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Battle of Uhad

Basic Details
3 AH, Saturday 15 Shawwal 625AD
Muslims, Quraish (Jews and Hypocrites)
Muslims: Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Quraish: Abu Sufyan
Uhud- a hill residing 3 miles to the North of Madinah
Reasons for Battle
 Defeat at Badr intensified the hatred and enmity
of Quraish
 Wanted to regain their lost prestige
 Rise of Madinah was a threat to their political
and commercial interests
 Those who had lost their family members at
 wanted to take revenge  Those who had invested their profit at war
 Their important leaders were killed at battle
of Badr

Events: The Battle Begins
 People made request to Abu Sufyan (Quraish leader) to
wage a war against Muslims
 He agreed to request
 Quraish sent their poets to different tribes:
-To seek revenge
-To write abusive poems to Holy Prophet.
 Abu Sufyan decided that he wont take a bath till he
had avenged defeat at Badr
 People who joined Abu Sufyan in the war:
-the Jewish poet: Kab bin Ashraf
-Banu Nazir
-Hypocrites of Madinah
⬗ Prophet decided to fight outside Madinah upon the suggestion of most of his
followers, although he himself had a different opinion
⬗ Muslims, numbered 700, marched to Uhud and encamped on the rising ground with
mount Uhud on their back- their position was advantageous as the Makkan army
couldn’t approach them
⬗ Upon reaching the battlefield, Prophet appointed 50 archers under the command of
Abdullah bin Jubair- why?
1. To protect the pass in Uhud mountain
2. To defend Muslims from any possible attack by the enemy from the back
⬗ He instructed them clearly not leave their position under any
⬗ When the 50 archers saw that the victory was certain,
about 35- 36 of them left their positions and came to
collect booty
 Now, the pass was left unguarded. Khalid bin Waleed (head of enemy
cavalry) found the opening undefended, and attacked them. Muslims
got panic-stricken. They started to run away from the battlefield.
Some retreated.
 Quraish attacked the Holy Prophet, who was surrounded by a group
of companions. He got wounded badly (specially on face), lost a
tooth, became unconscious and 2 rings from his helmet embedded
in his cheek.
 This disheartened the Muslims, they lost hope. Holy Prophet
(PBUH), therefore, stood firmly and ordered his companions
to come back. Fighting was now one sided. Both parties
were extremely exhausted. Soon fighting ended and the
armies decided to leave. The Quraish while leaving
they challenged Muslims for a war next year and
Abu Sufyan said: “This is a day of (revenge)
Impacts of the Battle
 Defeat at Uhud lowered the prestige of the Muslims in the eyes of the
neighboring tribes
 Several tribes broke away their alliance with Prophet
 Events like ‘Bir Mauna’ started taking place, in which Muslims
were killed
 Muslims now started being more united, disciplined
and loyal
 They became more determined and sincere
towards Islam and Prophet
 They got to know that lack of discipline,
obedience and greed caused their defeat
 In future wars they never disobeyed Prophet again.
Importance of The Battle
⬗ It offered a lot to the Muslims to learn from their mistakes
⬗ Muslims got cautious and fought well till the end
⬗ Battle of Uhud as called Ghazwa-e-Uhud, proved to be of enormous importance in
terms of some other elements as well
⬗ gave the lesson that the instructions of the prophet Muhammad (Peace
Be Upon Him), must never be neglected
⬗ Muslims came to know about the real face of Jews of Madinah of
that time
⬗ learned the importance of strategic planning in the field of battle.
⬗ it proved to be a blessing to the Muslims that they
became aware of the Jews reality
⬗ It showed the leadership qualities of the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH)

What Muslims can learn from the Battle
 Muslims can learn not expect to win every battle
 Muslims should consult opinions of their subordinates
 Muslims should always obey Allah and His Prophet’s teachings
 They should not be greedy
 They can learn that Allah supports Muslims as long as they
support Him
 When Muslims fight, they should fight for their faith,
defending it from forces who which were trying
to crush it
 Those who are sincere to Allah, pass every test
of their life

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