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Slabs are constructed to provide flat surfaces, usually horizontal in building floors,
roofs, bridge, and other types of structures. The slab may be supported by walls or by reinforced
concrete beams usually cast monolithically with the slab or by structural steel beams or by
columns, or by the ground. Slabs are constructed to provide flat surfaces, usually horizontal,
in building floors, roofs, bridges, and other types of structures. The slab may be supported by
walls, by reinforced concrete beams usually cast monolithically with the slab, by structural steel
beams, by columns, or by the ground. Reinforced concrete floors and roofs are either one way
or two-way slabs, according to the way loads are transferred to supporting beams and columns.
To classify a slab as a two-way slab, the length of the long side of a panel should be less than
twice the length of the short direction (r = L/S< 2.0), otherwise it is classified as one-way slab.

In two way slabs, the load will be carried in both the directions. So, the main
reinforcement is provided in both directions for two way slabs. Two-way slabs are
categorized into several types such as two-way edge supported slab, flat plate, flat
slab, waffle slab and two-way ribbed slab. These types are used to satisfy with
span length variety and loading condition. Many methods developed to analyze
two-way slabs some of them present exact analysis such as elastic plate theory
and finite element method while others present approximate solution and these
methods are used in many cods as shown later in this research. (Belal Samir
Alharazin, 2018)
There are several methods by which two-way slabs can be designed. All
methods are viable provided that the safety and serviceability of the elements
are within the acceptable limits. The coefficient method may be the simplest,
easiest and the quickest approach for the design of two-way slab supported
by edge beam on all slab sides.

Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop an application program for the
analysis and Design of Edge supported rectangular reinforced Concrete two-
way solid slab that takes national code provisions and utilizes EBCS 2, 1995.
Statement of the Problem
The design of various components of a building structure is performed based on the American Concrete Institute
(ACI) Building Code 318 and Currently in Ethiopia the analysis and design of edge supported rectangular RC
two-way solid slab is done using readily available Excel sheet template. But working with these might have
many problems, firstly the structure that is already analyzed by SAP or SAFE or any other international
software applications; that uses international codes; for instance, EURO CODE and then designed by excel
sheet can create failure and uneconomical analysis and result. More importantly if the functional (equation) box
in excel sheet is changed or touched without the knowledge of the designer it might result huge errors.

Since the pioneer engineering software application SAP (System, Application and Products in data processing)
does not design structures using EBCS. So it will subject the designer for further investigation of some other
applications for design purpose such as excel data sheet. This research solves this and other related problem
regarding solid slab using EBCS 2, 1995.

Research Questions
The upper and lower boundary of this research is as described on the following list:

1. The programming and coding will utilize and only coded through Microsoft visual Basic for only Two-Way edge supported rectangular two way
Solid Slabs.
2. To the test the accuracy of the program, values of the slab’s properties are provided and manually calculated to be used to compare the results
gained from that of the program’s outputs to the example’s answers.
3. Calculations and rules are based on EBCS 2, and Deflection Checking and Detailing is not included in the scope.
4. Bending Moment Coefficients and Shear Force Coefficients will solely be based on EBCS 2,1995 Appendix Table A-1, 2, 3, 4 and Table A-5
5. The values to be inputted once the program is finished are to follow the given units:
A. Characteristic Strength of concrete, fck: N/mm2
B. Characteristic Strength of steel reinforcement, fyk: N/mm2
C. Long Span and Short Span of slab; Ly and Lx in mm
D. Slab Thickness, h in mm
E. Nominal cover, Cnom in mm
F. Case
G. Diameter of reinforcement bar, ϕbar: mm
H. Area of linkage (corresponding to the As, prov at the support whichever is highest), Asl in mm2/m

General Objective
The general objective of this research is to develop a computer program for analysis and design of Reinforced Concrete
rectangular edge supported two-way solid Slab by Using EBCS 2,1995

Specific Objectives
Some of the specific objective of this thesis paper are:

1. To analyze and optimally design the edge supported rectangular RC two-way solid slab depending on selected concrete
grade, for selected diameter of reinforcement bars and for selected steel grade.
2. To reduce the problem made by personal work and using other application to analysis and design edge supported
Rectangular RC two-way solid slab.
3. To provide an easy interface for users to use and input values to the program which will carry out the calculations in a short
amount of time.
4. To successfully allow the program to carry out calculations for the analysis of reinforced concrete design for edge
supported rectangular two-way solid slabs
Research Significance

1. To initiate students and or researchers for further creativity work by using their own
country code.

2. The finished program would provide accurate results and can be run on any Windows
Operating System requiring minimal computer specifications and without draining much
of the computer’s resources.
3. In addition, the program can be easily use with an easy interface to interact with the
users by simple inputting values into given boxes and pressing buttons on the interface to
proceed, reset or exit the program.
4. The program would also be considered free to use for academic purposes and would not
require any sort of payment for its usage.
Expected Output
Once the program is finished in its programming and coding, the program will:
1. Able to be executed with any computer that has Microsoft Visual Basic installed and its requirements.
2. Read inputs (Material Property of Concrete) given such as Characteristic Actions, Characteristic Strength of
concrete and steel, length and width of slab, nominal cover, slab thickness, and Slab Position Case.
3. Once inputs are correctly added, clicking “Calculate” button will begin the calculation process and analyze the
edge supported Rectangular RC two-way solid Slab.
4. Calculations will not be shown on-screen it is coded. but it will give the answers on the screen for the following:
Ratio of Ly/Lx , Case, Bending moment coefficients for short span β sx and βsy , Bending moments: Msx1, Msx2, Msy1
and Msy2 in kN/mm2 , Diameter of bar in mm , Fctm in kN/mm2 , Effective depths, dx and dy in mm ,Minimum and
maximum reinforcement area in mm2 , Areas of reinforcements for long spans and short spans with their respective
mid spans and support, As in mm2/m, Values of k and z for the calculation of area of reinforcement, Design shear
forces: Vsx1,Vsx2,Vsy1 andVsy2 , Maximum shear force, Ved , Design Shear Resistance, Vrd,c , Minimum Shear Force,
Vmin , Maximum Bar Spacing for Main and Secondary Bars.

Reinforced concrete slabs are used in floors, roofs and walls of buildings and as the decks of bridges. The
floor system of a structure can take many forms such as in situ solid slab, ribbed slab or pre-cast units.
Slabs may span in one direction or in two directions and they may be supported on monolithic concrete
beam, steel beams, walls or directly by the structure’s columns.

Types of Slab and Design Methods

Slabs are plate elements forming floors and roofs in buildings which normally carry uniformly distributed
loads. Slabs may be simply supported or continuous over one or more supports and are classified
according to the method of support as follows:
1. Spanning one way between beams or walls
2. Spanning two ways between the support beams or walls
3. Flat slabs carried on columns and edge beams or walls with no interior beams

Slabs may be solid of uniform thickness or ribbed with ribs running in one or two directions. Slabs with
varying depth are generally not used. Stairs with various support conditions form a special case of
sloping slabs. For this paper researcher use the method of design coefficients which use moment and
shear coefficients given in the code, which have been obtained from yield line analysis.

The moments in slabs spanning in two directions can also be determined using coefficients tabulated in
the code of practice, EBCS 2,1995. Slab which are not rectangular in plan or which support an irregular
loading arrangement may be analyzed by techniques such as the yield line method or the Helliborg strip
method. Concrete slab behave primarily as flexural members and the design is similar to that for beams,
although in general it is somewhat simpler because;
1. The breadth of the slab is already fixed and a unit breadth of 1m is used in the calculations,
2. The shear stress is usually low in a slab except when there are heavy concentrated loads, and
3. Compression reinforcement is seldom required. 11

Slabs are constructed to provide flat surfaces, usually horizontal, in building floors, roofs, bridges, and
other types of structures. The slab may be supported by walls, by reinforced concrete beams usually cast
monolithically with the slab, by structural steel beams, by columns, or by the ground. Slabs are classified
into two types: One Way Slab and Two Way Slab. One way slab is a slab which is supported by beams on
the two opposite sides to carry the load along one direction. The ratio of longer span (l) to shorter span (b)
is equal or greater than 2, considered as One-way slab because this slab will bend in one direction i.e. in
the direction along its shorter span. Two way slab is a slab supported by beams on all the four sides and
the loads are carried by the supports along with both directions, it is known as two way slab. In two way
slabs, the load will be carried in both the directions. So, the main reinforcement is provided in both
directions for two way slabs.


EBCS 2,1995permit the use of simplified load arrangement for all slabs of maximum ultimate design load
throughout all spans or panels provided that the following condition are met;
a) in one-way slab, the area of each bay ≥ 30 m2
b) Live load, Qk ≤ 1.25 Dead load, Gk

c) Live load, Qk ≤ 5 kN/m2 excluding partitions.

If analysis is based on this singled load case, all support moments (except at a cantilever) should be reduced
by 20 per cent and span moments increased accordingly. No further redistribution is then permitted, but
special attention must be given to cases where a span or panel is adjacent to a cantilever of significant length.
In this situation the condition where the cantilever is fully loaded and the span unloaded must be examined to
determine possible hogging moments in the span. To determine the value of bending moment coefficient and
shear forces coefficient, therefore very important to define the condition of panel type, location and moment
considered. Refer to EBCS 2,1995. and also Appendix Table A_1, Table A_2 and Table A_3 for more

Load Distribution from Slab

Define the type of slab either one-way direction or two-way direction, for
determine the shape of load distribution from slab to beam.
If Iy / Ix < 2 → consider as two-way slab

Iy / Ix ≥ 2 → consider as one-way slab

where → Ix - length of shorter side

Iy - length of longer side


Data On Concrete and Steel

Characteristic Compressive Strength of Concrete
For the purpose of this Thesis, compressive strength of concrete is determined from tests on 150 mm
cubes at the age of 28 days in accordance with Ethiopian Standards.
Table 3.1 Grades of Concrete and Characteristic Cylinder Compressive Strength fck
Grades of C15 C20 C25 C30 C40 C50 C60

fck 12 16 20 24 32 40 48

fck = 0.85*fc

Data On Concrete and Steel
Characteristic Tensile Strength
In this Thesis, the characteristic tensile strength refers to the axial tensile
strength as determined by tests in accordance with standards issued or
approved by Ethiopian Standards. In the absence of more accurate data, the
characteristic tensile strength may also be determined from the characteristic
cylinder compressive strength according to Eq. 2. l.

fctk = 0.7*fctm…where fctm is the mean value given by Eq. 2.2.

fctm = 0.3*(fck) 2/3…The corresponding values of fctk and fctm for the
different grades of concrete are given in Table 3.2. Table 3.2 Grades of
Concrete and Values of fctk and fctm

Data On Concrete and Steel
Characteristic Tensile Strength
Grades of Concrete C15 C20 C25 C40 C50

fctk 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.5 3.0 3.5


1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7

2.1 2.5 2.8

Modulus of Elasticity
In the absence of more accurate data, or in cases where great accuracy is not required, an estimate of the mean value of the
secant modulus Ecm can be obtained from Table 3.3 for a given concrete grade. Table 3.3 of the Secant Modulus of Elasticity
Ecm in GPa
Grades of
Concrete(fc) C15 C20 C25 C30 C40 C50 C30
Ecm 26 27 29 32 35 37 39

Ecm =9.5(fck +8)1/3 ……………………………. (3.3) 17

Data On Concrete and Steel
Poisson's Ratio
Any value between 0 and 0.2 can be adopted for Poisson's ratio.
Creep and Shrinkage

1.Creep and shrinkage of the concrete depend mainly on the ambient humidity, the dimensions of the element
and the composition of the concrete. Creep is also influenced by the maturity of the concrete when the load
is first applied and on the duration and magnitude of the loading. Any estimation of the creep coefficient and
of the basic shrinkage strain, shall take these parameters into account.
2.In cases where great accuracy is not required, the values given in Tables 3.4 and 3.5 respectively can be
considered as the final creep coefficient u,) and the final shrinkage strain of a normal weight concrete
subjected to a compressive stress not exceeding 0.45f ck at the time to at first loading.
3.The data given in Tables apply for a range of the mean temperature of the concrete between 10 oC and 20 oC.
Maximum seasonal temperature up to 40 oc can be accepted. In the same way, variations in relative humidity
around the mean values given in Tables between RH =20% and RH = 100% are acceptable. 18
Data On Concrete and Steel
Table 3.4 Final Creep Coefficient of Normal Weight Concrete
Notional size 2Ac/u (in mm)
Age at 50 150 600 50 150
Loading Dry atmospheric conditions
(days) (inside) (RH = 50%)
Humid atmospheric conditions
(outside) (RH = 80%)
1 5.5 4.6 3.7 3.6 3.2 2.9
7 3.9 3.1 2.6 2.6 2.3 2.0
28 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.5
90 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.2
365 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0

Data On Concrete and Steel
Table 3.5 Final Shrinkage Strains (in 0/00) or Normal Weight Concrete
Location of the number Relative humidity Notional size 2Ac/u (mm) 150
Inside 50 - 0.60 - 0.50
Outside 80 - 0.33 - 0.28
where: Ac = cross-section area of concrete
u = perimeter of that area

Note: For concrete of other consistency, the values have to be multiplied by 0.70 (stiff
consistency) or 1.20 (soft consistency)
1. For concrete with superplasticizers, the consistency before adding the superplasticizers
is used for the evaluation of the creep and shrinkage coefficients as given in tables
above. For Physical properties of reinforcing steel, the following mean values may be
assumed: Density 7 850 kg/m3
Coefficient of thermal expansion 10 x 10-6 per oC


Solid Slabs Spanning in Two Directions

When a slab is supported on all four of its sides it effectively spans in both directions, and it is sometimes
more economical to design the slab on this basis. The amount of bending in each direction will depend on the
ratio of the two spans and the conditions of restraint at each support. If the slab is square and the restraints are
similar along the four sides, then the load will span equally in both directions. If the slab is rectangular then
more than one-half of the loads will be carried in the stiffer, shorter direction and less in the longer
direction. If one span is much longer than the other, a large proportion of the load will be carried in the short
direction and the slab may as well be designed as spanning in only one direction.

Moments in each direction of span are generally calculated using coefficients which are tabulated in the codes of
practice, EBCS. Areas of reinforcement to resist the moments are determined independently for each direction
of span. The slab is reinforced with bars in both directions parallel to the spans with the steel for the shorter
span placed furthest from the neutral axis to give it greater effective depth. The span-effective depth ratios are
based on the shorter span and the percentage of reinforcement in that direction. With a uniformly distributed load
Solid Slabs Spanning in Two Directions

Figure 3.1: Loads carried by supporting beams

Figure 3.2: Nine Types of slab panels
Solid Slabs Spanning in Two Directions

1.Simply Supported Slab Spanning in Two Directions

A slab simply supported on its four sides will deflect about both axes under load and the corners will tend to lift and curl up
from the supports, causing torsion moments. When no provision has been made to prevent this lifting or to resist the torsion
then the moment coefficients of Table 3.1, EBCS may be used and the maximum moments are given by equation below:
msx = αsx nlx2 in direction of span lX and
m sy = αsy nlx2 in direction of span ly
where msx and msy are the moments at mid-span on strips of unit width with spans lx and respectively, and
n = (1.4Gk + 1.6Qk), that is, the total ultimate load per unit area
ly = the length of the longer side
lx = the length of the shorter side
The area of reinforcement in directions lx and ly respectively are;
Asx = m sx / 0.87fyz per meter width and
• Asy = m sy / 0.87fyz per metre width
Solid Slabs Spanning in Two Directions
Shear in Slab

The shear resistance of slab may be calculated by the procedures given in EBCS 2,1995.
Experimental works has indicated that, compared with beams, shallow slab fail at slightly
higher shear stresses and this is incorporated into the values of design ultimate shear stress
vc. (Refer to Table A_3, EBCS 2,1995). The shear stress at a section in a solid slab is given
v= V
where V is the shear force due to ultimate load, d is the effective depth of the slab and b is
the width of section considered (Refer to Table 3.17 and EBCS 2,1995). Calculation is
usually based on strip of slab 1m wide. The EBCS 2,1995requires that for solid slab;
v < 0.8 √ fcu or 5 N/mm2
v < vc for a slab thickness less than 200 mm
if v > vici, shear reinforcement must be provided in slabs more than 200 mm thick.
If shear reinforcement is required, then nominal steel, as for beams, should be provided
when v < (vc + 0.4) and ‘designed’ reinforcement provided for higher values of v.

Solid Slabs Spanning in Two Directions
Shear in Slab

Punching Shear Analysis

A concentrated load (N) on a slab causes shearing stresses on a section around the load; this effect is
referred to a punching shear. The initial critical section for shear is shown in Figure 3.2 and the shear
stress is given by;
v = N / (Perimeter of the section x d) = N / (2a + 2b + 12d) d
where a and b are the plan dimensions of the concentrated load. No shear reinforcement is required if
the punching shear stress, v < vc. The value of vc, depends on the percentage of reinforcement 100As/bd
which should be calculates as an average of a tensile reinforcement in the two directions and should
include all the reinforcement crossing the critical section and extending a further distance equal to at
least d on either side. Check should also be undertaken to ensure that the stress v calculated for the
perimeter at the face of the loaded area is less than smaller of 0.8 √ fcu or 5 N/mm2.
Solid Slabs Spanning in Two Directions
Shear in Slab

Span-Effective Depth Ratios

Excessive deflections of slab will cause damage to the ceiling, floor finishes and other architectural
details. To avoid this, limits are set on the span-depth ratios. These limits are exactly the same as those for
beams. As a slab is usually a slender member the restrictions on the span-depth ratio become more
important and this can often control the depth of slab required. In terms of the span-effective depth ratio
the depth of the slab is given by;
minimum effective depth = span
• basic ratio x modification factors
The modification factor is based on the area of tension steel in the shorter span when a slab is singly
reinforced at mid-span but if a slab has both top and bottom steel at mid­-span the modification factors for
the areas of tension and compression steel, as given in, EBCS 2,1995, are used.
Solid Slabs Spanning in Two Directions

Reinforcement Detail

To resist cracking of the concrete, codes of practice specify detail such as the minimum area of reinforcement
required in a section and limits to the maximum and minimum spacing of bars. Some of these rules are as follows;

Minimum areas of reinforcement

Minimum area = 0.13bh / 100 for high yield steel or
= 0.24bh / 100 for mild steel in both directions.

Maximum Spacing of Reinforcement: The maximum clear spacing given apply to bars in beams when a maximum
likely crack width of 0.3 mm is acceptable the cover to reinforcement does not exceed 50 mm), and are similar to
beams except that for thin slabs, or if the tensile steel percentage is small, spacing may be increased from those
given to a maximum of the lesser of 3d or 750 mm.
Solid Slabs Spanning in Two Directions

A procedure carried out in this thesis is as follow:
1. The coding of application in Visual basic 2010 is done. And after it is completed.
2. The assess of the durability required, concrete and steel strength is done
3. The nominal cover for durability is done.
4. The analysis of structure to obtain critical Moments and Shear force is done.
5. The design of steel reinforcement for flexure is done.
6. The verification of shear, deflection and cracking is done.
Use of Visual Basic in Civil Engineering

Programming means designing a set of instructions to instruct the computer to carry out certain jobs in such a way that are
very much faster than human beings can do. The earliest programming language is called machine language that uses
binary codes comprises 0 and 1 to communicate with the computer. Machine language is extremely difficult to learn.
Fortunately, scientists have invented high level programming languages that are much easier to master. Some of the high
levels programming languages are Java, JavaScript, C, C++, C# and Visual Basic. (Seyfe Nigussie)

This paper focuses for the development of software program of CIPPTBGB and SPGB using Visual Studio 2012
software. Visual Basic is a third-generation event-driven programming language and integrated development environment
(IDE) from Microsoft for its Component Object Model (COM) programming model first released in 1991 and declared
legacy in 2008. Microsoft intended Visual Basic to be relatively easy to learn and use. Visual Basic was derived from
BASIC, a user-friendly programming language designed for beginners, and it enables the rapid application development
(RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications, access to databases using Data Access Objects, Remote Data
Objects, or ActiveX Data Objects, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects (Microsoft Corporation, 2012).

Use of Visual Basic in Civil Engineering

The main design outputs of the developed program are Edge supported two-way
solid slab Ratio of Ly/Lx , Case, Bending moment coefficients for short span β sx and
βsy , Bending moments: Msx1, Msx2, Msy1 and Msy2 in kN/mm2 , Diameter of bar in mm
, Fctm in kN/mm2 , Effective depths, Minimum and maximum reinforcement area in
mm2 , Areas of reinforcements for long spans and short spans with their respective
mid spans and support, As in mm2/m, Values of k and z for the calculation of area of
reinforcement, Design shear forces: Vsx1,Vsx2,Vsy1 andVsy2 , Maximum shear force,
Ved , Design Shear Resistance, Vrd,c , Minimum Shear Force, Vmin , Maximum Bar
Spacing for Main and Secondary Bars.
Use of Visual Basic in Civil Engineering

Programming Development Process

This Project present a simple program created for structural elements design and analysis by using Visual
basic. This program is created based on EBCS 2,1995 code and provide the information about the design and
analysis. Comparison is made between the program and manual calculation to validate the program.
Generally, the result from the program and manual calculation shows that both are comparable and do not
have much difference.

All programming involves creating something that solves a problem. Here there are four steps that are
followed during the development of the program:
1. Identify the Problem
2. Design a Solution
3. Write the Program
4. Check the Solution
Use of Visual Basic in Civil Engineering

Flow Charts
In this unit we have studied method for reinforced concrete slab design. Summary of reinforced concrete slab design are shown in Figure 3.17 b

Decide concrete grade, concrete cover, fire

resistance and durability

Estimate slab thickness for continuous, L/d = 30

or for simply supported, L/d = 24, where L is
shorter span of the slab.

Load calculation and estimation

Structural analysis using EBCS 2,1995

Reinforcement deign

Check shear

Check for serviceability limit state
Use of Visual Basic in Civil Engineering

Numerical Examples

Design the reinforcement for a simply supported slab 200

mm thick and spanning in two directions. The effective
span in each direction is 4.5 m and 6.3 m and the slab
supports a live load of 10 kN/m2. The characteristic
material strengths are fcu = 30 N/mm2 and fy = 460 N/mm2.

Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Solution 1 (Using SADSE 2021)

Fig 4.1. Material Property of Concrete insertion page

Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Fig 4.2. Material Property of Concrete

Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Fig 4.2. Material Property of Steel

Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Fig 4.3. Material Property of Steel

Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Fig 4.3. Define a Load Pattern 38

Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Fig 4.4. Screen to input data @ Short Span 39

Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Fig 4.4. Screen to input data @ Short Span
Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Fig 4.4. Result for the input data @ Short Span
Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Fig 4.4. Screen input data @ Long Span 42

Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Fig 4.4. Input data @ Long Span
Numerical Examples Using SADSE2021

Fig 4.4. Result @ Long Span 44

Numerical Examples Using Manual

Solution 2 (Using Manual Calculation)

ly / lX = 6.3/4.5 = 1.4 < 2 → Two-way slab

From Table 3.14, αsx = 0.099 and αsy = 0.051.

Self-weight of slab = 0.2 x 24 x 10 3 = 4.8 kN/m2

Ultimate load, n = 1.4Gk + 1.6Qk

n = (1 .4 x 4. 8 ) + (1. 6 x 10 ) = 2 2.7 2 kN/m 2

= 2 2.7 2 k N/m/ m wi d th

Short Span

1) Bending

From Table 3.4, EBCS 2,1995, mild exposure conditions, cover, c = 25 mm. Assume Ø
bar = 10mm.

dx = h – c - Ø /2 = 20 0 – 25 – 5 = 17 0 mm .

m sx = αsx nlx2

= 0.099(22.72) (4.5) 2 = 45 .5 k N.m/ m

K= M = 45.5 x 106 = 0.052 < 0.156

f cu bd2 30(1000) (170)2

z = d {0.5 + √ ( 0. 25 – K/ 0. 9 )}

= d {0 .5 + √ (0 .25 – 0 .05 2 /0 .9 )}

= 0.94 d < 0 .9 5d , so tak e z = 0.94 d

Asx = msx / 0.87f y z = 45.5 x106 / (0.87x 460) (0.94x170)

= 711.5 mm2/ m

Checking Asmin, from Table 3.27 BS 8110, fy = 460 N/mm2

Asmin = 0.13bh / 100

= 0.13(1000 x 200) / 100

= 260 mm2/ m

Asx > Asmin → ok 45

Numerical Examples Using Manual

Provide T10 bars at 100 mm Centre, As = 786 mm2/m

2) Deflection Checking

M = 45.5 x 106 = 1.57

bd2 1000 x1702

From Table 3.11 EBCS 2,1995, for fs = 221 N/mm 2 the span-effective depth
modification factor = 1.41. Therefore;

Allowable span / d > Actual span / d

20 x 1.41 > 4500 / 170

28.2 > 26.5 → ok

3) Shear

Shear, V = WL / 2 = (22.72 x 4.5) / 2 = 51.12 kN

Shear stress, v = V / bd

= 51.12 x 103/ (1000 x 170)

= 0.3 N/mm2 < 0.8 √ fcu

From Table 3.9, BS 8110,

100As / bd = 100 x 786 / 1000 x 170 = 0.46

So, v c = 0.63 x (30/25)1/3 = 0.67 N/mm2,

v < v c, so no shear reinforcement is required. 46

Numerical Examples Using Manual

Long Span

1) Bending

From Table 3.4 BS 8110, mild exposure conditions, cover, c = 25 mm. Assume Ø bar =
10mm. dy = h – c - Ø/2 = 200 – 25 -10 – 5 = 160 mm.

m sy = αsynlx2

= 0.051(22.72) (4.5) 2 = 23.5 k Nm /m

K= M = 23.5 x 106 = 0.031 < 0.156

2 2
fcu bd 30(1000) (160)

z = d {0.5 + √ (0 .25 – K/ 0. 9)}

= d {0.5 + √ (0.25 – 0 .031/0.9)}

= 0. 96 d > 0 .95d, so take z = 0 .9 5 d

Asy = msy / 0.87fy z = 23.5 x106 / (0.87x 460) (0.95x160)

= 354 mm2/ m

Checking Asmin, from Table 3.27 BS 8110, fy = 460 N/mm2

Asmin = 0.13bh / 100

= 0.13(1000 x 200) / 100

= 260 mm2/ m

Asx > Asmin → ok

Provide T10 bars at 200 mm centre, As = 393 mm2/m

2) Checking for Transverse Steel

From Table 3.27, fy = 460 N/mm 2

100As / bh = 100 (393) / 1000 x 200

0.19 > 0.13 (Asmin) → ok


The following points have been summarized as conclusions for the research work.
1. Since traditional methods for the analysis and design of Edge Supported Rectangular RC two Way Solid
Slab is tedious and time consuming, providing computer program for this that offers accuracy and
flexibility that cannot be matched with traditional hand calculations or Microsoft excel written programs.
2. In times when buying original software is difficult, such projects appreciate the application of homemade
(self-made) programs to make life easy in analysis and design of any structure.
3. Also, this program is particularly useful to those who have very little experience in edge supported
rectangular two-way solid slab analysis and design. Hence, design office and engineers will benefit a lot
from the result of this project. For example, getting quick results of dimension and reinforcement detail
from the output of this product, one can do economic comparison between different types and spans of
Solid slab. The package could also serve as a good educational aid for related courses.


The following points have been summarized as recommendations for the research work.
1. It would be possible to better compare various design methods and thus generate a
broader view of slab engineering. Linking currently existing design procedures with
new structural concepts would contribute to the body of knowledge in that current
methods are assessed and possibly adjusted to future challenges in slab engineering.
2. It would be better if civil engineers especially who have the interest in programming
area participate in developing programs that will make different design processes
simple and efficient around the construction industry.
3. The university should appreciate such projects in order to increase the productivity of
students and of course the engineers to contribute something valuable for our country

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