomatic involvement, typically manifest as moderate to
severe right upper, midepigastric or substernal pain and
 Asymptomatic levation of serum hepatic transaminase levels –
AST and ALT.
 Hepatic hemorrhage or infarction may extend to form a hepatic
subcapsular hematoma under the Glisson capsule that may
rupture into the peritoneal cavity.
 Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
Role of
Antihypertensive Agents
Antihypertensive Agents
Antihypertensive Agents
Antihypertensive Agents

Pengukuran tekanan darah dilakukan pada posisi duduk nyaman,

cuff pada lengan atas sejajar dengan atrium kiri, pasien tenang dan tidak
berbicara selama pemeriksaan. Pengukuran dilakukan setelah 5 menit

Proteinuria is not absolutely required for the diagnosis of preeclampsia

Preeklampsia ringan
vs berat
 ACOG 2013 tidak
pembagian ini, karena
morbiditas dan
mortalitas tetap
meningkat signifikan
pada keduanya.
 Disarankan:
preeclampsia without
severe features
Perubahan pada Kriteria ACOG
 Proteinuria tidak secara absolut dibutuhkan untuk
diagnosis preeklamsia.

 Proteinuria masif (> 5 g) dihapuskan dari kriteria beratnya

preeklampsia, karena hubungan antara jumlah protein urin dan
luaran kehamilan sangat minimal.

 Pertumbuhan janin terhambat dihapuskan dari kriteria

beratnya preeklampsia, karena tatalaksananya sama saja
pada pasien dengan atau tanpa preeklamsia.
+ Temuan yang Membutuhkan
Pengawasan Lebih
Bila diagnosis preeklamsia belum ditegakkan tetapi
ditemukan gejala/tanda berikut, diperlukan pengawasan
lebih ketat:
 New-onset headache or visual disturbances
 Nyeri abdomen, terutama kuadran kanan atas atau epigastrium
 New-onset proteinuria pada paruh kedua masa kehamilan
 Peningkatan TD sistolik > 30 mmHg atau diastolik > 15 mmHg

Edema atau peningkatan berat badan yang cepat bukan

kriteria diagnostik dan tidak sensitif maupun spesifik
untuk preeklamsia.
+ Upaya Pencegahan yang

 Aspirin dosis rendah (60-80 mg / hari)

 Direkomendasikan pada perempuan dengan risiko tinggi
 RR 0.90 (0.84-0.97), penurunan risiko hingga 17%.
 Efek samping minimal.

 Kalsium (1.5-2 g / hari)

 Direkomendasikan pada perempuan hamil dengan baseline
calcium intake rendah (< 600 mg/hari)
 RR 0.45 (0.31-0.65) pada semua perempuan hamil.
 RR 0.36 (0.20-0.65) pada perempuan hamil dengan baseline
calcium intake rendah.
+ Upaya Pencegahan yang
Tidak Direkomendasikan
 Suplementasi antioksidan dengan Vit C dan Vit E
 Bed rest
 Pembatasan asupan garam
 Penggunaan diuretik

Prinsip Tatalaksana PE

1. Safety of the woman and her fetus

2. Delivery of a mature newborn that will not require

intensive or prolonged neonatal care.

CBC, liver enzyme, creatinine
at least once weekly

Daily kick count
USG every 3 weeks
AFI once weekly


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