Raised Cosine Spectrum

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Raised Cosine Spectrum

We may overcome the practical

difficulties encountered by increasing the bandwidth
of the filter.
Instead of using
p( f )  2W W f 
 0 W
| f | W
we use
 1 W  f
p( f )  p( f  2W )  P( f  2W ) 
 2W | f |
 0


-2W+f1 - f1. f1. 2W-f1

B varies from w to 2w
Raised Cosine Spectrum
The frequency characteristic consists of a flat
amplitude portion and a roll-off portion that has a
sinusoidal form. The pulse spectrum p(f) is specified
in terms of a roll off factor  as follows:

 1
 0  f  f1
 1  W W
f1  f  2W  f1
p( f )   1  sin( f 
4W 2W 2 f1 
 0 f  2W  f1

The frequency parameter f1 and bandwidth W are related
  1  f1 /W
Raised Cosine Spectrum

where  is the rolloff factor. It indicates the excess

bandwidth over the ideal solution (Nyquist channel)
where W=1/2Tb.

The transmission bandwidth is (1   )W

Raised Cosine Spectrum
The frequency response of  at 0, 0.5 and 1 are shown in
graph below. We observed that  at 1 and 0.5, the
function P(f) cutoff gradually as compared with the ideal
Nyquist channel and is therefore easier to implement in

Raised Cosine Spectrum
The time response p(t) is obtained as

cos(2Wt )
p(t)  (sin c(2Wt))(1  16 2W 2 t)

The function p(t) consists of two parts. The first part is a

sinc function that is exactly as Nyquist condition but the
second part is depended on . The tails is reduced if  is
approaching 1. Thus, it is insensitive to sampling time

Raised Cosine Spectrum


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