Syzygium Samarangese (Macopa) Fruit As A (SIP)

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Syzygium samarangese(Macopa)fruit as a

natural Fruit Juice

Proponents;John Michael Casilang,Clarisse Dacasin
Drinking soda became part of our lifestyle, especially teenagers they cannot skip drinking coke every day, and
keeping us dehydrated. Nowadays, no one could say “No” to soda. But too much of soda may cause
dehydration and stroke.
Stroke is one of the deadly causes of death in Philippines..Having the one of the deadly causes of death is a
very complicated stage. Despite dehydration that makes us weak and make you lose your life. Macopa Fruit are
commonly thrown away or being ignored or letting it rot in your backyard,but we didn’t know that these thrashes
can be used to make a healthy juice so we can avoid dehydration and stroke. Natural Macopa Juice is very
good product to make because it is eco friendly it helps reduce trashes,it also help us to be more creative to
think what other can bring out from thrashes and at the same time can benefit to our health,this is why the
researchers make an natural Macopa Juice .The researcher choose natural ingredients. We will make a product
that connect to the health benefits of this fruit. There is a difference between our product and the
commercialized one, fresh fruit juice contained less sodium than commercial ones, fresh fruit juice contained
more potassium phosphorus and magnesium than commercial. Juices are effective to keep us hydrated and we
can lower the sugar content by diluting them with water which give us an answer drinking natural Macopa Juice
is effective in keeping us hydrated and it makes us avoid heat stroke.

Background of the study


• To create a natural Macopa Juice that can prevent us from

dehydration and avoid heat stroke.
• To reduce our trash.
• To find out the other benefits of Macopa Fruit aside it prevents
Statement of the problem

• Is there a significant changes between Syzygium

Samarangese (Macopa) Fruit Juice and to other
Commercial Product in terms of taste and effectiveness?
• What is the properties of Macopa Fruit does helps us to
stay dehydrated and avoid heat stroke?
-Natural Macopa Juice has an adequate amount potassium and
water that help us stay dehydrated.
-There is significant difference between Macopa Fruit as a
Natural Juice and the Commercialized Product as regard of
taste,effectiveness,and texture of the juice.

Conceptual framework

Independent Variable Control Variable

Significant difference

Acceptability in regards of Tatse,Effectiveness,and Texture.

Significance of the study

• More than half of the world’s population currently live in urban areas and are particularly at risk
from combined effects of the urban heat island phenomenon and heat increases due to climate
change. The rationale of the study is to save more money and to lessen thrashes. And on the
other sides, The cities at high or very high risk are found in Metro Manila, where levels of heat
hazard and exposure are high. The most vulnerable cities are, however, found mainly outside the
national capital region, where sensitivity is higher and capacity to cope and adapt is lower, This
is alarming, because, as temperatures increase, extreme heat events such as heat waves and
drought are also projected to increase in frequency and severity, endangering human lives,
affecting ecosystems, impacting crop yields and global food production, and wreaking havoc on
infrastructure resulting in economic losses.

• The rationale of the study is find out the help of Macopa Fruit to our community aside its
edible. And on the other sides, The study aims to create a product out of Macopa Fruit that can
help to avoid dehydration and lower the risk of heat stroke, Hence it will benefit the people who
have high risk of heat stroke and those who do not have.
Scope and Limitations

• Scope
-This study was conducted to use Macopa Fruit as a Natural Fruit Juice that
can help us to stay hydrated and prevent us in heat stroke as perceived by the
people who have a high risk of heat stroke and those who don’t have.

- This study does not cure hydration or heat stroke.
Definition of terms

•Protein– is a naturally occurring,extremely complex substance that consists

of Amino Acid (AA) reduces joined by Peptide Bonds
•Soft Drink-drink that usually contains water,a sweetener,and a natural,and
or an artificial flavoring
•Heat Stroke- is the most serious heat-related illness. It occurs when the
body becomes unable to control its temperature
•Macopa– is a species of flowering plant in the Family of Myrtaceae
•Dehydration- means your body loses more fluids than you take in. If it's not
treated, it can get worse and become a serious problem.
• Samarangese or Makopa is a fruit that is presumed to be a native of
Malaysia. It is commonly cultivated from Java to the Philippines and
Vietnam, also in Bengal and South India. The Makopa is a tropical
species. In the Philippines, the tree bears fruit during the summer
season (March- June). The fruit is usually eaten raw or is an
ingredient in a stew or red and white wine. The timber is reddish,
tough and heavy. In Hawaii, it is used to make bowls and poi boards.
The Makopa is also used as a medicine. In some indigenous groups,
a decoction of the bark is used to treat thrush; and a preparation f
the roots is a remedy for relieving itching and is also used to alleviate
edema. The leaves, fruits and bark of the Makopa show antibiotic
activity and has an effect on blood pressure and respiration. [5]

• Syzygium Samarangese (Blume) Merrill and Perry

commonly known as ‘makopa’ is grown throughout
Philippines for its fruits. The tree is used as an
antipyretic and a diuretic 10.Syzygium is a genus of
flowering plants that belongs to the myrtle family
Myrtaceae. The term is a combination of the Greek
syn, meaning “Together‘, and zygon, meaning “yoke‘,
hence, it means “yoked together
• Heat Stroke is the most serious heat-related illness. It occurs
when the body becomes unable to control its temperature: the
body's temperature rises

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

• Describe • Describe • Describe • Describe

this step this step this step this step
in your in your in your in your
experiment experiment experiment experiment
Data/Observations 6

Include Observation based on the 0

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4
data from your experiments
Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

• Brief summary of what you discovered based on results

• Indicate and explain whether or not the data supports your hypothesis
Works Cited

• Include print and electronic sources in alphabetical order

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