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We are your:

Marketing Agency

Lighthouse Media PH
Your digital guide to
We’re here to help you expand your skincare brand’s
influence online.
• Make your brand stand out online.
• Convert audiences to paying customers.
• Make marketing easier for you, while we
expand your business

Lighthouse Media PH
Now, where do we start?
We will optimize your profile to be more CREATIVE CONTENT AND
concise and accurate for your target STRUCTURE
We produce reliable, convincing, and
innovative social media content that brings
relevance to your brand and highlights
PRESENT YOUR PRODUCTS OR your product in order to engage with your
SERVICES followers and establish a vibrant and
We will create a marketing funnel unforgettable online presence.
designed for your business to convert cold
audiences into loyal customers.

Lighthouse Media PH


Lighthouse Media PH

Social marketing eliminates the middlemen, providing
brands the unique opportunity to have a direct
relationship with their customers.

-- Bryan
Bryan Weiner

CEO, Comscore

Lighthouse Media PH
Instagram Shop
Make the most use of Instagram Shop.
When we publish, we can add the price of the goods simply by
tapping the picture.
It will even take you to the Instagram Shop, which seems to be a
product catalog.
Facebook Ads
A major benefit of Facebook advertising is its ability to reach your exact audience. Facebook
• Reach
advertisement is one of the most popular types thousands
of online of people
advertising. Youoncan
Facebook andto
people by age, interests, behavior, and location. for Brand
If you really knowAwareness.
your customers, you can use
Facebook advertising to engage them. • Make them consider signing up for your
• Drive traffic to your website from social media.
• Sell online with targeted audiences.
• Re-market your products and services to people
who have known your brand.

Lighthouse Media PH
Facebook Ads
There are several considerations to be noted before making the advertisements for the business.

I. Creative II. Ad Copy III. Target Audience

• should be a thumb stopper, • concise and accurate • will be based on the research and
designed by our artist in • includes level of copywriting to interest of the persona we are
compliance with the Ad Policy by make the audiences read the looking for
Facebook whole message • location: we will be testing the
• show summary features of the location in which we can gather
product or services that you offer the right audiences for our ads
• concise and accurate with the
message and tone we are
Week 1: Preparation of Materials and Planning
Audience Research: we will create a persona for the audiences and look at their behaviors that
will fit your brand.

Competitors’ Research: we will do research for your competitors and look for their effective
techniques in which we can duplicate or innovate.

Creatives: Designing of creatives that will embody the message of our Advertisements to our

Sets of Ad Copies: We will create ad copies that will be concise and accurate for our Ads and will
be tested within the duration of our campaign.
Week 2: Campaigns Creation
We will introduce your brand to the appropriate audiences to perform the first touchpoint to them
as they are classified as cold audiences. These people are targeted with their interests and behaviors
that are recorded on Instagram and Facebook.

We will run 2-3 sets of campaigns to reach our goal. One is for brand awareness and the second one
will be the direct approach ad.

Campaign 1: Brand Awareness Campaign 2: Direct Approach; Lead

Generation or Conversion Ads
• This includes engagement with the
existing post and increasing the social • We will take on the direct conversion to
proof of your brand. optimized ads as we go along. We will
• Video Views Campaign is to increase be able to collect data within this week
the thru play of videos that are created. and might get our goal if we hit the right
Re-targeting will be done according to mix in our ads.
the response of audiences.
Week 3: Analysis And Split Testing
In this week, we will study the information we have gathered about the audiences, geographical
locations, types of ads, and ad texts that have been successful. Don’t worry. Even if we don’t have
the winning ad yet, we can use our powerful A/B testing platform to test variables and find a
winning combination.

We want our customers to make an informed decision when they’re ready to make a purchase.
That’s why we will do our re-marketing campaign that is designed to keep them up to date with the
latest news and offers about your brand. More likely, conversions and income generation will
happen this week depending on the outcome of our campaigns.
Week 4: Killing and Scaling
We’re expecting some good results from our latest campaigns. We’ll probably scale our successful
campaigns and stop the unsuccessful ones.

We can also try to optimize and scale our campaigns through Facebook Lookalike Audiences. This
will allow us to continue reaching the same kinds of people who already engage with our content.
Thank you!

Lighthouse Media PH

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