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Number 0ne, and ugh I am so excited to be able to mention
One of my favorite things to to listen to ever on my channel,my fisrt piece
Of advice is to follow an audio soap-opera.
What is the soap- opera I hear you ask, whell I shall tell you.
A soap- opera is a daily serial or series, dealing with daily lives and event
Of the same group of characters, normality in the same location.
Most commonly they are on television. We have lots in the UK like Eastenders,
Coronation Street, Emmerdale, but I’m recommending you listen to an audio one
And there’s one in particular I would like to recommend.
Number two,talk daily natives. Now I bet so many of you are thinking
Uh I wish, I would love to talk to natives every day, but I don’t know how
and no one seems to want to talk to me. Well I have a couple of suggestions.
One is paid for and one is free, and the best thing, in my opinion, would be
a combination of the two.
Number three,set yourself a daily word goal. Learn x amount og the
words every single day. This is really important because it also links
to tip number four.
I have mentioned this strategy in previous video, but I actually have
a really important extra layer to this strategy that I would like to like
to discuss with you. In order to bulid your vocabulary quickly, you need
to learn at least one new word per day, but hopefully more than that.
I’ve spoken to you before about keeping a word dairy or just a notebook
or a list on your phone, keep it with you all the time and always be aware
whereever you are, do I know that word in English? You might see tree,
do I konow how to say that specific variety of tree in English? If you don’t
write it down in your own language in this book, in this list and the at the
end of the day, before you to sleep, research all of these word and
translet them into English.
Number four, write a daily journal with a difference. Depending on your
level, I would buy a paper journal or diary. I get so tired I the evening
I can’t spend loads and loads of the writing, so I personally would buy
a work week planner or a homework planner or a study planner
where you’ve got all seven days across two page. In each of the those
days I would write three or four sentences about my day triying to
incorporate those words that I learned in my daily word list, the word
I menntioned in point three. That way, not only are you learning the
new words and learning what they mean, you making sure they’re fully
integrated into your brain. And also doing this before you go to sleep
will mean they stick in three even more. In honestly such a fabulous
technique because it builds your vocabullar, it improves your writing skills
it improves your reading skills, if you search the pronounciation and your
listening skills, and if you book in sessions with leanguge teachers.
Number five, perform dailly translations of subjek. The tip is to perform
daily translations of subjects you are interested in.Now I know a lot of
you want to stop translating and think in English. However, I think transla
tion forms a very, very important part of language learning, especially
when it’s aroud something that you are interested in. I’ts really good
to compare how things are said in different languages and translation help
you with that. In my opinion, the best way to practise your translations is
absolutelly free, which is fantastic, and it’s right here on youtube. Pick the
youtubers that you really, really like, the youtubers that talk about subjects
that you’re interested in. Maybe it’s photography, maybe it’s technology,
maybe it’s pets, maybe it’s makeup. You can actually contribute to subtitle

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