History of Total Quality Management

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The history of total quality management (TQM) began initially as a
term coined by the Naval Air Systems Command to describe its
Japanese-style management approach to quality improvement.

An umbrella methodology for continually improving the quality of all

processes, it draws on a knowledge of the principles and practices of:

•The behavioral sciences

•The analysis of quantitative and nonquantitative data
•Economics theories
•Process analysis
1920s •Some of the first seeds of quality management were planted as the principles of scientific management swept
through U.S. industry.
•Businesses clearly separated the processes of planning and carrying out the plan, and union opposition arose as
workers were deprived of a voice in the conditions and functions of their work.
•The Hawthorne experiments in the late 1920s showed how worker productivity could be impacted by participation.

1930s •Walter Shewhart developed the methods for statistical analysis and control of quality.
1950s •W. Edwards Deming taught methods for statistical analysis and control of quality to Japanese engineers
and executives. This can be considered the origin of TQM.
•Joseph M. Juran taught the concepts of controlling quality and managerial breakthrough.
•Armand V. Feigenbaum’s book Total Quality Control, a forerunner for the present understanding of
TQM, was published.
•Philip B. Crosby’s promotion of zero defects paved the way for quality improvement in many
1968 •The Japanese named their approach to total quality "companywide quality
control." It is around this time that the term quality management systems arises.
•Kaoru Ishikawa’s synthesis of the philosophy contributed to Japan’s
ascendancy as a quality leader.
Today •TQM is the name for the philosophy of a broad and systemic approach to
managing organizational quality.
•Quality standards such as the ISO 9000 series and quality award programs such
as the Deming Prize and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award specify
principles and processes that comprise TQM.
•TQM as a term to describe an organization's quality policy and procedure has
fallen out of favor as international standards for quality management have been
A quality management system
(QMS) is a set of policies, processes and
procedures required for planning and execution
(production/development/service) in the core business area of
an organization (i.e., areas that can impact the organization’s
ability to meet customer requirements).

ISO 9001 is an example of a Quality Management System.

The Grandfather of Total Quality Management.

Dr. Walter Shewhart
• Shewhart’s control charts are widely used to
monitor processes. Problems are framed in terms
of special cause (assignable cause) and common
cause (chance-cause).
•The Shewhart Cycle – PDCA Problem Solving
•Plan – what changes are desirable? What data is
•Do – carry out the change or test decided upon
•Check – observe the effects of the change or the
•Act – what we learned from the change should
lead to improvement or activity
•Referred to as the “Father of Statistical Quality
Dr. Edwards Deming
Deming’s Fourteen Obligations of Top Management
1.Create constancy of purpose for improvement of
product and service. Allocate resources to provide for
long range needs rather than only short term profitability
2.Adopt the new philosophy. We can no longer live with
commonly accepted levels of delays, mistakes, defective
materials, and defective workmanship.
3.Cease dependency on mass inspection to achieve
quality. Quality is achieved by building quality into the
product in the first place.
4.End the practice of awarding business on the basis
of price tag alone. The aim is to minimize total cost, not
merely initial cost. Establish long term relationship with
suppliers to develop loyalty and trust.
5.Improve constantly and forever every process for
planning, production, and service. It is management’s job
to work continually on improving total system.
6.Institute training on the job for all, including
management, to make better use of every employee. New
skills are required to keep up with changes in products
and processes.
7. Adopt and institute leadership aimed at helping people do a better job. Management must
ensure that immediate action taken on issues that are detrimental to quality.
8. Drive out fear so that everybody may work effectively and more productively for the
9.Break down barriers between departments and staff areas. Everyone must work together to
tackle problems that may be encountered with products or service.
10. Eliminate slogans and exhortations for the work force as they create adversarial
relationships. Also, bulk of the causes of low quality & productivity belong to the system and lie
beyond the power of the work force.
11. Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets for the workforce and management. Substitute aids
and helpful leadership in order to achieve continual improvement.
12.Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship. This includes the annual
appraisal of performance and Management by Objective.
13. Encourage education. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement for
14.Clearly define top management’s permanent commitment to ever improving quality and
productivity. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation. Support is
not enough, action is required.
Dr. Joseph Juran

Juran’s Quality Trilogy (compared

to financial management):
•Quality planning (financial
budgeting) – create process that
will enable one to meet the desired
•Quality control (cost control) –
monitor and adjust the process
•Quality improvement (profit
improvement) – move the process
to a better and improved state of
control through projects
Dr. Armand Feigenbaum
•Developed Total Quality
Control (TQC) philosophy
•Quote: “Quality is everybody’s
job, but because it is
everybody’s job, it can become
nobody’s job without the
proper leadership and
Philip Crosby

The Four Absolutes of Quality

• Quality is conformance to requirements
•Quality prevention is preferable to
quality inspection
•Zero defects is the quality performance
•Quality is measured in monetary terms –
the price of non-conformance
14 Steps to Quality Improvement:
1.Management is committed to quality – and this is clear to all
2.Create quality improvement teams – with (senior) representatives from all
3.Measure processes to determine current and potential quality issues.
4.Calculate the cost of (poor) quality
5.Raise quality awareness of all employees
6.Take action to correct quality issues
7.Monitor progress of quality improvement – establish a zero defects
8.Train employees in quality improvement
9.Hold “zero defects” days
10.Encourage employees to create their own quality improvement goals
11.Encourage employee communication with management about obstacles
to quality
12.Recognize participants’ effort
13.Create quality councils
Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa
•Known as father of Japanese quality control
•Established concept of Company Wide
Quality Control (CWQC) – participation from
the top to the bottom of an organization and
from the start to the finish of the product life
•Started Quality Circles – bottom up approach
– members from within the department and
solve problems on a continuous basis
•The fishbone diagram is also called Ishikawa
diagram in his honor
•Introduced concept that the next process is
your customer
Dr. Genichi Taguchi
•The lack of quality should be
measured as function of deviation
from the nominal value of the
quality characteristic. Thus, quality
is best achieved by minimizing the
deviation from target (minimizing
•Quality should be designed into
the product and not inspected into
it. The product should be so
designed that it is immune to
causes of variation.
Taiichi Ohno (February 29, 1912 – May 28, 1990) was an industrial engineer and manager at
Toyota Motor Corporation. He joined the Toyoda Spinning corporation in 1932, and moved to the motor
company in 1943. He started a a shop-floor supervisor, and eventually rose up to the executive
level. The 1950’s also saw the beginning of a long collaboration with Shigeo Shingo.

He is considered to be the father of the Toyota Production System (TPS), which became the foundation
of Lean Manufacturing in the United States.
He devised the seven wastes (or muda in Japanese) as part of this system. He also created Just-in-time
manufacturing (JIT), kanban, jidoka, supermarkets, cellular manufacturing, takt time, and the Ohno circle.

Ohno is also known for his “Ten Precepts” to think and act to win.
1.You are a cost. First reduce waste.
2.First say, “I can do it.” And try before everything.
3.The workplace is a teacher. You can find answers only in the workplace.
4.Do anything immediately. Starting something right now is the only way to win.
5.Once you start something, persevere with it. Do not give up until you finish it.
6.Explain difficult things in an easy-to-understand manner. Repeat things that are
easy to understand.
7.Waste is hidden. Do not hide it. Make problems visible.
8.Valueless motions are equal to shortening one’s life.
9.Re-improve what was improved for further improvement.
10.Wisdom is given equally to everybody. The point is whether one can exercise it.
Shigeo Shingo is best known for:
•Poka-yoke-  is a Japanese term that means
“mistake-proofing”. The concept was formalized,
and the term adopted, by Shigeo Shingo as part
of the Toyota Production System. 
•Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) - is one
of the many lean production methods for
reducing waste in manufacturing processes. It
provides a rapid and efficient way of converting a
manufacturing process from running the current
product to running the next product. This rapid
changeover is key to reducing production lot sizes
and thereby improving flow. 
•Just in time (JIT) - is a production strategy that
strives to improve a business’ return on
investment by reducing in-process inventory and
associated carrying costs.
History & Evolution of Total Quality Management (TQM) | AS

7 Basic Quality Tools: Quality Management Tools | ASQ

Shigeo Shingo | Quality Gurus

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