010 Matter and Energy

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Matter and Energy

Chapter 3


• Characteristics of the substance under


• Properties can be either

directly observable or
the manner something interacts with other
substances in the universe

Universe Classified
• Matter is the part of the universe that
has mass and volume
• Energy is the part of the universe that
has the ability to do work
• Chemistry is the study of matter
– The properties of different types of matter
– The way matter behaves when influenced
by other matter and/or energy

Properties of Matter
• Physical Properties are the characteristics of
matter that can be changed without changing its
– Characteristics that are directly observable

• Chemical Properties are the characteristics that

determine how the composition of matter changes
as a result of contact with other matter or the
influence of energy
• Characteristics that describe the behavior of

Classify Each of the following as
Physical or Chemical Properties
The boiling point of ethyl alcohol is 78°C.

Diamond is very hard.

Sugar ferments to form ethyl alcohol.

Classify Each of the following as
Physical or Chemical Properties
The boiling point of ethyl alcohol is 78°C.
– Physical property – describes inherent characteristic
of alcohol – boiling point
Diamond is very hard.
– Physical property – describes inherent characteristic
of diamond – hardness
Sugar ferments to form ethyl alcohol.
– Chemical property – describes behavior of sugar –
forming a new substance (ethyl alcohol)

States of Matter
• solid, liquid, gas
S tate S hape Vo lume Co mpre s s Flo w
S olid Ke e ps Ke e ps No No
S ha pe Volume
Liquid Ta ke s Ke e ps No Ye s
S ha pe of Volume
Conta ine r
Ga s Ta ke s Ta ke s Ye s Ye s
S ha pe of Volume of
Conta ine r Conta ine r

Liquid water
takes the
shape of its
Changes in Matter
• Physical Changes are changes to matter that
do not result in a change the fundamental
components that make that substance
– State Changes – boiling, melting, condensing
• Chemical Changes involve a change in the
fundamental components of the substance
– Produce a new substance
– Chemical reaction
– Reactants  Products

Classify Each of the following as
Physical or Chemical Changes
Iron metal is melted.

Iron combines with oxygen to form rust.

Sugar ferments to form ethyl alcohol.

Classify Each of the following as
Physical or Chemical Changes
Iron is melted.
– Physical change – describes a state change, but the
material is still iron
Iron combines with oxygen to form rust..
– Chemical change – describes how iron and oxygen
react to make a new substance, rust
Sugar ferments to form ethyl alcohol.
– Chemical change – describes how sugar forms a new
substance (ethyl alcohol)

Elements and Compounds

• Substances which can not be broken down

into simpler substances by chemical reactions
are called elements
• Most substances are chemical combinations
of elements. These are called compounds.
– Compounds are made of elements
– Compounds can be broken down into elements
– Properties of the compound not related to the
properties of the elements that compose it
– Same chemical composition at all times

Classification of Matter
M a tte r

P u re S u b s ta n c e M ix t u re
C o n s t a n t C o m p o s it io n V a r ia b le C o m p o s it io n
H om ogeneous

• Homogeneous = uniform throughout, appears to be one

– pure substances
– solutions (homogeneous mixtures)
• Heterogeneous = non-uniform, contains regions with
different properties than other regions

Pure Substances vs. Mixtures
• Pure Substances
– All samples have the same physical and chemical properties
– Constant Composition  all samples have the same
– Homogeneous
– Separate into components based on chemical properties
• Mixtures
– Different samples may show different properties
– Variable composition
– Homogeneous or Heterogeneous
– Separate into components based on physical properties
• All mixtures are made of pure substances

Identity Each of the following as a
Pure Substance, Homogeneous
Mixture or Heterogeneous Mixture

A stream with gravel on the bottom

Copper metal

Identity Each of the following as a
Pure Substance, Homogeneous
Mixture or Heterogeneous Mixture

– a homogenous mixture

A stream with gravel on the bottom

– a heterogeneous mixture

Copper metal
– A pure substance (all elements are pure substances)
Separation of Mixtures
• Separate mixtures based on different physical
properties of the components
– Physical change

Different Physical Property Technique

Boiling Point Distillation
State of Matter Filtration
Adherence to a Surface Chromatography
Volatility Evaporation
Energy and Energy Changes

• Capacity to do work
– chemical, mechanical, thermal,
electrical, radiant, sound, nuclear
• Energy may affect matter
– e.g. raise its temperature, eventually
causing a state change
– All physical changes and chemical
changes involve energy changes

• Heat: a flow of energy due to a temperature

1. Exothermic = A process that results in the

evolution of heat.
• Example: when a match is struck, it is an
exothermic process because energy is produced as
2. Endothermic = A process that absorbs energy.
• Example: melting ice to form liquid water is an
endothermic process.

Units of Energy

• One calorie is the amount of energy needed to

raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1°C
– kcal = energy needed to raise the temperature of 1000 g
of water 1°C
• joule
– 4.184 J = 1 cal
• In nutrition, calories are capitalized
– 1 Cal = 1 kcal

Example - Converting Calories to

Convert 60.1 cal to joules

1 cal  4.184 joules
4.184 J
60.1cal   251J
1 cal
Energy and the Temperature of
• The amount the temperature of an object
increases depends on the amount of heat
added (Q).
– If you double the added heat energy the
temperature will increase twice as much.
• The amount the temperature of an object
increases depends on its mass
– If you double the mass it will take twice as much
heat energy to raise the temperature the same

Specific Heat Capacity
• Specific Heat (s) is the amount of energy
required to raise the temperature of one gram
of a substance by one Celsius degree

By definition , the specific heat of water is 4.184
g C
Amount of Heat = Specific Heat x Mass x Temperature Change
Q = s x m x T

Example – Calculate the amount of
heat energy (in joules) needed to raise
the temperature of 7.40 g of water
from 29.0°C to 46.0°C
Specific Heat of Water = 4.184
Mass = 7.40 g

Temperature Change = 46.0°C – 29.0°C = 17.0°C

Q = s x m x T
Heat  4.184  7.40g  17.0C  526 J
g C
Example – A 1.6 g sample of metal that
appears to be gold requires 5.8 J to raise
the temperature from 23°C to 41°C.
Is the metal pure gold?
Q  s  m  T
m  T
T  41C - 23C  18C
5.8 J J
s  0.20
1.6 g x 18C g C
Table 3.2 lists the specific heat of gold as 0.13
Therefore the metal cannot be pure gold.

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