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The study of motion in

One Dimension
MOTION (Kinematics)
- Is a change in position with respect to a
reference object. An object is said to be moving
when it has travelled a certain distance from the
reference, or it is displaced from the reference.

Kinetic Energy - Energy associated with

What is
frame of reference?
Frame of Reference
When describing something
that is moving, you are
comparing it with
something that is assumed
to be stationary (not
Frames of Reference
• The frame of reference is
the background or object
that is used for comparison.
Frame of reference depends on the
type of movement and position from
which you are observing.

An actor may be standing still and the

background is moving, but to us we
think the actor is going somewhere.
We assume the background
is stationary.
Earth is the most commonly
used frame of reference.

Situation 1

Situation 2
– The person standing on the platform see you
moving away. (earth)
– The person sitting next to you does not see
you moving. (train)
Motion in a Straight Line
One Dimensional (x-axis only)
“Dinophysics : Velocity-

Translational Motion - motion

such that an object moves from
one position to another along a
straight line.
Straight Line
Rotational Motion - motion
such that an object moves from
one position to another along a
circular path.

Vibrational Motion -
motion such that an object
moves back and forth in
some type of periodicity.
Up and

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Classification of
Physics Quantities
Vector - quantity with both magnitude (size) and direction
Scalar - quantity with magnitude only

Vectors: Scalars:
• Displacement • Distance
• Velocity • Speed
• Acceleration • Time
• Momentum • Mass
• Force • Energy
Sign Conventions
• Positive sign • Negative sign
– Travel East, to the right – Travel West, to the left
or travel North, upwards or travel South,
- Is a scalar quantity. It has magnitude but no
Ex: 120 km
Displacement (dfinal-dinitial)
- Is a vector quantity.
- Change in position (straight line
distance with direction)
Ex: janna walks 300 m East, stops to rest and
then continues 400 m North.
- Period during which something exist or
continues or can be accomplished
Ex: 3 hrs
40 mins.
20 sec.
- How fast an object is moving regardless of what direction it is moving.

Speed = Distance Traveled

Change in time

Total Distance Traveled = 260 mi.

Total time elapsed = 5.2 hrs. or (5 hrs 12 min)

vspeed   50 miles
5.2hr hr
- How fast an object is moving and in what
direction it is moving.

Average Velocity = Change in position

Change in time

Ex: 30 km/hr, North

- Is the rate at which speed changes with time. In equation form,

Unit: m/s 2
Deceleration Vf - V i
- When = decreases its speed, that it has also an
moving body
acceleration, but the speed changes from a higher to a lower value.
By group
1. It took 2.50 hr for a car to travel a distance of
150 km. What it its average speed?
2. Compute for the average speed of a car
travelling 55 km on the first hour, 67 km on
the second hour, 40 km on the third hour, 75
km on the fourth hour, and 60 km on the fifth
3. Find the average velocity of a vehicle that is
travelling at 100 km east in 2 hours.
4. A roller coaster’s velocity at the top of a hill is
10 m/s. Two seconds later it reaches the bottom
of the hill with a velocity of 26 m/s. What was
the acceleration of the coaster?
5. A runner covered a 400 m track, divided into
four laps of 10 m each. She completed the first
lap in 15 s, the second lap in 10 s, the third lap
in 13 and the fourth lap in 12 s. What is her
average speed?
Concepts Check – The Negatives
Q. Can speed be negative?

A. NO! – The least speed an object can have is zero – it is at rest

Q. Can velocity be negative?
A . YES! Negative velocity means an object is moving backwards.
xˆ moving backwards with a speed of 10 m/s
E.g. An object moving -10 m s is

Q. Can distance be negative?

A. NO! – The least distance an object can move is zero – it is at rest

Q. Can displacement be negative?

A . YES! Negative displacement means an object moved backwards.
E.g. An object with a displacement ∆x of xˆ
-10 mmoved backwards 10m.
1. It took 2.50 hr for a car to travel a distance of
150 km. What it its average speed?
2. Compute for the average speed of a car
travelling 55 km on the first hour, 67 km on
the second hour, 40 km on the third hour, 75
km on the fourth hour, and 60 km on the fifth
3. Find the average velocity of a vehicle that is
travelling at 100 km east in 2 hours.
4. A roller coaster’s velocity at the top of a hill is
10 m/s. Two seconds later it reaches the bottom
of the hill with a velocity of 26 m/s. What was
the acceleration of the coaster?
5. A runner covered a 400 m track, divided into
four laps of 10 m each. She completed the first
lap in 15 s, the second lap in 10 s, the third lap
in 13 and the fourth lap in 12 s. What is her
average speed?

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