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Selection of Analysis Method


Statistical methods ( Regional Flood

frequency analysis) Frequency Analysis
• This is a method to predict the • The regional flood frequency
future probability of analysis is adopted for the
occurrences by using past catchments where streamflow data
records of events. If stream are not available or the length of
gauging records of sufficient records is too short.
length are amiable, as analysis • The regional flood frequency
of the historic flood frequency analysis makes use of the available
is a reliable tool for estimating data of streams in statistical
homogeneous regions.
likelihood of future floods.
• Stormwater and sediment •For simple controls such as
control facilities are often diversions or culverts, only a
based on a design storm of a peak flow may be necessary
specified frequency.

Unit Hydrographs Methods
is a simple linear mode,
• said to be first proposed by Sharmen in 1932,
• used to derive the hydrograph resulting from any amount of excess rainfall.
• This is a hypothetical hydrograph of a basin due to a flood of unit surface runoff in a given time.

Snyder's Synthetic Unit Dimensionless hydrograph Instantaneous Unlt

Hydrograph • The dimensionless unit Hydrograph
• a hydrograph developed hydrograph used by soil • (IUH) is a runoff
on the basis of estimation conservation service hydrograph of resulting
of coefficients expressing (1972) from instantaneous
various physical features • was developed by Mackus application of rainfall
of a catchment. excess volume of 1 cm
• is developed based on spread uniformly in the
• was derived from a large
Carnage area and is
known physical number of natural unit expressed u (0, t) or U (t).
characteristics of the hydrographs from
basin, where adequate drainage basins varying
rainfall data are lacking. widely in size and
geographical locations.
Rational Formula
• The relationship between rainfall and peak
runoff has been represented by many
empirical or semi-empirical formulae.
• Generally the formula can be written as Q=

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