Big 5 Personality Model: Amitabha Gupta Swami Vivekananda University

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Big 5

Amitabha Gupta
Swami Vivekananda University
The Big Five (also called
Five Factor) Model

• The Big Five is so named because the model proposes

that human personality can be measured along five
major dimensions, each of which is distinct and
independent from the others.
• The Big Five model is also sometimes called OCEAN or
CANOE, both acronyms of the five traits.
How Big 5 Model
• In the Big Five model, people are understood to have
varying levels of key personality factors which drive
our thoughts and behavior.
• Although personality traits cannot specifically predict
behavior, differences in the Big Five factors help us to
understand why people may react differently, behave
differently, and see things differently from others in
the same situation.
How Big 5 Model
• The Big Five is a trait model of personality, rather than
a type model. Most popular ways of describing personality talk
about personality types, such as Type A or Type B personalities
• Although type models are easy to understand, they are not
scientifically sound, as people don't neatly sort into categories.
• The Big Five describes people in terms of traits on a spectrum,
and as such, is a much more valid and evidence-based means of
understanding personality.

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Not to be confused with This trait has also been Openness describes a Those who are high in Those who are low in
one's tendency to be open called "Intellect" by some person's tendency to think Openness tend to be Openness tend to be
and disclose their thoughts researchers, but this abstractly. creative, adventurous, and practical, traditional, and
and feelings, Openness in terminology has been intellectual. They enjoy focused on the concrete.
the context of the Big Five largely abandoned because playing with ideas and They tend to avoid the
refers more specifically to it implies that people high discovering novel unknown and follow
Openness to Experience, or in Openness are more experiences. traditional ways.
openness to considering intelligent, which is not
new ideas. necessarily true.
• Conscientiousness describes a person's level
of goal orientation and persistence. 
• Those who are high in Conscientiousness are
Conscientiousness organized and determined and are able to
forego immediate gratification for the sake of
long-term achievement.
• Those who are low in this trait are impulsive
and easily sidetracked.
Extraversion describes a person’s inclination to
seek stimulation from the outside world,
especially in the form of attention from other

Extraverts engage actively with others to earn

Extraversio friendship, admiration, power, status, excitement.
Introverts, on the other hand, conserve their
energy, and do not work as hard to earn these
social rewards.

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Agreeableness describes the People who are high in People who are low in
extent to which a person Agreeableness experience a Agreeableness tend to
prioritizes the needs of others great deal of empathy and tend experience less empathy and
over their own needs.  to get pleasure out of serving put their own concerns ahead of
and taking care of others. others. 

Neuroticism describes
a person's tendency to People experience negative
respond to stressors with This trait can be thought of as emotions as a sign that
Fear is a response to danger,
negative emotions, including an alarm system. something is wrong in the
fear, sadness, anxiety, guilt, world.
and shame. 

High Neuroticism scorers are

However, not everyone has Low Neuroticism scorers are
Guilt a response to having more likely to react to a
the same reaction to a given more likely to brush off their
done something wrong.  situation with strong negative
situation. misfortune and move on.
Individuals are typically described in terms of
having high, average, or low levels of the five
personality factors.
How the Big
Five Traits Each factor is independent from the others, so
Describe someone might be high in Extraversion and
low in Agreeableness.
To gain a full picture of an individual using
the Big Five model, it's necessary to know
how they measure up on each of the five
Big 5 Factors
in a Sigle
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