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Approaches to Forecasting

The approaches to forecasting include the causal and

non-causal approaches.

In the causal approach, the business has no control

over the causal variables in society. These variables
include gross national product, population, and
general economic conditions. However, a business
does exercise some control over its prices,
advertising, production lines, and the size of its sales
Forecasting Techniques
Forecasts Based on Judgment and Opinion

Forecasting using judgement is common in practice. In many cases,

judgmental forecasting is the only option, such as when there is a complete
lack of historical data, or when a new product is being launched, or when a
new competitor enters the market, or during completely new and unique
market conditions.

For example, in December 2012, the Australian government was the first in
the world to pass legislation that banned the use of company logos on
cigarette packets, and required all cigarette packets to be a dark green
colour. Judgement must be applied in order to forecast the effect of such a
policy, as there are no historical precedents.
Judgmental forecasts are subjective, and therefore do not
come free of bias or limitations.
Judgmental forecasts can be inconsistent. Unlike statistical
forecasts, which can be generated by the same
mathematical formulas every time, judgmental forecasts
depend heavily on human cognition, and are vulnerable to
its limitations. 
Forecasts Based on Time-Series Data

Naïve Methods
Techniques for Averaging
• Moving Average
• Weighted Moving Average
• Exponential Smoothing
Naïve Methods
Estimating technique in which the last
period's actuals are used as this period's
forecast, without adjusting them or
attempting to establish causal factors. It is
used only for comparison with the forecasts
generated by the better (sophisticated)
Three types of Naïve Approach
Stable Series

• variation around an average

• The last data point becomes the forecast for the next
• The data sets are very close to each other and the
forecast for the next period is just the same as the
value of the previous periods.
Seasonal Variations

• The forecast for this “season” is equal to value of the

series of the last “season”.
• If the data has peak values, it means that it falls under
seasonal type
• Values that appears in fixed intervals like for example:
every week, every three months, and so on.

• The forecast is equal to the last value of the series

plus or minus the difference between the last two
values of the series.
• If the trend is increasing, add the difference
• If the trend is decreasing, get the difference

The following data shows the daily

sales in dozen for each of the three
products of a commercial bakery.
Determine the forecast for the 12 th

day using the Naïve Approach

1 17 20 12
2 18 19 15
3 22 21 10
4 20 16 25
5 19 18 15
6 16 15 13
7 15 20 12
8 20 19 28
9 21 20 18
10 18 22 16
11 17 23 14
COOKIES- the values are relatively close so
we can assume that the series is STABLE

MUFFIN- the values are similar with cookie but

there is a distinction, the last four values are
increasing, so we can assume that this is

CAKES- the values show “peak” behavior

every four days, we can assume that the series
1 17 20 12
2 18 19 15
3 22 21 10
4 20 16 25
5 19 18 15
6 16 15 13
7 15 20 12
8 20 19 28
9 21 20 18
10 18 22 16
11 17 23 14
• COOKIES- F12=17 dozens of cookies is
projected to be sold on day 12

• MUFFIN- F12= on the last four days (19, 20,

22, 23) increasing
F12=23 + (23-22)
F12=24 dozens of muffin is projected to be
sold on day 12.

• CAKES- F12= 28 (value of the last season)

dozens of cakes is projected to be
sold on day 12
Techniques for Averaging
• Moving Average
• Weighted Moving Average
• Exponential Smoothing
• Moving Average
• This averages the number of recent actual values, updated
as new values become available.
• We use the most recent value

• Weighted Moving Average

• Used when some trend might be present
• Weights are based on experience and intuition
• Most recent values are given more weight in computing a
forecast, it can be given as a percentage or a whole number\
•N is the time period
• Exponential Smoothing
• A method used on previous forecast plus a percentage of the
forecast error
• FORMULA: Ft-1 + α (At-1-Ft-1)
Ft-1= previous forecast
At-1=previous actual demand/data
α= smoothing constant
Low values of alpha are used if the average tends to be stable, and
high level is used if the average is susceptible to change
Example 1 : Moving Average (MA)
Compute for a three period moving
average forecast for the given data
Period Demand
1 42
2 40
3 43
4 40
5 41
6 ?
Period Demand
1 42
2 40 41 + 40 + 43
3 43 F6=
4 40 3
5 41
6 ?
F6= 41.33
Example 2: Moving Average (MA)
Compute for a four period moving
average forecast for the given data
Period Demand
1 42
2 40
3 43
4 40
5 41
6 ?
Period Demand
1 42
2 40 41 + 40 + 43+ 40
3 43 F6=
4 40 4
5 41
6 ?
F6= 41
Example 1: Weighted Moving Average (WMA)
Compute for the weighted average forecast using the
following weights: 0.3, 0.2, 0.4, and 0.1
Period Demand
1 42
2 40
3 43
4 40
5 41
6 ?
Period Demand
1 42
2 40
3 43
4 40 F6= 41
5 41
6 ?

F6= 0.4(41)+0.3(40)+0.2(43)+0.1(40)/SUM
SUM OF WEIGHT=1 (0.4+0.3+0.2+0.1)
EXAMPLE: Exponential Smoothing
Prepare a forecast using exponential smoothing with a
smoothing constant of 0.40 given the following data

Period No. of complaints

1 60
2 65
3 55
4 58
5 64
6 ?
NOTE: Forecast for the first period is always given. If not, we copy the actual
value for the first period as the forecast for the second period

Period No. of complaints Forecast

1 60 -
2 65 60
3 55 60 + 0.40 (65-60)= 62
4 58 62 + 0.40(55-62)=59.2
5 64 59.2 + 0.40(58-59.2)=58.72
6 ? 58.72 + 0.40 (64-58.72)=60.83
EXAMPLE 2: Exponential Smoothing
Prepare a forecast using exponential smoothing with a
smoothing constant of 0.50 given the following data

Period No. of complaints

1 70
2 75
3 65
4 68
5 74
6 ?
Period No. of complaints Forecast
1 70 -
2 75 70
3 65 70 + 0.50(75-70)=72.5
4 68 72.5 + 0.50(65-72.5)= 68.75
5 74 68.75 + 0.50 (68-68.75)= 68.4
6 ? 68.4 + 0.50 (74-68.4)=71.2

Many different kinds of forecasting techniques are available, and no single

technique works best in every situation. When selecting a technique, the
manager or analyst must take a number of factors into consideration.

The two most important factors are cost and accuracy.

How much money is budgeted for generating the forecast? What are the
possible costs of errors, and what are the benefits that might accrue from an
accurate forecast?

Generally speaking, the higher the accuracy, the higher the cost, so it is
important to weigh cost–accuracy trade-offs carefully. The best fore-cast is not
necessarily the most accurate or the least costly; rather, it is some combination
of accuracy and cost deemed best by management.

A manager can take a reactive or a proactive approach to a forecast. A reactive

approach views forecasts as probable future demand, and a manager reacts to
meet that demand (e.g., adjusts production rates, inventories, the workforce).

Conversely, a proactive approach seeks to actively influence demand (e.g., by

means of advertising, pricing, or product/service changes).

Generally speaking, a proactive approach requires either an explanatory model

(e.g., regression) or a subjective assessment of the influence on demand. A
manager might make two forecasts: one to predict what will happen under the
status quo and a second one based on a “what if ” approach, if the results of the
status quo forecast are unacceptable.
Forecasting: Principles and Practice
Forecasting: Principles and Practice (otexts.com)

Naive Forecasting - Monash Business School

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