Chapter 1. Stress Emailed

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ES 32

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

• Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

 is a branch of mechanics that deals with the

internal force distributions on deformable
bodies, and with its corresponding

 These internal force produce "stresses" in the

body, which could ultimately result in the failure
of the material itself.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 2


 Principles of rigid body mechanics (i.e. Statics)

often provide the beginning steps in analyzing
these internal stresses, and resulting

 Material behavior needs to be understood to

develop necessary equations.

Note: Many design equations and codes are based

on principles of Mechanics of Deformable Bodies.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 3

Relevance of Mechanics of Materials
A Bridge Being Inspected
in Tennessee

Collapsed Bridge outside

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 4

Relevance of Mechanics of Materials Principles learned in
Mechanics of Materials are applied in these
applications too

Gear Train

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 5


Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 6

Tips in Learning the Course

 Understand the basic principles by attending

classes, listening to the lectures, reading the
text, and taking notes.

 Apply basic principles to physical situations

through examples performed in class and in the
text. Then, work through homework problems on
your own.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 7

Tips in Learning the Course

 Initiate before you ask for help! Do not work

in a group until you have initiated the problem on
your own. Once you have a basic understanding
of the problem, you can consult with others if
for some reason you get stuck.

“ You can lead a horse to the river, but you can not
force it to drink”

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 8

Chapter 1
Concept of Stress

• Lesson 1: Normal Stress

• Lesson 2: Shear Stress

• Lesson 3: Bearing Stress

• Lesson 4: Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 10

Concept of Stress
The main objective of the study of mechanics
of deformable bodies is to provide the future
engineer with the means of analyzing and
designing various machines and load bearing

Both the analysis and design of a given

structure involve the determination of stresses
and deformations. This chapter is devoted to
the concept of stress.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 11

Concept of Stress
Simple Stress

Simple stress is the ratio of the applied force to

the resisting area. It can be classified as normal
stress, shear stress, and bearing stress. Stress
is measured in MPa (SI) or in psi (English) or in
dynes (CGS). It is the expressed by the
formula, S=P/A.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 12

Concept of Stress
Simple Stress

Normal stress develops due to a force that is

applied perpendicular to the cross-sectional
area of the material. If the forces pull the
material apart, the stress is called tensile
stress. If the material is compressed by two
opposing forces, the stress is said to be
compressive stress.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 13

Concept of Stress
Axial Loading:
Normal Stress
The resultant of the
internal forces for an
axially loaded member
is normal to a section
cut perpendicular to
the member axis.
The force intensity
 The normal stress at a particular point may not be on that section is
equal to the average stress but the resultant of defined as the normal
the stress distribution must satisfy stress.

 The detailed distribution of stress is statically

indeterminate, i.e., can not be found from statics
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 14
Stresses on Inclined Plane

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 15

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 16
Concept of Stress
Centric Loading
& Eccentric Loading:
A uniform distribution
of stress in a section
infers that the line of
action for the resultant of
the internal forces
passes through the
centroid of the section.
A uniform distribution
of stress is only possible
 If a two-force member is eccentrically loaded, if the concentrated loads
then the resultant of the stress distribution in a on the end sections of
section must yield an axial force and a moment. two-force members are
applied at the section
 The stress distributions in eccentrically loaded centroids. This is
members cannot be uniform or symmetric. referred to as centric
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 17
Saint-Venant’s Principle
• Loads transmitted through
rigid plates result in uniform
distribution of stress and
• Concentrated loads result in
large stresses in the vicinity of
the load application point.
• Stress and strain distributions
become uniform at a relatively
short distance from the load
application points.
• Saint-Venant’s Principle:
Stress distribution may be
assumed independent of the
mode of load application except
in the immediate vicinity of load
application points.
2 - 18
Concept of Stress
Simple Stress

Shear stress is caused by a force that is

applied parallel to the resisting area. Example is
the punching of hole on a steel plate. A different
condition of shearing is called torsion. This
happens when we twist a bar along its
longitudinal axis and is covered in chapter 3.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 19

Concept of Stress
Shear Stress:
Forces P and P’ are
applied transversely to
the member AB.
Corresponding internal
forces act in the plane of
section C and are called
shearing forces.
The resultant of the
internal shear force
is where A is the sheared area. distribution is defined as
the shear of the section
Shear stress distribution varies from zero at the and is equal to the load
member surfaces to maximum values that may P.
be much larger than the average value.
The corresponding
The shear stress distribution cannot be assumed average shear stress
to be uniform.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 20

Concept of Stress
Shearing Stress Examples
Single Shear Double Shear

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 21

Concept of Stress
Simple Stress

Another type of simple stress is the bearing

stress; it is the contact pressure between two

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 22

Concept of Stress
Bearing Stress:
Bolts, rivets, and pins
create stresses on the
points of contact or
bearing surfaces of the
members they connect.
The resultant of the
force distribution on the
surface is equal and
opposite to the force
exerted on the pin.
Corresponding average
force intensity is called
the bearing stress,

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 23

Lesson 1

Normal Stress
Normal Stress σ
Normal stress (axial
Tensile load F Compressive load F
stress) develops due
A A to a force that is
applied perpendicular
to the cross-sectional
area of the material.

It is expressed as
Tensile stress Compressive stress

There are two types of normal stresses. where P is the internal

1 Tensile stress applied to bar tends the bar to
normal load in Newton
elongate the bar. and A is the area in mm2.

2 On the other hand, compressive stress tends

to shorten the bar.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 25

Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 1:
Normal stress- Stress
under centric loading

A rod is composed of
an aluminum section
rigidly attached
between steel and
bronze sections, as
shown. Axial loads are
applied at the
positions indicated. If
1 Determine the load in each section using the P = 3000 lb and the
principles of statics. cross sectional area of
the rod is 0.5 in2,
2 Use the stress formula and indicate the type of
determine the stress
in each section.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 26

Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 1:
Normal stress- Stress
Rh under centric loading

A rod is composed of
an aluminum section
rigidly attached
between steel and
bronze sections, as
shown. Axial loads are
applied at the
positions indicated. If
1 Solve for the support reactions by applying the P = 3000 lb and the
equations of static equilibrium. cross sectional area of
the rod is 0.5 in2,
2 Sum up the horizontal forces as well as the
determine the stress
vertical forces equal to zero.
in each section.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 27

Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 1:
Normal stress- Stress
Pst Rh under centric loading

A rod is composed of
an aluminum section
rigidly attached
between steel and
bronze sections, as
shown. Axial loads are
applied at the
positions indicated. If
1 Cut the steel to determine the internal force. P = 3000 lb and the
Provide FBD of steel. cross sectional area of
the rod is 0.5 in2,
2 Solve the load carried by the steel.
determine the stress
σ=P/A, σst= 12000/0.5= 24,000 lb/in2 (tensile) in each section.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 28

Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 1:
Normal stress- Stress
Pal Rh under centric loading

A rod is composed of
an aluminum section
rigidly attached
σal=12000/0.5 between steel and
bronze sections, as
σal= 24 ksi
shown. Axial loads are
applied at the
positions indicated. If
1 Next, cut the aluminum to determine the internal P = 3000 lb and the
force. Make a free-body diagram of the aluminum. cross sectional area of
the rod is 0.5 in2,
2 Determine the load carried by the aluminum.
determine the stress
Note: lb/in2= psi; 1000 psi=1 ksi or kilo psi in each section.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 29

Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 1:
Normal stress- Stress
Pbr under centric loading

A rod is composed of
an aluminum section
rigidly attached
σbr=9,000/0.5 between steel and
bronze sections, as
σbr= 18 ksi
shown. Axial loads are
applied at the
positions indicated. If
The final answers: σst =24 ksi, σal =24 ksi P = 3000 lb and the
and σbr =18 ksi (all in tensile stress) cross sectional area of
the rod is 0.5 in2,
An alternate solution is to use the section to the
determine the stress
right of the cutting lines for each material,
respectively, and it is left for the students.
in each section.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 30

What is a normal stress?
What are the types of normal
Exercise1: Please solve the following
Problems: 1.1 – 1.10 (Strength of Materials by
Pytel and Kiusalaas, Philippine Edition)
Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 2:
Normal stress

Determine the largest

weight W that can be
supported by two
wires shown. The
stress in either wire is
not to exceed 30 ksi.
The cross-sectional
areas of wires AB and
AC are 0.4 in2 and 0.5
1 Make a free-body diagram of knot A. in2, respectively.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 33

Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 2:
Normal stress

Determine the largest

weight W that can be
supported by two
wires shown. The
stress in either wire is
not to exceed 30 ksi.
The cross-sectional
areas of wires AB and
AC are 0.4 in2 and 0.5
1 Make a free-body diagram of knot A. in2, respectively.
2 Draw a force polygon, then apply sine law to
solve W.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 34

Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 2:
Normal stress

Determine the largest

weight W that can be
supported by two
wires shown. The
stress in either wire is
not to exceed 30 ksi.
The cross-sectional
areas of wires AB and
AC are 0.4 in2 and 0.5
1 Make a free-body diagram of knot A. in2, respectively.
2 Draw a force polygon, then apply sine law to
solve W.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 35

Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 2:
Normal stress

Determine the largest

weight W that can be
supported by two
wires shown. The
stress in either wire is
not to exceed 30 ksi.
The cross-sectional
areas of wires AB and
AC are 0.4 in2 and 0.5
1 Make a free-body diagram of knot A. in2, respectively.
2 Draw a force polygon, then apply sine law to
solve W.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 36

Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 2:
Normal stress

Determine the largest

weight W that can be
supported by two
wires shown. The
stress in either wire is
not to exceed 30 ksi.
The cross-sectional
areas of wires AB and
AC are 0.4 in2 and 0.5
1 Make a free-body diagram of knot A. in2, respectively.
2 Draw a force polygon, then apply sine law to
solve W.
Note: 1 kip= 1000 lb

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 37

Normal Stress σ
Sample Problem 2:
What is the Normal stress
Determine the largest
18.4 or 17.1 kips? weight W that can be
supported by two
wires shown. The
stress in either wire is
not to exceed 30 ksi.
The cross-sectional
areas of wires AB and
AC are 0.4 in2 and 0.5
Since the maximum safe load is the smaller value, in2, respectively.
therefore, W= 17.1 kips or kilo pounds.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 38

Normal Stress σ
Problem 2: Another


1 Make a free-body diagram of knot A.

2 Resolve the forces into its horizontal and vertical


3 Apply the equations of static equilibrium and

perform stress analysis.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 39

Normal Stress σ

is greater than


1 Make a free-body diagram of knot A.

2 Resolve the forces into its horizontal and vertical


3 Apply the equations of static equilibrium and

perform stress analysis.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 40

Exercise 2

Problems: 1.11 – 1.20 (Strength of Materials

by Pytel and Kiusalaas, Philippine Edition)
Shear Stress
Shear Stress
Forces parallel to the
Punching Shear area resisting the force
cause shearing stress.
Puncher It differs to tensile and
compressive stresses,
which are caused by
forces perpendicular to
the area on which they
Shearing stress is also
known as tangential

where P is the resultant

shearing force which
passes through the
centroid of the area A
being sheared.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 44

Shear Stress
Sample Problem 1:

Compute the maximum

P force P that can be
applied by the machine
operator, if the shearing
stress in the pin at B and
the axial stress in the
control rod at C are
limited to 4000 psi and
5000 psi, respectively.
The diameters are 0.25
Given: Req’d:
inch for the pin, and 0.5
P? – maximum safe load inch for the control rod.
Assume single shear for
Solution: the pin at B.

FBD of the pedal

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 45

Shear Stress
Sample Problem 1:

Compute the maximum

P force P that can be
applied by the machine
operator, if the shearing
stress in the pin at B and
the axial stress in the
control rod at C are
Bv limited to 4000 psi and
5000 psi, respectively.
The diameters are 0.25
Given: Req’d:
inch for the pin, and 0.5
P? – maximum safe load inch for the control rod.
Assume single shear for
Solution: the pin at B.

FBD of the pedal

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 46

Shear Stress


P? – maximum safe load
FBD of the pedal

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 47

Shear Stress


P? – maximum safe load
FBD of the pedal

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 48

Shear Stress
Sample Problem 2:

Two blocks of wood,

width w and thickness t,
are glued together along
the joint inclined at the
angle θ as shown in
figure. Show that the
shearing stress on the
glued joint is = (P sin
2θ)/2A, where A is the
cross-sectional area.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 49

Shear Stress
Sample Problem 1:
P sin Two blocks of wood,
P width w and thickness t,
P are glued together along
the joint inclined at the
P cos angle θ as shown in
figure. Show that the
shearing stress on the
glued joint is = (P sin
Req’d: Show that 2θ)/2A, where A is the
cross-sectional area.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 50

What is the difference between normal stress
and shear stress?
Lesson 3

Bearing Stress
Bearing Stress σb
Bearing Stress:
Bearing stress is the
contact pressure
between separate
Bearing stress
differs from
compressive stress in
that the latter is the
internal stress caused
by a compressive

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 53

Bearing Stress σb
Sample Problem 1:

The structure consists of

a boom and rod joined
by pins (zero moment
connections) at the
junctions and supports.
Determine the bearing
stress at A in the boom
AB. Determine also the
bearing stress at A in the
bracket. Assume that
boom AB carried a 40 kN
compressive load.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 54

Bearing Stress σb
Solution: Sample Problem 1:

The structure consists of

a boom and rod joined
by pins (zero moment
connections) at the
FBD of Boom AB @ A junctions and supports.
Determine the bearing
stress at A in the boom
AB. Determine also the
bearing stress at A in the
bracket. Assume that
boom AB carried a 40 kN
compressive load.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 55

Bearing Stress σb

• To determine the bearing stress at A in the
boom AB, we have t = 30 mm and d = 25 mm,

• To determine the bearing stress at A in the

bracket, we have t = 2(25 mm) = 50 mm and
d = 25 mm,

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 56

Problem 2:

The structure is designed to

support a 30 kN load. The
structure consists of a boom
and rod joined by pins (zero
moment connections) at the
junctions and supports. The
allowable stress is of steel,
σall =165 Mpa. Can the
structure safely support the 30
kN load? For reasons based
on cost, weight, availability,
etc., the choice is made to
construct the rod from
aluminum (sall= 100 MPa).
What is an appropriate choice
for the rod diameter?

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 57

Review on Statics

• Structure is detached from supports

and the loads and reaction forces are

• Ay and Cy can not be determined from

these equations
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 58
Review on Statics
• In addition to the complete structure,
each component must satisfy the
conditions for static equilibrium
• Consider a free-body diagram for the
boom: ̶

substitute into the structure

equilibrium equation

• Results:

Reaction forces are directed along

boom and rod

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 59

Review on Statics
• The boom and rod are 2-force members,
i.e., the members are subjected to only
two forces which are applied at member
• For equilibrium, the forces must be parallel
to to an axis between the force application
points, equal in magnitude, and in opposite
• Joints must satisfy the conditions for static
equilibrium which may be expressed in
the form of a force triangle:

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 60

Can the structure safely support the 30
kN load?
• From a statics analysis
FAB = 40 kN (compression)
FBC = 50 kN (tension)

• At any section through member BC, the

internal force is 50 kN with a force
intensity or stress of
dBC = 20 mm

• From the material properties for steel, the

allowable stress is

• Conclusion: the strength of member

BC is adequate
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 61
• Design of new structures requires selection
of appropriate materials and component
dimensions to meet performance
• For reasons based on cost, weight,
availability, etc., the choice is made to
construct the rod from aluminum (sall= 100
MPa). What is an appropriate choice for the
rod diameter?

• An aluminum rod 26 mm or more in

diameter is adequate
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 62
Assignment 3: Stress Analysis

• Determine the stresses

in the members and
connections of the
structure shown.

• From a statics analysis:

FAB = 40 kN
FBC = 50 kN (tension)
• Must consider maximum
normal stresses in AB
and BC, and the
shearing stress and
bearing stress at each
pinned connection

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 63

Sol’n: Rod & Boom Normal Stresses
• The rod is in tension with an axial force of 50
• At the rod center, the average normal stress in the
circular cross-section (A = 314x10-6m2) is sBC =
+159 Mpa.
• At the flattened rod ends, the smallest cross-
sectional area occurs at the pin centerline,

• The boom is in compression with an axial force

of 40 kN and average normal stress of –26.7
Mpa. [sAB = 40000 N /(0.05)(0.03)].
• The minimum area sections at the boom ends are
unstressed since the boom is in compression.
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 64
Solution: Pin Shearing Stresses
• The cross-sectional area for pins at
A, B, and C,

• The force on the pin at C is equal to

the force exerted by the rod BC,

• The pin at A is in double shear with

a total force equal to the force
exerted by the boom AB,

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 65

Solution: Pin Shearing Stresses
• Divide the pin at B into sections to
determine the section with the largest
shear force,

• Evaluate the corresponding average

shearing stress,

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 66

Solution: Pin Bearing Stresses

• To determine the bearing stress at A in the

boom AB, we have t = 30 mm and d = 25 mm,

• To determine the bearing stress at A in the

bracket, we have t = 2(25 mm) = 50 mm and
d = 25 mm,

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 67

Exercise 3

Problems: 1.26 – 1.30 (Strength of Materials

by Pytel and Kiusalaas, Philippine Edition)
Dead line: January 30, 2018
Lesson 4

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel
Cylindrical Tank

•Tangential Stress/
Stress/ Girth Stress/
Hoop Stress σt

Consider the tank

with an internal
diameter D shown
being subjected to an
internal pressure p.
The length of the tank
is L and the wall
thickness is t. Isolating
the right half of the

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 71

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel
Cylindrical Tank

Stress/ Girth
Stress/ Hoop
Stress σt
If there exist an
external pressure po
and an internal
pressure pi, the
formula may be
expressed as:

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 72

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel
Cylindrical Tank

Stress σL
Consider the free
body diagram in the
transverse section of
the tank. The total
force acting at the rear
of the tank F (bursting
force) must equal to
the total longitudinal
Since t is so small force PT carried by the
compared to D, the wall.
area of the wall in
tension is close to πDt.
Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 73
Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel
Cylindrical Tank

Stress σL
If there exist an
external pressure po
and an internal
pressure pi, the
formula may be
expressed as:
It can be observed that the
tangential stress is twice that of the
longitudinal stress, σt = 2 σL, thus the
longitudinal section is the critical
portion of the cylindrical vessel.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 74

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel
Spherical Tank

•Tangential Stress σt

If a spherical tank of

diameter D and
thickness t contains
gas under a pressure
of p, the stress at the
wall can be expressed
If there exist an external as:
pressure po and an internal
pressure pi, the formula
may be expressed as:
Note: spherical tank
is stronger than
cylindrical tank.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 75

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel
Example 1

A water tank, 22 ft in
diameter, is made
from steel plates that
are ½ in. thick. Find
the maximum height
to which the tank may
be filled if the
circumferential stress
is limited to 6000 psi.
The specific weight of
water is 62.4 lb/ft3.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 76

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel
Example 2

The tank shown is

fabricated from 1/8-in
steel plate. Calculate
the maximum
longitudinal and
circumferential stress
caused by an internal
pressure of 125 psi.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 77

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel
Example 2

The tank shown is

fabricated from 1/8-in
steel plate. Calculate
the maximum
longitudinal and
circumferential stress
caused by an internal
pressure of 125 psi.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 78

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel
Example 2

The tank shown is

fabricated from 1/8-in
steel plate. Calculate
the maximum
longitudinal and
p circumferential stress
caused by an internal
pressure of 125 psi.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 79

Thin-Walled Pressure Vessel
Example 2

The tank shown is

fabricated from 1/8-in
steel plate. Calculate
the maximum
longitudinal and
circumferential stress
caused by an internal
pressure of 125 psi.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 80

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