Median Age of Less Than 30 Years 3 Largest Economy in Terms of Purchasing Power Parity

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India @75 Ease of doing business :

• Minimum Government , Maximum Governance+ cooperative federalism

• Industrial growth in India :
• Providing avenues and opportunities through- 1. advent of british ( decay of handicraft industry and machine made goods flourished after
policy initiatives,planning and effective industrialization-policies encourage import of their goods and exports of our raw
• Pillars of –Atmanirbhar Bharat, Sabka Saath Sabka 2. after independence ( 5 year plans focused on development of private and public sectors)
Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Digital India, Skill India 3. 2nd 5 year plan-Mahalanobis Model-priority to industrialisation
• Road ahead towards being an economic 4. 3rd 5 year plan- helped build up capital goods industries in India
powerhouse with a robust infrastructure leading 5. 1965-1980-industrial growth saw a decline-negligence of consumer goods sector
to 5 trillion economy 6. 1980-1991-recovered due to capital goods+improvement in manufacturing
• Strengthening Brand India through-Make in India, 7. 1991-economic liberalisation
Invest in India, Ease of doing business, better • World Bank EOB-69 (2019) from 142 (2014)-changes in construction permits, ease of
infrastructure, Digital India, being vocal for local, getting electricity, FDI 100 % through (automatic route in coal mining, direct route in
heritage tourism contract manufacturing,74 % thorugh automatic route in defence sector)
• • Atal Innovation Mission-global innovation index-81 to 48-atal tinkering labs (4870+)in
Public Participation –key of success (Example-
Swach Bharat Mission-govt. led initiative 660+ district
transformed to people led movement • NITI aayog-115 aspirational districts ranked on progress being made-health & nutrition,
education, agriculture & water resources, financial inclusion& skill development and Basic
• Public Private Partnership- way forwardfor India’s
development Infrastructure- released 2nd edition of SDG and online dashboard to track progress on 17
SDGs ( considerable progress in 6: clean water and sanitation to become ODF in 5 years
through SBM-2014)
Challenges to democracy: Median age of less • Digital India-creation of digitally empowered society, knowledge economy . Eg :
1.Corruption: Nexus than 30 years development of broadband highways, universal access to mobile connectivity, public
between politicians, 3 largest economy
internet access, e governance(Aadhar-world’s largest biometric database preventing
bureaucrats, industrialists in terms of leakages via Direct Benefit Transfer, smart cities mission, BHIM UPI, RuPay, GSTIN, GeM,
2.Criminalisation in politics purchasing power DigiLocker
3. Disunity among different parity • 271 million lifted out of poverty (2006 and 2016), Mudra loan scheme launched in 2015
members of community (credit to 10 lakh non farming non corporate micro and small enterprise), Pradhan Mantri
Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana-6000 per year min income support
Steps during COVID India and Space:
• Thumba-Kerala-ISRO-1969
• Atmanirbhar bharat- economic stimulus relief • India’s 1st satellite-Aryabhata-launched from a launch site in Soviet Union
package of 20 lakh crore -10 % of GDP released
• Bhaskara 1 & 2- experiential Earth observation satellite- provided confidence to build
• PM Garib Kalyan Yojana- 80 crore people given operational remote sensing satellites (world leader in remote sensing satellites today)
free food till Nov 2020 • APPLE: India’s first communication satellite launched by European Ariane rocket , rocket
• motor developed in India
20 crore women Jan Dhan Holders given 500
per month for 3 months All 3 above developed free of cost-reflects India’s successful international space cooperation
• MNREGA-wage rate increased to 202 per • ISRO conducted 2 experiments-SITE and STEP-1980 on utilisation of satellites for
person-13.62 crore families benefited television broadcasting and telecommunication.
• 1980- launched 1st Satellite launch vehicle and entered league of 6 nations to launch
Reforms in education: NEP
1.Core essentials : curriculum of satellite on its own
NEP 2020 – will make subjects will be reduced to core • INSAT 1B- 1st multipurpose operational satellite- weather forecasting, telecom., television
India knowledge super essentials
2.Critical thinking : broadcasting
Focus on critical thinking, • 1988-IRS-1A- started imaging earth from orbit
SWAYAM portal- govt. inquiry, • 1990s- INSAT 2- systematic usage of imagery for tasks like crop yield estimation, ground
is building digital discussion,discovery,analysis
based teaching & learning water, mineral prospecting, forest survey, urban sprawl monitoring, wasteland
divide for students methods for holistic education classification, fisheries development began
who have limited 3. Interactive Classes:
Interactive teaching with
• INSAT- largest domestic communication satellites in Asia-Pacific
reduced dependency on • High throughput satellites-GSAT 11 ,19, 29 supporting Digital India campaign by boosting
textbook learning broadband connectivity to rural areas and inaccessible-gram panchayats-transponders will
Make in India 4.Experential Learning:
Fun, creative, collaborative, bridge digital divide
1.Contribution of MSMEs- 30 exploratory activities in • ISRO has developed 5 launch vehicles-PSLV-3rd gen launch vehicle, GSLV mk 2 -4th gen –has
% to 50 %- 5 crore jobs will classroom
3 stages- liquid, cryogenic-storage of liquid H2, O2, at very low temp., GSLV Mk 3- solid,
be created
liquid , cryogenic, 5th gen used in CARE, Chandrayaan-2, Chandrayaan 1-PSLV (After US.
Soviet, Japan), AstroSat-PSLV-studying celestial sources in X ray, UV and optical spectral
• Supersonic Combustion Ramjet- SCRAMJET, GAGAN- GPS Aided Geo Augmented
Navigation-better air traffic management
• Human Space Flight Center-2019-Gaganyaan-human space flight capability-low earth orbit
Fiscal Federalism
• Refers to relationship between the country’s central govt. and other units of
Redefining fiscal federalism to ensure better utilization of funds
• Represents how expenditure and revenue are allocated over different layers of • Liberalisation in 1991, Scrapping Planning Commissio
govt. administration • End to centralised planning era and discretionary grants, setting up NITI
Aayog, introducing VAT 2005
• Advantage: cost efficiency-economies of scale in providing public services • GST –constitution-279 A- formation of GST Council-joint forum of union
• Over time , through various reforms, committees, commissions, parliamentary and states entrusted with responsibility of making recommendation on
enactment-rigid unitary system with immense scope of discretionary power to GST, taxes
CG transformed into a constitutionally regulated federal system • rationalisation of centrally sponsored schemes-increased devolution of
untied funds
• Govt of India Act-1919- Montague Chelmsford reforms-introduced a system of • Outcome based budgeting
diarchy-central, provincial (chosen by governor from elected members of
provincial legislature)
• 1927, Simon Commission- recommended establishment of Indian state and
• Expert Committee 1931 (Viscount Peel)-examined Centre-State relations,
suggested sharing income tax while fixing share of provinces for 5 years
• Govt of India Act-1935-federal system with Indian States and provinces as 2
different units
• Therefore, act of 1919, 1935, basic structure of fiscal federalism
• Dual Polity-B.R Ambedkar-Union at Centre-states at periphery each endowed
with sovereign powers to be exercised in the field assigned to them
respectively by constitution-7 th schedule-demarcates powers and functions of
Union and State- Union List( atomic energy, defence, NH,railways, airways-
significant scale of economy), State List (significant development potential
within states, Concurrent List
• Finance Commision every 5 years constituted to address horizontal, vertical
imbalance (Art 275-278)-makes recommendation for devolution of central
taxes to states and principle for distribution of grants in aid
• CG transfers fund to SG-General purpose transfers-untied funds devolved to SG
via FC, Specific purpose transfers-tied transfers-centrally sponsored schemes

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