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1. Assess patient’s need to

have linens changed 2. Determine if patient’s
present condition will
permit a change of bed
3. Determine how many and
what type of linens will be
4.Check patient’s unit for
available linen’s
5. Determine the patient’s prescribed
level of activity and any special
precautions in movement.

6. Assess patien’s ability to get

out of bed linen change
1. To provide a clean , comfortable sleeping and
resting environment for the patient

2. Determine irritants to skin by providing a

wrinkle free sheets and blanket

3. To enhance patient’s self image by providing a

clean, neat and comfortable bed

5. To properly dispose soiled linens

and not allow cross contamination

6. To correctly align patient to assist

in promoting a physically and
emotionally safe and comfortable

7. To prevent stress to the nurse’s back

of limbs during performing of
Articles Needed

1. Maintain good body alignment. Always

stand facing the direction in which you are
working on. Avoid twisting your body

2. When necessary to bend , bend on your

knees, not at the waist or back
3 . To miter:
a. Pick up the side edge of the sheet
approximtely 12 in from the corner of the
mattress. Hold it straight up and down. Parallel
to the side of the mattress

b. Lay the upper part of the sheet on the bed

c. Tuck the part of the sheet that is hanging below the

mattress smoothly under the mattress
d. Holding the sheet in place against the mattress with one
hand, use your other hand to the lift the folded part part of
the sheet lying on the bed and bring it down. Tuck it under
the mattress.
it under the mattress

4. Work on one side of the bed entirely first before going to

the other side .
5. Start working on the other side nearest
to you.

6. Folding , shaking and flapping of

sheets should be minimized as it
tends to stir up bacteria
7. Mattress used, generally should be firm to permit
good body support

8. Make closed bed only after the room has been

cleaned. In ward unit, make the bed only just prior to

9. For private rooms, windows and curtains must

be closed and door locked after work has been
10. For ward beds , bottom sheet maybe fitted sheet, hence,
no mitering of corners is required. Tuck in access materials
neatly on all sides

11. Do not allow beddings to touch the floor and minimize

contact with uniform.

12. When folding linens, fold it in outward motion . To

avoid inhaling dust particles.
13. Wash hands before and after bed making to avoid
contamination and spread of infection

14. Linens used on a closed bed should be included in the

linen inventory per shift

15. If there is no rubber draw sheet, there is no need to place

cottom draw sheet and vice versa

1. To remove dirty linens
in a systematic manner

2. To prevent loss of articles

3. To prevent spread of microorganism

STEPS: 1. Put the chair at the foot of the bed

2. Get pillow from bed and remove pillowcase.

3. Place pillow on chair and hang soiled pillowcase at
the back of the chair.

4. Loosen bedding starting from head to foot part beginning

at the opposite side of the chair. Raise mattress with one hand
when pulling out beddings with the other hand
5. Fold the top sheet from head to foot part .
Grasp the center hemmed edge and fold
towards the center in alternate method( pulling
sheet towards the worker)
6. Place the removed soiled top sheet in the
laundry bag.
7. Loosen the tucked or folded part draw sheet at the foot
part of the rubber draw sheet.

8. Grasp looseened of cotton draw sheet and fold at the center . Use
folded cotton draw sheet to wipe the rubber draw sheet ( from farther to
nearer in one direction only starting starting from head to foot part)
9.Fold rubber sheet at the center. Roll to form
a scroll and place on chair

10. Removed bottom sheet in the same manner like

that of the top sheet

11. Place removed soiled bottom sheet in the

laundry bag
12. Close laundry bag right after the
last soiled linen is placed 13. Place the chair to
where it was taken

15. Discard soiled linens in 14. Carry laundry bag

the hamper ( found at the correctly and properly to
soiled linen room) soiled linen room
2.Gather and prepare
the things needed:

-Pre-fold the - Gather linen at the edge to prevent speading of

sheet into 4 partsmicroorganism and touching the floor

-wider hem of sheet should be always towards the

head part as you work with it

-Make sure that the right or smooth side of the sheet

should touch the patient.

Folding of linens:
Topsheet fold into 4 parts, crosswise,
right side out; bigger hem outside

a. Pillow case - wrong side out,

folded into 2 parts

d. Bottom sheet -
fold into 4 parts ;
b. Cotton draw sheet - fold into crosswise wrong
two parts, wrong side out side out, smaller
hem outside

c. Rubber draw sheet -

fold into two parts ,
wrong side out
STEPS con’t
3. Bring all needed equipment at the
bedside. Place a chair at the footpart of
the bed

• - Arrange the linens at the back of the chair

• according to use; first item to be used at
• the bottom.

- Make sure centrefolds are on the

back of the chair. Place pillow on
the chair.
4. Put bed in flat position. If
working on a bed with a high
and low adjustment, place
bed on high position
5.Turn over mattress as necessary;
- check for tear or stain
- change if necessary ;
- move mattress to head part
- check for tear or stain
6. Place bottom sheet on the mattress
with the edge of the sheet
approximately at the edge of the
bottom end of mattress.

Centerfold should be located at the

lengthwise center of the mattress.
- - Unfold the sheet away from you.
- - Get the top end of the sheet and pull it to the
top, smaller hem of the sheet should be at the
bottom part. Face the direction where you are

- - Right side ( smooth side) of the sheet

- touching the patient
- Tuck in the excess length of the sheet under
the mattress at the head part.

- Miter corner , tuck in the excess material smoothly and

evenly at the end sides.
- Work at one side of the bed entirely first. If your facility
does not use fitted sheet, miter the corners. Sheets with the
mitered corners remain tucked better and appear neater than
sheets that are simply tucked under mattress.
7. Place rubber sheet in the center area
approximating the buttocks of
with centerfold along the center

8. Place cotton draw sheet in the

same manner as the rubber draw
sheet, smooth side up.
Tuck in the excess end of both rubber and cotton draw
sheet together on the side

9.Flap pillow, inspect for tear and and stain.

Replace if necessary. Keep the pillowcase
away from your uniform as you apply the
a. Grasp the pillowcase at the corner of the
closed end of the case.
10. Place top sheet with the top hem edge at the
head part of the bed adequately enough to cover pillows.

- - Centerfold at the center. Spread across. Pull

- down the top half towards the foot part.
- Smooth side touching occupant.
- - Tuck neatly and miter corner of foot part.
- - Leave sides hanging.
11. Proceed to work on the other side of the bed starting
with bottom sheet to top sheet and bed cover layer by
layer. Work from head part to foot part.

12. Pull sheets tightly by grasping loose end of sheet, with

both hands with knuckles up, palms down, before tucking
the sheets smoothly and firmly under the mattress.
13. Miter corner as necessary
14. Inspect made bed, make the necessary

15. Arrange bed, table and chairs.

16. Leave room/ward tidy, neat, clean.

- - is one which the occupant remains

- permanently on bed even when
- the linens are being changed.
Articles Needed:
General Consideration

1.Recall and consider steps on making close

bed .
2. Change linens and bed after necessary
aspect of physical care has been
3. Changing of linens is done as necessary
when it becomes soiled.
4. Change bedclothes before changing linens.
the body tubings ( drainage or
parenteral) where it is attached. Avoid
accidental removal , dislodgement or

6. Beware of precautions posted in places

near the bed or the headboard.
7. Make sure bed linens are free of creases
and other foreign material to help prevent

8. After the care of linens for proper

treatment and disposal by linen personnel:
A. CD Cases:
1. Classify and count linens. List in a piece of
2. Provide a chair outside the door ( soiled
pillow case from a non-CD case or a clean
pillow case ) where soiled linen can be put in.
Close opening of pillowcase well , label with
“CD” with the list of soiled linens discarded.
B. Linens soiled with feces or blood:

1. Place in a separate bundle.Label , “with

FECES or with BLOOD”

9. In case there is shortage of clean linens,

determine which beddings are to be


10.Work quickly and surely to minimize

disturbances as possible.
11. Use smooth coordinated movements in
working to avoid jarring the patient
causing discomfort

12. For patient with strictly restricted movements ,

ask for professional help ( nurse or auxiliary).
Steps: Occupied Bed

1. Explain the procedure.

2. Screen the patient

3. Secure things needed except rubber sheet ( if

already available) and place a chair at the foot
of the bed
• - prefold linens as necessary ( linen room of the
• station)
• - arrange materials according to use at the back of the
Steps: Occupied Bed

3. Top sheet - folded into 4 parts ,

lengthwise ( right side out; smaller hem on

Pillow case - fold into 2 parts crosswise, wrong side out

Bottom sheet - folded into 4 parts, lengthwise

( wrong side out; bigger hem
on top).
Steps: Occupied Bed

Ask assistance, let somebody to stay at the opposite


In the absence of help, elevate side rails of the

bed opposite the side where you will be
Steps: Occupied Bed

4. Lift head of the bed and move pillow to the opposite side.
Turn patient on one side away from you.
In cases where there is extra pillow, change first the pillow
case of the extra pillow, then lift the head of the patient to
the opposite side, and turn patient away from you

5.Starting at the one side nearest to you, loosen the sheets

from the head part to the foot part.
Steps: Occupied Bed

6. Push mattress up toward head part ( call for

assistance, if needed).

7. Fanfold or roll top sheet, rubber draw sheet, and

bottom sheet towards the patients back separately.
Tuck linens slightly and gently under the patient’s
(You may rub the patient’s back. Massage it firmly and
gently with lotion and alcohol or powder.)

8. Place the bottom sheet at the center of the bed (folded
into 4 parts, larger hem top)
Spread bottom sheet towards the head part. Face the
direction where you are working. Unfold the upper folds
toward opposite side (maybe rolled or unfolded). Tuck
slightly under patient’s side.

9. Tuck head part and miter the corner. Tuck in sides

neatly and smoothly (from head to foot).
10. Unroll rubber sheet. See to it that it is dry (if wet: wipe
with a soiled towel or end of the cotton draw sheet).

11. Place cotton draw sheet (folded crosswise, wrong side

out) along the center, spread upper portion and roll towards
the patient’s side.

12. Tuck excess cotton draw sheet at the foot part of the
rubber draw sheet, facing the direction of work.
Tuck together both ends of cotton and rubber draw sheet
on the side of the bed.
13. Remove pillow (if not changed with clean pillow
yet), change soiled pillowcase by a clean one.
Place pillow under the patient’s head (this time
at the center of the bed).

14. Place top sheet at the center of the bed.

(Folded into 4 parts, lengthwise, wrong side
out). Spread top sheet toward the foot part.
Face the direction where you are working.
Unfold the upper fold towards the opposite side.
15. Assist patient to turn towards you, while grasping the
edge of the top sheet (be sure to cover the body of the
Avoid contamination of clean top sheet with the soiled one.

16. Tuck foot part of the top sheet and miter the
corner. Request watcher/co-staff to transfer at
you side, or raise side rails if none is available.
17. Transfer to the other side of the bed ringing the
chair at the foot part.

18. Remove soiled linens.

- Loosen linens from head to foot part
- Fold soiled top sheet starting from head part to
foot part
- Remove cotton draw sheet, wipe the rubber
draw sheet (horizontal direction-from head part
to foot part in one direction; farther to nearer).
- Discard soiled draw sheet into laundry bag.
Roll rubber draw sheet and insert carefully at the
side of the patient.

Fold soiled bottom sheet from head to foot.

Discard soiled bottom sheet into laundry bag.
19. Unroll clean bottom sheet from head part to foot part
(with knuckles up; pull sheet to smoothen linens)
Tuck head part and miter the corner.
Tuck bottom sheet from head part to foot part.

20. Unroll rubber draw sheet, followed by cotton draw

sheet, then tuck together.
21. Turn patient to the center of the bed. Adjust pillow
and top sheet. Tuck foot part of top sheet and miter
corner. Loosen top linens over patient’s feet by grasping
them in the area of the feet and pulling gently toward the
foot of the bed.

22. Proceed with other required physical care.

23. Put both side rails up, place call button near the
patient before leaving the patient.

24. Proceed with after care.

25. Wash your hands


- An open bed is one assigned to be
occupied or currently being used with the
occupant out of bed.

Determine the patient’s condition to help

assess other requirements for care to
provide a complete set up.
Additional linen may be provided as
1. During chilly day or whenever indicated, a
wooden blanket maybe needed. Place on top
right side out just as you would a bed cover
except that the upper edge is under the folded
edge of the top sheet. It will approximately be
under the patient’s chin and adequate enough to
cover shoulders. Bottom part should be tucked
1. Proceed to steps in making a
close bed, no. 1-10.

2. Fold the top sheet as to expose pillow,

from head part of the bed to center of the bed
about 18 inches or 1 1/2 feet.
3. Go to the other side f the bed. Adjust
folded sheet so as to look neat and tidy.

4. Place the patient’s signal light to head part of the

bed, pillow or wherein it will be conveniently
within reach.
5. For new admission determine what additional items are
needed for his care and personal use.

6. Arrange furniture accordingly considering

convenience, neatness and safety.
- - Footstool maybe placed in the middle
- near the bed.
- - Over bed table maybe placed across the
- foot part.
7. If bed is with a high and low adjustment,
place bed in a low position.

8. Draw the window curtains open during

9. If windows are opened previously, determine
need for ventilation.
- - Close if air conditioner will be used.
- - Close during wet or rainy or drafts weather.

10. Check bed and room for readiness before leaving the

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