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Dr. Fahd Naveed Kausar

Iffat Tufail
 Impact of Parent-Teacher’s Meeting on Students’
Academic, Social, Emotional, and Psychological
 Muhammad Akram Shaker* Muhammad Javed† Uzma
 Vol. V, No. I (Winter 2020)
 (Effects of parent-teacher meeting on students)
 Emotional

 Social

 Psychological

 Academic achievement
 This research investigates the Impact of Parent- Teacher
Meeting on Students’ Academic, Social, Emotional, and
Psychological Development at Federal Government
Educational Institutions in Pakistan.
 The quantitative, descriptive, and survey approach for the
 population of the current research work consisted of all F G E
Is(c/ g) in Pakistan.
Research tool
 Two similar questionnaires and one interview protocol were
 Families and educational institutions have been working
together since the beginning of formal schooling in the
interest of students’ entire development.
 Empirical studies revealed that parents' participation in
collaborative mechanisms plays a vital and significant
role in developing educational infrastructure and school
organization. Without the involvement of community
and parents in a cooperative mechanism, satisfactory
target objectives cannot be obtained.
 Through parent-teacher meeting, parents got an
opportunity to have a link with teacher and school to
refine child’s learning plan.
 PTM means to sit together and discuss the development
of the child education.
 Impact of Parent-Teacher’s Meeting on Students’
Academic, Social, Emotional, and Psychological
 The impact of parent-teacher meetings on students’
social, emotional, and academic development in F G E Is
in Pakistan has also been helpful/ beneficial to generally
policymakers and particularly researchers.
 Students’ behavior, students’ social, emotional,
cognitive, spiritual, ethical, physical, and character-
building/ discipline development are the areas that have
been effectively beneficial/ influenced by PTM and that
it bestowed with an opportunity of the close working
relationship to the teacher with parents.
 1- Find out impact of PTM on students’ academic
development in FGEIs in Pakistan.
 2- Find out the impact of PTM on students’ social
development in FGEIs in Pakistan.
 3- Find out the impact of PTM on students’ emotional
development in FGEIs in Pakistan.
 4- Find out the impact of PTM on students’
psychological development in FGEIs in Pakistan.
 5- Explore the inadequacies of the PTM organized in
FGEIs in Pakistan.
 1- What is the impact of PTM on students’ academic
development in FGEIs in Pakistan?
 2- What is the impact of PTM on students’ social
development in FGEIs in Pakistan?
 3- What is the impact of PTM on students’ emotional
development in FGEIs in Pakistan?
 4- What is the impact of PTM on students’ psychological
development in FGEIs in Pakistan?
 5- What are the inadequacies of the PTM organized in
FGEIs in Pakistan?
 1- Only FGEIs in all Pakistan were addressed.
 2- The Parents of FGEIs’ students were taken.

 3- The teachers who teach secondary (9th,10th)classes

were included in the sample.
 4- The Head of the institutions were considered for the
 This empirical work intends to dig out an in-depth
understanding of parent teacher meetings and students’
academic, social, emotional, and psychological
 A mixed research method was used.

 For collecting data for this work, the instruments were

used involving
 semi-structured interview

 questionnaires for parents and teachers

 Data were analyzed and interpreted through descriptive

and inferential statistical tests.
 The researcher’s self-developed questionnaire and
interview protocol were conducted for data collection.
 The questionnaire for teachers, and parents were
developed on the five-point Likert scale covering all
factors and aspect of the study topic.
 The data were collected through personal interest and
survey methods. After seeking permission from
concerned departments and following the research
ethics, the researcher distributed questionnaires to the
teachers, parents, and principals.
 There was a requirement of the interview the researcher
also conducted interview protocol. The data were
analyzed by using descriptive statics i.e. Mean, St
Deviation, and inferential statics i.e t-test, ANOVA, and
correlation test. The data were processed through SPSS.
 It was concluded that the Parent-Teacher Meeting has a
positive impact on students’ development. It helped the
students to improve their academic and scholastic
 Mostly Principals reported that the requirement of
modern education, there is need to literate the parents.
Parents want their students to be normal and
extraordinary even if they are weak.
 Effect of online learning on students’ self-efficacy
towards using technology at elementary level
 The main objectives of our research are to investigate student
participation in online learning. To Measure students' self-efficacy in
using the effects of technology on academic achievement. To analyze
the relationship between student self-efficacy and performance /
achievement during online learning.
 The methodology of our study is involves specific techniques that are
adopted in research process to collect assemble or evaluate data. Define
these tools that are used to collect relevant information in a specific
research study.
The study population consisted of all public and private school students
Research tool
 Surveys the Questionnaire are the tool of research. This research
approach sends emails for more than just using numerical data.
 Online education is the most demanded by all people to
get knowledge and degrees. This is the latest trend in
education provision.
 Online education is a computer-based study, in which it
involves advanced learning information from the
computer and study material obtained mainly from the
computer and Internet connection. This is already widely
used when applicable to all levels of education.
 Online learning offers learning experiences with
technology, which provides accessibility, connectivity,
flexibility and the ability to promote interactions
between students.
 As the number of users of online learning continues to
grow, it is necessary to understand how students can best
apply learning strategies to achieve academic success in
the online environment.
 Self-efficacy is the belief in one's ability to organize and
perform the actions necessary to produce particular
results. Beliefs of self-efficacy determine the level of
motivation which is reflected in the amount of effort put
into an effort and the time spent in a difficult situation.
 If people have a low level of self-efficacy towards a
task, they are less likely to push themselves and
complete the task. Research results have shown that self-
efficacy is a better predictor of academic achievement
than other cognitive or affective processes. Therefore,
self-efficacy is crucial for learning and performance.
 This study was designed to investigate the impact of
online learning on student self-efficacy towards using
technology at elementary level.
 In this study, we find the use of technology is helpful for
students or not and how online learning increase student
self-efficacy towards using technology.
 For students, this research will enhance student’s self-
efficacy abilities, develop their interest in online learning
towards using technology.
 This study is intended to contribute an idea to educators,
to use the online learning technique and to provide full
results in the online learning process.
 It is expected for researchers to add insight and
knowledge of strategies to enhance self-efficacy skills
that can be implemented in schools, especially the
technology skills.
 1. To investigate student participation in online
 2. To Measure students' self-efficacy in using the
effects of technology on academic achievement.
 3. To analyze the relationship between student self-
efficacy and performance / achievement during online
 This research was designed as a quantitative study and
conducted with a cross- sectional approach. Research
methodology has descriptive investigation according to
its nature of study.
 An online survey was conducted to collect data.
Quantitative data was collected in the form
questionnaire. A questionnaire was develop in five points
on the Likert Scale.
Sampling technique
 “Random sampling refers to a variety of selection
techniques in which sample members are selected by
chance, but with a known probability of selection”
Sample size
 “A sample is a set of individuals or participants selected
from a larger population for the purpose of a survey”
Research tool
 “Anything that becomes a means of collecting
information for your study is called research tool or
research instrument”.
Data collection
 “Data collection is the process of gathering and
measuring info on variables of interest, in an established
systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated
research questions, test hypothesis, and evaluate
Data analysis
 “Studying the organized material in order to discover
inherent facts. The data are studied from as many angles
as possible to explore the new facts”
 The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an
instrument that measured online students' self-efficacy
beliefs with communication technologies such as email,
Internet, and computer conferencing. Factor analysis and
correlational analysis revealed that items in the
instrument could be collapsed into one scale.
 The development of the Online Technologies Self-
efficacy Scale could benefit both instructors and students
involved with online courses. By using this instrument,
instructors could identify students who do not feel
confident with online technologies at the beginning of an
online Validation of the Online Efficacy course.
 Appropriate actions would then be taken so that students'
efficacy perceptions with online technologies would
increase. For example, instructors could show students
how to use online technologies, or advise them to
practice their computer skills using a tutorial.
 Furthermore, instructors could pair up students in order
to help each other, and provide effective and positive
feedback in order to increase their motivation. The
provision of early feedback and remediation could result
in students persisting in the course. This may translate to
a decrease in the high attrition rates evidenced in online

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