Motivation (Human Resource Management) Prince Dudhatra-9724949948

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Human Resource



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Motivation: Chapter Contents
 Definition
 Importance
 Models/Theories

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Definition of Motivation
Motivation – the process of arousing and sustaining
goal-directed behavior

In narrow sense, motivation is a process of satisfying

the wants and needs of the employees and inducing,
encouraging and helping the employees to perform
their assigned jobs more enthusiastically for the
effective achievement of the organizational goals.

In broad sense, motivation is a process of

directing or channeling the behaviors of the
employees toward task performance.

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The Motivation Framework

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Importance of Motivation
 Motivation is essential because:
– Motivated employees are always looking for
better ways to do a job.
– A motivated employee generally is more
quality oriented
– Highly motivated workers are more productive
than apathetic employees

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Motivational Theories
 Internal
– Suggest that variables within the individual give
rise to motivation and behavior
– Example: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
 Process
– Emphasize the nature of the interaction between
the individual and the environment
– Example: Expectancy theory
 External
– Focus on environmental elements to explain
– Example: Two-factor theory
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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

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The Need Hierarchy Approach (Maslow)

People must, in a hierarchical order, satisfy five

–Physiological needs for basic survival and biological
–Security needs for a safe physical and emotional
–Belongingness needs for love and affection.
–Esteem needs for positive self-image/self-respect and
recognition and respect from others.
–Self-actualization needs for realizing one’s potential for
personal growth and development.

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The Need Hierarchy Approach (Maslow)

Physiological Needs
– Food, water, air and shelter.
Security Needs
– Safe physical and emotional environment.
Affiliation Needs
– Friendship, love and a feeling of belonging.
Esteem Needs
– Feelings of achievement and self worth through
recognition, respect and prestige from others.
Self-Actualization Needs
– Self-fulfillment and achievement.

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Motivational Theories X and Y

Theory X
A set of assumptions of how to manage
individuals who are motivated by lower
order needs
Theory Y
A set of assumptions of how to manage
individuals who are motivated by higher
order needs

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Theory X & Y

Douglas McGregor
– Developed Theory X and Theory Y
• Theory X: management’s traditionally negative view
of employees as unmotivated and unwilling workers.
• Theory Y: the positive view of employees as
energetic, creative, and willing workers.

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McGregor’s Theories X and Y

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Theories Applied to Needs Hierarchy

SA Theory Y – a set of
assumptions of how to
Esteem manage individuals
motivated by higher
Love (Social) order needs
Theory X – a set of
Safety and Security assumptions of how to
manage individuals
Physiological motivated by lower
order needs
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 David C. McClelland of Harvard University developed

the following four motivational drives:
– 1. Achievement motivational drive
– 2. Affiliation motivational drive
– 3. Competence motivational drive
– 4. Power motivational drive
 Achievement motivational drive: Some employees in
the organization may have achievement motivational
drive. The employees, who have such drive, try to
overcome the challenges and to achieve the
goals/objectives. To these employees, achievement of
goals/objectives is important for its own sake, not
because some benefits or rewards are associated with this
achievement of goals/objectives. These employees will
work harder and longer period if they perceive that they
would receive personal credits for their effective
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 Affiliation motivational drive: Some employees
have affiliation motivational drives. They want to
relate themselves with others in the organization.
These people become satisfied by getting associated
with their fellows and friends and they should be
given job freedom as well.
 Competence motivational drive: Some employees
have competence motivational drive. They want to
perform high quality work and they want to
improve/develop their skills in the work place.
 Power motivational drive: In an organization,
some employees have power motivational drives.
They want to influence other people and the
organization as a whole. They want to participate in
decision making, problem solving, and policy
making process with the management of the
organization that are related to their interest.
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2 Motivational Need Theories
Maslow McGregor

Self-actualization Theory Y
Higher self
Needs interpersonal
(social and love)

Safety and Security

Theory X
Lower interpersonal
Order physical
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Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory
 Hygiene Factor – work condition related to
dissatisfaction caused by discomfort or pain
– maintenance factor
– contributes to employee’s feeling not dissatisfied
– contributes to absence of complaints
 Motivation Factor – work condition related
to the satisfaction of the need for
psychological growth
– job enrichment
– leads to superior performance & effort
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Motivation–Hygiene Theory of Motivation

• Company policy and Motivation factors

administration increase job satisfaction
• Supervision
• Interpersonal relations
• Working conditions • Achievement
• Salary • Achievement recognition
• Status • Work itself
• Security • Responsibility
• Advancement
• Growth
Hygiene factors avoid • Fringe Benefit?
job dissatisfaction

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The Two Factor Theory of Motivation

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High M Low M

High Hhigh motivation low motivation

few complaints few complaints
Low H high motivation low motivation
many complaints many complaints
(Motivation = M, Hygiene = H)

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Ways to Motivate People

 Training
 Coaching
 Task assignments
 Rewards contingent on good
 Valued rewards available

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Motivation & Performance
Motivation × Ability = Performance (M × A = P)

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