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How to convert a left linear

grammar to a right linear grammar

Roger L. Costello
May 28, 2014
This mini-tutorial will answer these questions:
1. What is a linear grammar? What is a left linear
grammar? What is a right linear grammar?

This mini-tutorial will answer these questions:
1. What is a linear grammar? What is a left linear
grammar? What is a right linear grammar?
2. Left linear grammars are evil – why?

This mini-tutorial will answer these questions:
1. What is a linear grammar? What is a left linear
grammar? What is a right linear grammar?
2. Left linear grammars are evil – why?
3. What algorithm can be used to convert a left
linear grammar to a right linear grammar?

Linear grammar

• A linear grammar is a context-free grammar

that has at most one non-terminal symbol on
the right hand side of each grammar rule.
– A rule may have just terminal symbols on the right
hand side (zero non-terminals).
• Here is a linear grammar:
S → aA
A → aBb
B → Bb
Left linear grammar
• A left linear grammar is a linear grammar in
which the non-terminal symbol always occurs
on the left side.
• Here is a left linear grammar:

S → Aa
A → ab

Right linear grammar
• A right linear grammar is a linear grammar in
which the non-terminal symbol always occurs
on the right side.
• Here is a right linear grammar:

S → abaA

Left linear grammars are evil
• Consider this rule from a left linear grammar:
A → Babc
• Can that rule be used to recognize this string:
• We need to check the rule for B:
B → Cb | D
• Now we need to check the rules for C and D.
• This is very complicated.
• Left linear grammars require complex parsers.
Right linear grammars are good
• Consider this rule from a right linear grammar:
A → abcB
• Can that rule be used to recognize this string:
• We immediately see that the first part of the string –
abc – matches the first part of the rule. Thus, the
problem simplifies to this: can the rule for B be used
to recognize this string :
• Parsers for right linear grammars are much simpler.
Convert left linear to right linear
Now we will see an algorithm for converting any
left linear grammar to its equivalent right linear
left linear right linear

S → Aa S → abaA
A → ab A→ε
Both grammars generate this language: {aba}

May need to make a new start symbol

The algorithm on the following slides assume

that the left linear grammar doesn’t have any
rules with the start symbol on the right hand
– If the left linear grammar has a rule with the start
symbol S on the right hand side, simply add this
S0 → S

Symbols used by the algorithm
• Let S denote the start symbol
• Let A, B denote non-terminal symbols
• Let p denote zero or more terminal symbols
• Let ε denote the empty symbol

1) If the left linear grammar has a rule S → p, then
make that a rule in the right linear grammar
2) If the left linear grammar has a rule A → p, then
add the following rule to the right linear grammar:
S → pA
3) If the left linear grammar has a rule B → Ap, add
the following rule to the right linear grammar:
A → pB
4) If the left linear grammar has a rule S → Ap, then
add the following rule to the right linear grammar:
A → p 13
Convert this left linear grammar

left linear

S → Aa
A → ab

Right hand side has terminals

left linear right linear

S → Aa S → abA
A → ab

2) If the left linear grammar has this rule A → p,

then add the following rule to the right linear
grammar: S → pA

Right hand side of S has non-terminal

left linear right linear

S → Aa S → abA
A → ab A→a

4) If the left linear grammar has S → Ap, then

add the following rule to the right linear
grammar: A → p


left linear right linear

S → Aa S → abA
A → ab A→a

Both grammars generate this language: {aba}

Convert this left linear grammar

original grammar left linear

S → Ab S0 → S
S → Sb S → Ab
A → Aa make a new
start symbol S → Sb
A→a A → Aa

Convert this

Right hand side has terminals

left linear right linear

S0 → S S0 → aA
S → Ab
S → Sb
A → Aa

2) If the left linear grammar has this rule A → p,

then add the following rule to the right linear
grammar: S → pA
Right hand side has non-terminal

left linear right linear

S0 → S S0 → aA
S → Ab A → bS
S → Sb A → aA
A → Aa S → bS
3) If the left linear grammar has a rule B → Ap, add the
following rule to the right linear grammar: A → pB

Right hand side of start symbol has non-

left linear right linear

S0 → S S0 → aA
S → Ab A → bS
S → Sb A → aA
A → Aa S → bS
A→a S→ε

4) If the left linear grammar has S → Ap, then

add the following rule to the right linear
grammar: A → p

left linear right linear

S0 → S S0 → aA
S → Ab A → bS
S → Sb A → aA
A → Aa S → bS
A→a S→ε

Both grammars generate this language: {a+b+}

Will the algorithm always work?
• We have seen two examples where the
algorithm creates a right linear grammar that
is equivalent to the left linear grammar.
• But will the algorithm always produce an
equivalent grammar?
• Yes! The following slide shows why.

Generate string p
• Let p = a string generated by the left linear
• We will show that the grammar generated by
the algorithm also produces p.

Case 1: the start symbol produces p

Suppose the left linear grammar has this rule:

S → p. Then the right linear grammar will have
the same rule (see 1 below). So the right
linear grammar will also produce p.

1) If the left linear grammar contains S → p, then put that rule in the right linear grammar.
2) If the left linear grammar contains A → p, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: S → pA
3) If the left linear grammar contains B → Ap, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: A → pB
4) If the left linear grammar contains S → Ap, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: A → p

Case 2: multiple rules needed
to produce p
Suppose p is produced by a sequence of n
production rules:
S → A1p1
→ A2p2p1
→ A3p3p2p1
→ An-1pn-1…p3p2p1
→ pnpn-1…p3p2p1 p (p is composed of n symbols)

Case 2 (continued)

S → A1p1
→ A2p2p1
→ A3p3p2p1 Let’s see what right linear rules will be generated
→… by the algorithm for the rules implied by this
→ An-1pn-1…p3p2p1 production sequence.
→ pnpn-1…p3p2p1

Algorithm inputs and outputs

left linear rules


right linear rules

Case 2 (continued)

S → A1p1 S → A1 p 1
→ A2p2p1
→ A3p3p2p1
→… algorithm
→ An-1pn-1…p3p2p1
→ pnpn-1…p3p2p1
A1 → p1 (see 4 below)

1) If the left linear grammar contains S → p, then put that rule in the right linear grammar.
2) If the left linear grammar contains A → p, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: S → pA
3) If the left linear grammar contains B → Ap, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: A → pB
4) If the left linear grammar contains S → Ap, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: A → p

Case 2 (continued)

S → A1p1 A1 → A2p2
→ A2p2p1
→ A3p3p2p1
→… algorithm
→ An-1pn-1…p3p2p1
→ pnpn-1…p3p2p1
A2 → p2A1 (see 3 below)

1) If the left linear grammar contains S → p, then put that rule in the right linear grammar.
2) If the left linear grammar contains A → p, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: S → pA
3) If the left linear grammar contains B → Ap, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: A → pB
4) If the left linear grammar contains S → Ap, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: A → p

Case 2 (continued)
S → A1p1
S → A1p1 A1 → A2p2
→ A2p2p1
→ A3p3p2p1
→… algorithm
→ An-1pn-1…p3p2p1
→ pnpn-1…p3p2p1
A1 → p1
A2 → p2A1

Case 2 (continued)
S → A1p1
A1 → A2p2


A 1 → p1 From A2 we obtain p2p1:

A2 → p2A1 A2 → p2A1
→ p2p1

Case 2 (continued)

S → A1p1 A2 → A3p3
→ A2p2p1
→ A3p3p2p1
→… algorithm
→ An-1pn-1…p3p2p1
→ pnpn-1…p3p2p1
A3 → p3A2 (see 3 below)

1) If the left linear grammar contains S → p, then put that rule in the right linear grammar.
2) If the left linear grammar contains A → p, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: S → pA
3) If the left linear grammar contains B → Ap, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: A → pB
4) If the left linear grammar contains S → Ap, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: A → p

Case 2 (continued)
S → A1p1
A1 → A2p2
S → A1p1 A2 → A3p3
→ A2p2p1
→ A3p3p2p1
→… algorithm
→ An-1pn-1…p3p2p1
→ pnpn-1…p3p2p1
A1 → p1
A2 → p2A1
A3 → p3A2

Case 2 (continued)
S → A1p1
A1 → A2p2
A2 → A3p3


A1 → p1 From A3 we obtain p3p2p1:

A2 → p2A1 A3 → p3A2
A3 → p3A2 → p3p2A1
→ p3p2p1

Case 2 (continued)

S → A1p1 An-1 → pn
→ A2p2p1
→ A3p3p2p1
→… algorithm
→ An-1pn-1…p3p2p1
→ pnpn-1…p3p2p1
S → pnAn-1 (see 2 below)

1) If the left linear grammar contains S → p, then put that rule in the right linear grammar.
2) If the left linear grammar contains A → p, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: S → pA
3) If the left linear grammar contains B → Ap, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: A → pB
4) If the left linear grammar contains S → Ap, then put this rule in the right linear grammar: A → p

Case 2 (concluded)
S → A1p1
A1 → A2p2
A2 → A3p3

An-1 → pn


A 1 → p1 From S we obtain pn…p2p1:

A2 → p2A1 S → pnAn-1
A3 → p3A2 → pnpn-1An-2
… →…
An-1 → pn-1An-2 → pnpn-1…p3A2
S → pnAn-1 → pnpn-1…p3p2A1
(this is the desired string, p)
→ pn…p3pn-1p2p1 37
We have shown that for any string p
generated by the left linear grammar,
the right linear grammar produced by
the algorithm will also generate p.

How we understand the algorithm
S → A1p1 These rules descend through the non-terminals until
A1 → A2p2 reaching a rule with terminals on the RHS, the terminals
A2 → A3p3 are output, then we unwind from the descent and output

the terminals.
An-1 → pn


A 1 → p1
A2 → p2A1
Make the rule with terminals on the RHS the starting rule
A3 → p3A2
and output its terminals. Ascend through the other rules.

An-1 → pn-1An-2
S → pnAn-1

How we understand the algorithm
S → A1p1
A1 → A2p2
A2 → A3p3

An-1 → pn

algorithm If the left linear grammar contains A → p, then

put this rule in the right linear grammar: S →
A 1 → p1
A2 → p2A1
A3 → p3A2

An-1 → pn-1An-2
S → pnAn-1

How we understand the algorithm
S → A1p1
A1 → A2p2
A2 → A3p3

An-1 → pn

algorithm If the left linear grammar contains B → Ap,

then put this rule in the right linear grammar:
A → pB
A 1 → p1
A2 → p2A1
A3 → p3A2

An-1 → pn-1An-2
S → pnAn-1

How we understand the algorithm
S → A1p1
A1 → A2p2
A2 → A3p3

If the left linear grammar contains S → Ap,
An-1 → pn
then put this rule in the right linear grammar:

A 1 → p1
A2 → p2A1
A3 → p3A2

An-1 → pn-1An-2
S → pnAn-1

Left-linear grammars generate
Type 3 languages
• Every left-linear grammar can be converted to
an equivalent right-linear grammar.
– “Equivalent right-linear grammar” means the
grammar generate the same language.
• Right-linear grammars generate Type 3
• Therefore, every left-linear grammar
generates a Type 3 language.

The algorithm shown in these slides comes from
the wonderful book:
Introduction to Formal Languages by Gyorgy Revesz


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