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• ICTNWK504 Design and implement

an integrated server solution

• Prepare for the design and installation of an
integrated server solution
• Plan and design integrated server solution
• Install and configure the integrated server
• Test and reconfigure network servers
• Complete and document network design and

 Consult with client and key stakeholders to identify server integration

 It is essential to take a range of preparation activities to prepare what the design
and installation actions should be to identify the requirements of integrating a
 Part of this will involve consulting with your clients and key stakeholders to help
with determining server integration requirements

 Client may include:

 External organisations
 Information and communications technology (ICT) company
 Individuals
 Internal departments
 Internal employees
 Service industry

 Stakeholders may include:

 Development team
 Information technology (IT) manager or representative
 Project team
 Sponsor
 User
Server integration requirements

 Server Integration requirements may refer to:

 Automatic synchronisation of passwords
 Central or synchronised identity management system to store information about
 Data availability for mobile devices
 Login with same user credentials across multiple platforms
 Password security across platforms
 Secure file sharing across multiple platforms
 Single sign-on

 Consultation is the process of collaboratively discussing a topic to collect,

analyse, process and provide a range of information
 Consultation is an important factor in a range of business processes including:
 Analysis
 Planning
 Decision making
 Problem solving
 Innovation
Consultative processes

 Consultative processes are an extremely important technique that must be

widely used during the design of an integrated server solution for an
 Consultative processes must be used at every stage of design and
implementation phases of an integrated server solution
 Involving all stakeholders on many levels across the organisation is very important
in making sure the improved integrated server solution is successful and
contributes to better IT solutions within the organisation that will support the
actions that need to be made within the organisation
Prepare for work, according to site specific
safety requirements and enterprise
occupational health
 When preparing to design and safety
and implement (OHS)
an integrated server solution for a client or
processes and procedures
organisation, it is essential to ensure that work is prepared for according to site specific safety
requirements and the organisations occupational health and safety processes and procedures
 Site specific safety requirements are a range of factors that are relevant to the particular site in
relation to safety and these can be determined through:
 Assessing of site OHS policies and procedures
 Site assessments
 Hazard identification
 Risk assessment
 Selection of controls
 Implementation of controls

 Hazards are a situation or thing that can cause a potential risk of injury, illness or death
 Once hazards have been identified using a series of workplace checking and safety audits then their
associated risks will be identified and then measured using a risk matrix which works out the correlation
between the type of injury that may occur and the probability of that type of incident actually
 Contact with electricity
 Spills

 Heavy lifting
 Working with flammable liquids
 Excessive noise
RISK assessment

 Once hazards and their associated risks have been identified they will need to
be recorded and ranked on appropriate risk assessment documentation
 Risk assessment documentation includes:
 Hazards and risks registers
 Risk matrix (Injury Vs Probability)
 Risk Rating Documentation
 The rating that has been applied to the risk will determine how quickly the
risk will need to be rectified
Controlling hazards

 In the workplace, there is a specific hierarchy of control that is used to

strategically and safely reduce and remove risks
 The hierarchy of control consists of the following steps and is always
performed in this order, only moving on to the next level of control if the
hazard is still causing a risk
 Eliminate the risk
 Substitute the hazard with a safer option
 Isolate the hazard
 Use engineering controls
 Use administrative controls
 Use personal protective equipment
Arrange access to site and advise client of
deployment and potential down times
 Once the OHS and other safety requirements for the specific site have been determined and
organised and it will be necessary to arrange access to the site and to advise the client of
deployment and potential down times for the integrated server installation that has been
 There are a number of reasons that appropriate site access approvals must be obtained prior to
commencing testing work and these may include:
 Legal reasons
 Safety reasons
 Site access requirement restrictions
 Site induction requirements
 Obtaining access keys and permits
Determine site access requirements

 It will be necessary to ensure that a range of communications are undertaken

prior to arriving on site and once onsite to ensure that all access
requirements can be obtained, understood and complied with
 It will be necessary to use effective and professional communication to seek
information from a range of departments, clients and site managers regarding
access requirements
 Determine:
 What the site access requirements are
 How these may be complied with
Obtain permits if required

 There are a range of other work permits that may be required for the specific
location or organisation that the work is being performed for and these may
 Access permits
 Organisational permits
 Permits from the client organisation
Advise client of deployment and potential
down times

 It will be necessary to ensure that the client is advised of deployment and

potential down times through the explanation of:
 All stages of the design and implementation process
 Actions that will be carried out
 Timeframes for each of the stages
 Times throughout the implementation process where downtime is expected
Consult appropriate personnel to ensure
the task is coordinated effectively with
others involved at the worksite
 When working with integrated servers on sites containing a large range of
other workers it is essential that high levels of communication and
coordination are used to ensure that completing work tasks with others is a
safe and informed operation
 Much of working effectively with others is centred on communication and
information sharing
 It will be necessary to ensure that a range of appropriate personnel are consulted
to determine their needs and the impacts that the works are likely to have on them
Advice is sought from other personnel during

 It is essential to ensure that a range of advice is sought from other personnel

regarding coordination and work planning requirements:
 Communication
 Coordination
 Work task information
 Research and review authentication methods available for integration of network operating
 It will be necessary to ensure that a thorough range of activities a conducted to research and review a
range of authentication methods that are available for the integration of network operating systems to
ensure that the most appropriate choice is able to be made
 Operating systems may include:
 Linux
 Mac
 Unix
 Windows Server
Explain authentication methods and
protocols, such as lightweight directory
access protocol
 Authentication (LDAP)
is a method and
or process that aKerberos
secure system uses to verify the identity of a user
that is trying to access the system
 Access control is generally based on the identity of the user that wishes to gain access authentication is
a requirement of effective security
 Lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP): LDAP is a vendor neutral open
application commonly used in industry as a protocol for allowing access and
maintenance of a directory of information that can be used to allow
authentication procedures to be completed
 Kerberos: Kerberos is a strong network authentication protocol that was
developed and is freely available by MIT. Kerberos uses cryptography to allow
for the secure authentication of users across the internet and can also allow for
the encryption of a range of other data as well therefore protecting not only
the authentication information and protocol but other information that may be
sent over the same system
Research and review authentication methods

 The process of researching and reviewing authentication methods may

 Types of authentication methods
 Authentication protocol types
 Requirements of the system
 Level of security needed
 Types of user compatibility
Select appropriate authentication methods
and protocols
 It will be necessary to use the information that is collected during the research and review
phases of the authentication methods that are available
 Authentication methods and protocols may incorporate a combination of:
 Enterprise single sign-on
 Kerberos
 Network basic input/output system (NetBIOS)
 Network information system (NIS)
 Novell Directory Services (NDS)
 Pluggable authentic modules (PAM)
Summarise compatibility issues and
resolution procedures

 Compatibility issues may arise between both hardware and software

components of the servers and the computers and their applications that are
seeking to access and use them
 It is important to understand that a range of different aspects may cause
compatibility issues and then consider a range of methods that can be used to
resolve these issues
Outline current network operating systems

 All computing devices will require an operating system that can be used to
control the device, this is the same for networks. Networks will require an
operating system that will control the use and efficiency of the devices that
are on the particular network
 For a simple computer network one of the devices on the network may be used to
run the network operating system
 For more complex and larger networks that may require a range of different users
the network operating system will need to be placed on a server that makes up a
part of the network
Research redundancy and replication
requirements for selected authentication model

 It will be necessary to research the redundancy and replication requirements

for selected authentication model
 The redundancy and replication requirements for a particular authentication
model may include:
 Repeated connections
 Allowing access from different computers
 Access requirements
 Security requirements
Outline high availability options for servers

 In some instances, a high level of availability may be required for the

information that is being stored and managed on servers and there are a
range of options that can be used to increase the accessibility of the server
and minimising the amount of downtime that users are able to detect and
these may include:
 Failover clustering
 Replication
 Log shipping
 Mirroring
Produce the integrated server design, including
authentication, file sharing and security

 It will be necessary to produce the integrated server design for the client
including the processes that will be used for authentication, file sharing and
 An integrated server is a server solution that contains the following components:
Server design

 The full server design will need to be described in the server design
documentation and it will be necessary to ensure that a range of information
is included such as:
 Authentication requirements and protocols
 File sharing options and rules
 Security types and processes that will be used
Describe current server applications,
compatibility issues and resolution procedures
 The current server applications are the range of applications that may be run from the server
and this will depend on:
 Server type
 Server uses
 Authentication protocols
 Network operating system
 There are a range of compatibility issues that may arise and these may be due to:
 Hardware
 Software version
 Authentication protocols
 Coding
 Language
 Implement integrated authentication solution
 When setting out to implement the integrated authentication solutions it will be
necessary to conduct a range of actions including:
 Verify authentication requirements are met
 Set up authentication requirements
 Create a database for user information
 Configure the server to accept the authentication
 Test user authentication
 Document the authentication process
Implement integrated file sharing solution

 It will be necessary to implement the integrated file sharing solution that has
been selected once the authentication protocols have been determined,
planned and implemented
 Summarise network file systems and shares
 A network file system or NFS is a server to client application that allows a
computer or device that is on the network to store and update files on a remote
computer in a manner that appears as if those files are on the computer itself
 This can allow for all or part of the server’s files to be accessed and shared with a
range of permissions that have been programmed per user
File sharing

 File sharing is the movement of files across a range of different platforms

within the integrated server environment and must be planned and suitable
for the specific file sharing needs of the organisation
 File sharing must be across multiple platforms and may include:
 Distributed file systems
 Network file system (NFS)
 Server messages block (SMB) or samba
Configure workstations for integrated

 It will be necessary to ensure that all workstations are configured for the
integrated environment and to do this the following considerations should be
 Selecting components that are required
 When configuring workstations for integrated environments it will be necessary to:
 Select all components that are required within the environment
 Determine their compatibility requirements
 Install the server
 It will be necessary to ensure that the server is installed and set up remotely or locally depending on
the type of server and using the server setup tools as required
 It will be necessary to ensure that:
 Server access points are determined and implemented
 Server connection and authentication methods are set up
 Server security requirements are installed
 Set up databases and directories
 It will be necessary to ensure that all databases and directories are able to be set up in a manner that
allows for them to be accessed from the workstation
 Workstation configuration
 There are a range of actions that will need to be made to ensure that the workstation is configured to the integrated
server environment and these actions may include:
 Set authenticating method
 Set up user information
 Set up directories
 Ensure compatibility and redundancy
 Set up server actions
 Configuring additional workstations
 When setting out to configure additional workstations it will be necessary to:
 Create a configuration file
 Save the file
 Upload it to other workstations
 Change the settings
Implement security for the integrated
server environment

 It will be necessary to ensure that security for the integrated server

environment is implemented
 Data protection and maintaining privacy and confidentiality on the internet is
a growing concern and required that a range of security procedures will be
implemented and followed
 It is important to remember that most serious security breaches for data and
documents are internal and not external
 Therefore, it will be necessary to ensure that internal security procedures are
considered and used as well

 Security must be across multiple platforms and may include:

 Authentication, authorisation and access control
 Directory server security
 Encryption
 Kerberos security, such as pre-authentication and ticket validation
 Network share permissions
 Password security
 Secure socket layer (SSL) certificates
 Transport layer security (TLS)
Implement security for the integrated

 When setting out to implement security for the integrated environment it will
be necessary to:
 Determine all security requirements
 Assess a range of ways to achieve security
 Set a range of permissions
 Enable security on as many factors of the integrated environment as possible
 Record all security measures
 Test server for benchmarking against client specification and
requirements according to test plan, and record outcomes
 Once the server and all security requirements have been implemented it will be
necessary to ensure that the server is tested for benchmarking against client
specifications and requirements according to the test plan and record the
outcomes that are received so that these may be able to inform on further server
Client specifications for integrated server

 Client specifications are the range of parameters and requirements that were
set by the client during the consultation and design phases of the integrated
server solution development
 Client specifications for integrated server may include:
 Speed
 Integrity
 Compatibility
 Security requirements
 Access requirements

 Benchmarks are predetermined and pre-set quality standards that have been
set for the integrated server solution
 It is essential to ensure that a range of testing is conducted to ensure that all
benchmarks are able to be met and maintained
Test plan

 A server test plan is a series of tests that have been designed to ensure that
the server is running as required
 It will be necessary to ensure that a full test plan that incorporated the
specific benchmarks for the server is created and followed throughout the
testing procedure
 The server test plan should contain the following information:
 Date and time of test
 Conditions
 Name of tester
 All tests undertaken
Analyse error report and make changes as

 It will be necessary to analyse a range of information that can be collected

from error and event reports to identify a range of issues and make a series of
changes as required
 Outline error and event logging and reporting
 Servers will be able to generate a range of different log files and these can be used
to monitor and track a range of system events and errors that have been
 Reports can be created to be produced automatically and these can involve
statistical analysis of all event errors and events
Implement changes required

 It will be necessary to carefully assess the range of information that was collected as a part of
the event and error logging procedures to determine:
 The need for potential changes
 The possible impacts of potential changes
 Changes may include factors such as:
 Authentication requirements
 Password protection
 Encryption issues
 Access requirements
Use troubleshooting tools and techniques to
diagnose and correct integration problems

 It will be necessary to use a range of troubleshooting tools and techniques

that can be used to diagnose and correct a range of integration problems that
may occur
 There is a range of different performance monitoring tools that can be used
to debug and manage errors that are found within operating systems and
these can be divided into two main categories which are:
 Real-time
 Log-based
Explain troubleshooting tools and techniques,
including network diagnostic utilities

 There is a range of troubleshooting tools and techniques that may be used

and these including a range of network diagnosing utilities such as:
 Ping
 Tracert or traceroute
 Ipconfig
 NSlookup utility
 Netstat
 Speedtests
Describe user authentication and directory
 User authentication is the ability of a network to identify the users through the use of
authentication protocols and measures and can be used to provide a range of accesses to
directory services according to the rules and restrictions of the directory
 A directory service is a service that maps the network resources and their names and positions
within the network, this information can be used to determine the:
 Network infrastructure
 File and data locations
 Access and authentication procedures
 Name allocation for each of the objects in the network
 Network rules
Diagnose and correct integration problems

 It will be necessary to ensure that all of the integration activities are working
correctly on the server solution
 Integration problems may include:
 Continuity
 IP address configurations
 Communication methods
 Packets
 Security protocols
Test required changes or additions

 If any changes or additions are made to the integrated server environment as

a result of testing and diagnosis activities, it will be necessary to test them to
ensure that all changes are:
 Suitable
 Compliant
 In-line with integrated server design solution
Required changes or additions to integrated
server environment

 There are a range of changes or additions that may need to be made to the
integrated server environment and these may include:
 Authentication configuration
 Passwords
 Encryptions
 Locations of hardware
 Software installations
 Permissions
 Access requirements
Test required changes or additions

 It will be necessary to:

 Run all amended processes
 Repeat testing and diagnoses tools
 Follow test plans
 It is important to ensure that all of the changes or additions that have been made to the
integrated server environment are:
 Functional
 Compliance
 Accurate
 Suitable
 Required
Validate changes or additions against

 Once any changes or additions have been tested and are confirmed as being
operational and accurate it will be necessary to ensure that the changes or
additions are then validated against the specifications that have been
provided for the particular server solution
 The validation of any changes or additions to the integrated server environment is
a quality review process that is used to determine and assess if all of the changes
and additions that have been made to the server are compliant with the
parameters of the specifications that were determined
 It will be necessary to obtain the specifications and systematically assess each of
the changes or additions against these specifications
Specifications documentation

 As a part of the design plan for the integrated server solution there will be a
range of specifications that will be laid out in purpose created specifications
documentation and this may include a range of sections and information
 Project overview
 All components
 Mapping
 Authentication requirements
 Hardware
 Virtual requirements
 Make and document server configuration and operational changes
 It will be necessary to ensure that a range of server configurations and operational
changes are made and that full server documentation is created
 It will be necessary to ensure that a range of adjustments and configurations are
made to servers to ensure that they:
 Communicate in an appropriate manner
 Have appropriate security and access requirements
 Are compatible and functioning with other network
 Are finely tuned
List documentation required for networks

 There is a range of documentation that is required for networks and these

may include:
 Network documentation policy
 Network topology diagram
 List of server names and roles and all IP addresses
 A change log for each of the servers
 Software version table and licences
 Hardware component table
Complete client report and notification of
server status
 On completion of the configuration and reporting of the integrated server solution it will be
necessary to ensure that a client report is completed along with a formal notification of the
server status
 A client report is an end of task completion report and will contain a range of information
 Initial brief
 Actions taken
 Network documentation
 Testing and diagnosis results
 Configuration reports
 Change management information
 Scheduled tasks and project management
Notification of server status

 A notification should be provided to the client to provide clear information

regarding the current status of the server
 Server status announcements may include:
 No known issues server status – OK
 Server not responding server status – Offline
 Server configuration issue server status – Needs adjustment
 Client may need to be updated automatically regarding changes in the server
status so that servers may be managed effectively
Clean up and restore worksite to client’s

 Upon completion of all work tasks it will be necessary to ensure that the work
site is effectively rehabilitated, cleaned up and made safe in accordance with
the specific procedures of the organisation
 It is essential that all material waste is removed from the site and disposed of
according to environmental and organisational requirements
 It is essential to ensure that approving authorities and clients are satisfied with the
restoration that is conducted on the work site and all aspects of the site are up to
Restoring the worksite

 The restoring process to the worksite is the process of returning the site back
to the state that it was in prior to the commencement of work, this includes
all safety tags, locks and signs and cleaning and tidying of the worksite back
to the exact manner in which the site should be left for optimum safety
Waste disposal

 Waste disposal policies and procedures may be related to:

 How to organise the waste for collection
 Where to take the waste
 Supplier agreements
 Waste disposal centre agreements
 Timing of removal
 Different procedures for different type of waste
Clearing the work site according to codes of

 When work is complete the site will need to be cleared and cleaned according
to the job specifications for the specific task
 Codes of practice and regulatory guidelines will be a set of policies and
procedures that are written and followed within the business to ensure that
all workers are maintaining their job tasks in a consistent and compliant
 Codes of practice guidelines or policies and procedures will have been written with
the required legislation, regulations and safety requirements in mind
Clearing the worksite according to
established procedures
 It is essential that all tools and materials are removed from the work site and that the work site
is left in a safe and organised manner on completion of works
 Clearing tasks may include:
 Removing all waste
 Removing all tools and equipment
 Removing all barriers and signage
 Ensuring all doors and gates are locked
 Checking all safety components
 Ensuring all personnel are aware that works are completed
 Final checking to ensure all job tasks are fully completed and safe
Secure sign-off from appropriate person

 On completion of all server design and implementation tasks it will be necessary to ensure that
all personnel are notified of job completion and that appropriate sign off has been obtained
 Notifying supervisor of completion of work
 There are a range of methods that can be used when notifying supervisors of completion of work tasks
and these can include:
 Verbal notification
 Written notification
 Phone call
 Job completion submission in jobs system
 Job completion reports
Job completion reports

 Job completion reports may be required upon completion of some tasks and
the information that may be required for these reports includes:
 Task outline
 Actions conducted
 Further actions required
 Improvement options
 Safety measures taken
 Quality control measures taken
 Reporting on issues or errors
 Other requirements dependent on organisation
Obtaining job sign off

 It will be necessary to ensure that all of the required sign-offs are obtained
for the specific job tasks
 It will be necessary to approach the supervisor and ask for sign off, a job
inspection may be required to sign off being granted
 Sign off may be required on:
 Workplace reports
 Workplace documentation
 Permits for access
 Re-energisation or connection approvals
 Job completion

 Summarise file and print management

 File and print management is the management of all file storing, sharing and printing applications that
are conducted across the network and may consist of:
 File and printer types and locations
 Network access
 Authentication and security
 Compatibility
 Efficiency
 Ease of use
 In large and complex systems, it will be necessary to have a print server and a file server which will
manage the print and file management needs for the organisation
Explain file system security

 A file system is a system that is used to store, access and maintain all of the
files and data that is stored within the system
 File system security is maintained through:
 Access control
 Permissions
 File naming conventions
 Metadata
 Directory access and permissions
Outline network service configuration and

 Network service is an application that can be run in either peer to peer or

client to server configurations and operates the protocols that are required to
store, manipulate and present a range of data
 Network services may be configured as:
 Email
 File sharing
 Instant messages
 Printing
 Online games
Summarise operating system help and support

 The operating system is the core software component of a computer that

provides a direct link between the hardware and software on a computer
 The operating system help is a range of troubleshooting and support utilities that
can be used to manage the computer and how it can be controlled and managed
 A support utility is a program that will perform a specific task that can be used to
manage a computer and its related devices or programs
Describe the process of managing a project,
 Process and task management
 Process and task management is an essential component of ensuring that an operating system is able to
conduct the actions that it is required to
 Process and task management includes:
 Allocating resources
 Making rules
 Creating new processes
 Terminating processes
 Altering the process priority
 Process control
 Process storage
 Task scheduling utilities
 There is a range of system utilities that can be used to schedule tasks to run at
particular intervals or times
 Other task scheduling activities include:
 Defining the set of actions that make up a task
 Scheduling the actions
 Allocating resources

 Now that you have completed this unit, you should have the skills and
knowledge to design and implement a network authentication model that
allows users to log in using the same user credentials between multiple
operating system platforms to provide a secure method of sharing files on the
same network

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