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Expository Texts

 An expository texts is a kind of
WHAT IS AN textual modality that presents an
EXPOSITORY objective Exchange of facts, ideas,
or concepts. Its purpose is to inform
TEXT topics of general interest to a non
specialized audience and texts on a
particular topic
 • Informative: An informative text is one
that establishes a topic or argument that
TYPES OF provides an oral discourse, since it
contains social arguments on one or
EXPOSITORY other topics; that is, you can choose a
TEXTS topic or several to go out to deliver a
speech or presentation.
 • Specialized: On the other hand, the
specialized ones do not report, but rather seek
to understand aspects like the scientific ones,
TYPES OF which is why they require a more specialized
EXPOSITORY receiver, with a greater degree of knowledge of
TEXTS the subject. They present, therefore, a greater
syntactic and lexical complexity. The scientific,
legal and humanistic texts belong to this.
• The introduction: The explanation is given
about how the subject of the text will be
EXPOSITO treated with the aim that the receiver has
RY TEXT • The development: It is the most important
STRUCTU part of the text; consists of the clear
RE exposition, where the concepts are ordered.
• The conclusion: The final part of the text, a
brief summary of the points covered in the
development may appear.
LOGICAL 1. Synthesizing or inductive: At
STRUCTURES the beginning it exposes the data
OF THE or particular ideas to reach the
EXPOSITORY end or determination of the
TEXTS fundamental topic.
LOGICAL 2. Analyzing or deductive: First
formulate the topic and then
EXPOSITORY develop it with data or particular
TEXTS ideas.
3. Framed: It presents at the
LOGICAL beginning the theme that is
developed throughout the text,
EXPOSITORY and finally a conclusion that
TEXTS reinforces or modifies the initial
4. Parallel: In texts with this type
LOGICAL of structure, ideas are presented
without the need to coordinate
EXPOSITORY them with each other; they all
TEXTS have the same level of
 1. Presentation of the case
TYPES OF  2. Presentation, problem, solution
STRUCTURE  3. Introduction, development, conclusion
OF  4. Exhibition of narrative structure
EXPOSITOR  5. Exhibition of descriptive structure, etc.
 6. Exhibition of enumerative structure.
 • Clarity, precision and quality.
 • Preferential use of the timeless present and
the indicative mood. Specifically, the use of the
SOME LINGUISTIC imperfect if it is the description of processes.
CHARACTERISTICS  • Use of connectors.
OF THE  • Use of resources such as comparisons,
EXPOSITORY TEXTS definitions, enumerations and examples.
 • Expository texts are known as informative in
the school environment. The primary function
is to transmit information.
 1. Read the text globally.
 2. Read each paragraph, put titles.
 3. Review the titles.
 4. Detect the internal organization of the text.
SUGGESTIONS  5. Locate the components of the organization.
 6. Build an outline.
EXPOSITORY  7. Construct the meaning, summarize.
TEXTS  8. Ask yourself questions about the text.
 9. Underline the most important data.
 10. Detect the main and secondary idea of ​each

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