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STING RAY: The Sea Eagle


•Scientific classification
- reproduction
- Locomotion
- Feeding
•Other uses
Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Myliobatiformes

Suborder: Myliobatoidei

Familly: Myliobatidae

• cartilaginous fish related to sharks.

• Consider as sea monster because of their venom.

• Sexual reproduction.
• male is courting a female, he follows her closely, biting at her
pectoral disc. He then places one of his two claspers into her
• Reproductive ray behaviors are associated with their
behavioral endocrinology.
• their mating period is one of the longest recorded in
elasmobranch fish.
• Individuals are known to mate for 7 months.

• The stingray uses its paired pectoral fins for moving about.
• This is in contrast to sharks and most other fishes, which get most of
their swimming power from a single caudal (tail) fin .
• Stingray pectoral fin locomotion can be divided into two categories:
undulatory and oscillatory.
• Stingrays who use undulatory locomotion have shorter thicker fins for
slower motile movements in.
• Longer thinner pectoral fins make for faster speeds in oscillation mobility
in pelagic zones.

• Stingrays employ a wide range of feeding strategies.

• Some have specialized jaws that allow them to crush hard mollusk
• their mouths are on the side of their bodies, they catch their prey, then
crush and eat with their powerful jaws.
• Like its shark relatives, the stingray is outfitted with electrical sensors
called ampullae of Lorenzini. Located around the stingray's mouth, these
organs sense the natural electrical charges of potential prey.
• Many rays have jaw teeth to enable them to crush mollusks such as
clams, oysters, and mussels.

• The stinger of a stingray is known also as the spinal blade. It is located

in the mid-area of the tail, and can secrete venom.
• Stingrays are not usually aggressive and attack humans only when
provoked, as when a ray is accidentally stepped on.
• the stinger causes local trauma, pain, swelling, muscle cramps from the
venom, and may result infection.
• capacity to damage shell fishing grounds.

As food

• Dried strips of stingray meat served as food in Japan.

• Rays are edible, and may be caught as food using fishing lines or
• in Malaysia and Singapore , stingray is commonly grilled over charcoal,
then served with spicy sambal sauce, or soy sauce.
• most prized parts of the stingray are the wings.
Other uses

• Stingray wallets
• The skin of the ray is used as an under layer for the cord or leather
wrap (known as ito in Japanese ) on Japanese swords due to its hard,
rough, skin texture that keeps the braided wrap from sliding on the
handle during use.
• They are also used to make exotic shoes, boots, belts, wallets, jackets,
and cellphone cases.

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