IG1228 ODA API Call Flow Use Cases v3.0.0

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TM Forum Introductory Guide

ODA/Open API Call Flows Use Cases

Team Approved Date: 29-Jan-2021

Release Status: Pre-production Approval Status: Team Approved

Version 3.0.0 IPR Mode: RAND

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• Introduction

• Use Case 1: New Party – Create your « account »

• Use Case 2: Browse B2C catalogue and check Fiber technical eligibility

• Use Case 3: Order capture – Fiber contract

• Use Case 4: Fiber Order delivery orchestration

• Use Case 3 & 4: Catalogue View and Customer Order View

• Macro-components identified in the use cases

© 2021 TM Forum | 3

• The objective of this presentation is to illustrate through simple use cases 

– A dynamic view of ODA Functional Architecture (to be progressively extended in next versions to the global
Order to Cash process)
– Usage of TMF Open APIs
– A draft list of ODA macro-components, represented as vertical lines in the sequence diagrams
– 2 possible ways of distributing processes and macro-components and TMF API orchestration
• A: Using the concept of BFF, in charge of process orchestration and TM Forum API orchestration
• B: Using TMF 701 Process Flow API to decouple front-ends and process layers. 

• We started to share this presentation with other TMF working groups, and it could be modified
according to their remarks
– Open APIs workgroup
– ODA Reference Implementation workgroup

© 2021 TM Forum | 4
Different approaches regarding management of the overall process

SoE = Systems of Engagement SoR = System of Records

Approach A: SoE steer the process Engagement

• The Frontend manages the process by itself
and knows what is the next task to proceed Management
with Party Management
• It may compute the position ( ) of the
customer in the process on basis of infos
stored in the SoRs (e.g. Shopping Cart) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Core Commerce

Approach B: SoR steer the process Engagement

• The Frontend asks the Process Flow API which
task needs to be performed by the next step of Management
the process
Party Management
• The Frontend decides on the best way to Frontend
perform the task, it may use more than one Process Flow
‘screen’ to perform one step Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Core Commerce
Step 5

• The Process Flow can be part of several ODA Management

components, that then delegate each other
portions of the overall process ODA component
© 2021 TM Forum | 5
Relationship to BFF pattern

• The BFF (backend-for-frontend) is a well

established IT concept to technically decouple
frontend applications running on customer
device from backend APIs Vue app iOS app
• Example for frontend applications running on Systems of
customer device: Vue, React or Angular single Engagement
page application in browser, Swift iOS app, BFF BFF BFF
IPTV set top box app…
• Both application on customer device and BFF
are parts of the ODA Engagement domain System of
• In approach A to process management the BFF APIs APIs APIs Records
is usually the place where the process is

See also https://philcalcado.com/2015/09/18/the_back_end_for_front_end_pattern_bff.html

© 2021 TM Forum | 6
Approach A: SoE steer the process

• Frontends can define the processes autonomously while leveraging the Open APIs provided by the
• The components implementing the Open APIs, in case of creation or update of entities, have to
check the business rules (e.g. when creating the ProductOrder its content is fully checked by the
ProductOrdering component)
• It’s the responsibility of each frontend to optimize the/its process by analyzing the global status
obtained by interrogating the entities from the Open APIs (e.g. if an installation address has
already been defined for a Product in the Shopping Cart the frontend may skip querying that
address again)

© 2021 TM Forum | 7
Approach B: SoR steer the process

• Based on independent macro-components, each covering a set of related business processes,

business entities and APIs.
• Front-Ends are in charge of GUI kinematics and presentation layer. They can directly query any type of
business entities they are allowed to.
• Front-Ends never directly trigger creation or update of business entities. They provide needed inputs
to the process layer in charge, as the process layer requires.
• TMF 701 Process Flow API is used here to decouple front-ends and process layers, as recommended
in ODA Functional Architecture
– So APIs and macro-components are directly reusable by any Front-End, or by any other process needing to
trigger the related process (ex: creation of a Party)
• Processes are data driven (catalogue driven for the order capture) and they drive the GUI, so
customer/user journey is not linear : only useful steps are presented to the customer/user
• TMF 688 Event API is used to trigger events that can be transmitted to any other macro-component.
• All exchanges are covered by TMF Open APIs

© 2021 TM Forum | 8
• Introduction

• Use Case 1: New Party – Create your « account »

• Use Case 2: Browse B2C catalogue and check Fiber technical eligibility

• Use Case 3: Order capture – Fiber contract

• Use Case 4: Fiber Order delivery orchestration

• Use Case 3 & 4: Catalogue View and Customer Order View

• Macro-components identified in the use cases

© 2021 TM Forum | 9
UC1 - Touchpoint view – lambda operator
Create your account
Mr Ms
Firstname: Lastname:
No account yet?

Login (email address):


Create your account


Your account is

© 2021 TM Forum | 10
UC1 Description

• Step 0
– A person, not yet known by the operator, connects to one of the operator front-end and is proposed to create his
« account »
• For the operator the global term « account » corresponds to a set of information to be registered
– Create a Party/person, status initialized
– Create a contact method (mail address)
– Assign a default « Prospect » or « Portal User » Role to the Party/person
– Create an Electronic Identity (login / Password) and associate it to the Party/person
– He agrees to create his « account »

• Step 1
– The Front-end presents the set of information to enter
– The person enters the information and triggers the « account » creation

• Step 2
– Information entered have been transmitted to the process layer, checked and registered.
– The « account » is created so the person can now identify / authenticate himself

© 2021 TM Forum | 11
UC1 – Approach A: SoE steer the process - sequence diagram

New API need to be

discussed with API
UC1 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – Step 0


No account yet?

No account yet?

Note: current version of TMF 701 doesn’t manage SessionId as a dedicated parameter © 2021 TM Forum | 13
UC1 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – Step 1

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UC1 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – Step 2

© 2021 TM Forum | 15
• Introduction

• Use Case 1: New Party – Create your « account »

• Use Case 2: Browse B2C catalogue and check Fiber technical eligibility

• Use Case 3: Order capture – Fiber contract

• Use Case 4: Fiber Order delivery orchestration

• Use Case 3 & 4: Catalogue View and Customer Order View

• Macro-components identified in the use cases

© 2021 TM Forum | 16
UC2 - Touchpoint view – lambda operator
LoP1 LoP2 LoP3 Fiber or ADSL ? Test eligibility with a number with an address
Select Line
of Product2 Fix phone number 1234567890
Current best offers - Internet

(1/5) > Fiber Fiber Fiber +

Contract Contract Mobile
1 2 Contract

Fix Number tested: 1234567890
Good News ! Fiber is available for you

Fiber Fiber Fiber +

Contract Contract Mobile Display of commercial
1 2 Contract
LoP = Line of Product © 2021 TM Forum | 17
UC2 Description

• Step 0
– A person connects to one of the operator front-end and want to browse the operator catalogue.
– He has the choice between several lines of product, and he can also browse the operator current best offers
– He chooses the Internet Line of Product

• Step 1
– The front-end displays a selection of internet offers, and propose to check fiber technical eligibility based
on the person fix phone number or geographical address
– The person enters his fix phone number et triggers the test

• Step 2
– Eligibility check is OK.
– The person can now start an order capture process, choosing one of the proposed fiber offers

© 2021 TM Forum | 18
UC2 – Approach A: SoE steer the process - sequence diagram

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UC2 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – Step 0

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UC2 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – Step 1

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UC2 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – Step 2

Remark: For this UC we have only data retrieval or ‘smart retrieval’ via task-based API so no requirement to leverage
Process Flow API – TMF701
© 2021 TM Forum | 22
• Introduction

• Use Case 1: New Party – Create your « account »

• Use Case 2: Browse B2C catalogue and check Fiber technical eligibility

• Use Case 3: Order capture – Fiber contract

• Use Case 4: Fiber Order delivery orchestration

• Use Case 3 & 4: Catalogue View and Customer Order View

• Macro-components identified in the use cases

© 2021 TM Forum | 23
UC3 – Touchpoint view - lambda operator
Your Fiber Contract 1 -Select your add-ons
Fix Number tested: 1234567890
Good News ! Fiber is available for you
Your offer : Fiber Access – speed XXX (or to be chosen)
Fiber Fiber Fiber +
Contract Contract Mobile
1 2 Contract
Boxes below match your Add extra option to your
product, choose one: contract:

Box 1 Box 2 TV TV+

I already have a box I don’t need extra option

Next step
Appointment not
managed in this 2

© 2021 TM Forum | 24
UC3 – Touchpoint view - lambda operator

Your Fiber Contract 1 -Select your add-ons
Your offer : Fiber Access – speed XXX (or to be chosen)

Boxes below match your Add extra TV option to

product, choose one: your contract:

Basic TV Extra TV
Box 1 Box 2 channel channel

I already have a box I don’t need TV

Next step

© 2021 TM Forum | 25
UC3 – Touchpoint view - lambda operator

Your Fiber Contract 1 -Select your add-ons
Your offer : Fiber Access – speed XXX (or to be chosen)

Boxes below match your Add extra TV option to

product, choose one: your contract:

Basic TV Extra TV
Box 1 Box 2 channel channel

I already have a box I don’t need TV

Next step

© 2021 TM Forum | 26
UC3 – Touchpoint view - lambda operator

Your cart 3

Your shopping cart contains:

• Fiber Contract 1 (1 year commitment)
• Fiber Access 10 € / month
• Box 1 5 € / month
• TV 5 € / month
20 € / month
Your welcome discount: 50€ (-5€/month first 10 months)


© 2021 TM Forum | 27
UC3 – Touchpoint view - lambda operator
Enter your contract data 3

Your product: Fiber Contract 1

Your further products: Fiber access, Box 1, TV

Your name: James Bond

Your address:
Street ____________ Nr. ____________
Postcode __________ City _________ Country

Your contact data : No identity &

Mobile phone: _______ address proofs
Further mail address (on top of login one): _____ managed

Your payment data:

You will receive a first invoice at your email address ()


© 2021 TM Forum | 28
UC3 – Touchpoint view - lambda operator
Enter your contract data 3

Your product: Fiber Contract 1

Your further products: Fiber access, Box 1, TV

Your name: James Bond

Your address:
Street _av. des Etats Unis___________ Nr. _______12_____
Postcode ______75012____ City ____Paris_____ Country

Your contact data : No identity &

Mobile phone: __ +33 6007007_____ address proofs
Further mail address (on top of login one): __james.bond@tmforum.org___ managed

Your payment data:

You will receive a first invoice at your email address (james.bond@tmforum.org)

Confirm 6
© 2021 TM Forum | 29
UC3 – Touchpoint view - lambda operator

Order confirmation

Your shopping cart contains:

Your name: James Bond
• Fiber Contract 1 (1 year commitment)
Your address: 12, av des Etats Unis, 75012 Paris, France
• Fiber Access 10 € / month
Mobile phone: +33 6007007
• Box 1 5 € / month
Communication mail address: james.bond@tmforum.org
• TV 5 € / month
Your payment data: monthly invoice
20 € / month
Your welcome discount: 50€ (-5€/month first 10 months)

Confirm your order

© 2021 TM Forum | 30
UC3 – Approach A: SoE steer the process – step 1

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UC3 – Approach A: SoE steer the process – step 2

© 2021 TM Forum | 32
UC3 – Approach A: SoE steer the process – step 3

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UC3 – Approach A: SoE steer the process – step 4

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UC3 – Approach A: SoE steer the process – step 5

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UC3 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – step 1

ProcessFlow takes
takes charge
charge of
of Installed
Installed base
base in
in updated
updated in
shoppingCart creation.
creation. parallel
parallel in
in pending
pending state.

Let’s configure
configure the
the cart…

© 2021 TM Forum | 36
UC3 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – step 2

Let’s configure
configure the
the cart…

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UC3 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – step 3

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UC3 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – step 4

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UC3 – Approach B: SoR steer the process – step 5

© 2021 TM Forum | 40
• Introduction

• Use Case 1: New Party – Create your « account »

• Use Case 2: Browse B2C catalogue and check Fiber technical eligibility

• Use Case 3: Order capture – Fiber contract

• Use Case 4: Fiber Order delivery orchestration

• Use Case 3 & 4: Catalogue View and Customer Order View

• Macro-components identified in the use cases

© 2021 TM Forum | 41
UC4 Description
• This use case illustrates the delivery of the customer order previously described and validated in
UC3, and its closing
• Several steps are shown
– The global orchestration of the delivery of the products ordered by the customer
– The delegation of the delivery of tangible products to the supply chain
– The delegation of the delivery of products based on CFS to a service order delivery system
– The closure of the customer order
– The interaction triggered to inform the customer that his order is fulfilled

Note: for this UC4 only one approach has been identified
© 2021 TM Forum | 42
UC4 GUI– Order fulfillment and confirmation to customer
FROM: OrderMgt@lambda.com
TO: james.bond@tmforum.org

Dear Mr. Bond,

Your order for:

- Fiber Access 1
- Box 1
UC3 - TV
has been fulfilled.
You can now enjoy your product!
Best regards

Lambda connects you to the world

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UC4 – Step 1

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UC4 – Step 2

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UC4 – Step 3

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UC4 – Step 4

© 2021 TM Forum | 47
• Introduction

• Use Case 1: New Party – Create your « account »

• Use Case 2: Browse B2C catalogue and check Fiber technical eligibility

• Use Case 3: Order capture – Fiber contract

• Use Case 4: Fiber Order delivery orchestration

• Use Case 3 & 4: Catalogue View and Customer Order View

• Macro-components identified in the use cases

© 2021 TM Forum | 48
Catalogue View (UC3 & UC4) – CFS & Product specifications
[CFS Type]



Hyp: Fiber Access Product defined
with no configuration choice except
geographic address
Hyp: TV Channels Product
Requires configurable with 2 possible

Requires Requires
Box 1 Fiber Access Connectivity TV Channels
Speed: XXX Car1: Basic or Extra
Box 2 Address: ?

[Access CFS] Requires [Network Service Requires

[Device] [Soft Service CFS]
BOX1 [Device] Fiber Fixed CFS]
TV Channels
BOX2 Access (L2) Fix Connectivity (L3)


© 2021 TM Forum | 49
Catalogue View (UC3 & UC4) - Global
Welcome Discount: -5€ /
month first 10 months

Fiber Contract
Min 0, Max 1
Min 0, Max 1

Box Min 1, Max 1

Min 0, Max 1 Min 0, Max 1 Min 1, Max 1
If Basic: 5€ / month
10€ / month If Extra 15€ / month
5€ / month 7€ / month

Box 1 Box 2 Fiber Access Connectivity TV Channels


Requires Requires
Box 1 Fiber Access Connectivity TV Channels
Speed: XXX Car1: Basic or Extra
Box 2 Address: ?

[Access CFS] Requires [Network Service Requires

[Device] [Soft Service CFS]
BOX1 [Device] Fiber Fixed CFS]
TV Channels
BOX2 Access (L2) Fix Connectivity (L3)



[CFS Type] Composite or Atomic

ResourceSpec ProductSpec ProductSpecCaracteristic ProductOfferingPrice
© 2021 TM Forum | 50
CFSSpec ProductOfferingSpec
Customer Product Order View (UC3 & UC4) - Global

Welcome Discount: -5€ /

month first 10 months

Fiber Contract

Create Create Create Basic: 5€ / month

Create 10€ / month
5€ / month
Fiber Access Connectivity TV Channels
Box 1

Create Create Create Create

Applies on Applies on Applies on
Box 1 Fiber Access Connectivity TV Channels
Speed: XXX Car1: Basic
Address: YY

CustomerProductOrderItem CustomerProductOrderItem
(ProductOffering level) (Product level) ProductSpecCaracteristic ProductOfferingPrice
© 2021 TM Forum | 51
• Introduction

• Use Case 1: New Party – Create your « account »

• Use Case 2: Browse B2C catalogue and check Fiber technical eligibility

• Use Case 3: Order capture – Fiber contract

• Use Case 4: Fiber Order delivery orchestration

• Use Case 3 & 4: Catalogue View and Customer Order View

• Macro-components identified in the use cases

© 2021 TM Forum | 52
Macro-components identified in the use cases (draft list)
• Welcome
• Party Management (Party & Party Role & Contact Method)
• Identity Management Alignment needed with
• Account Management ODA-RI
• Payment Method Management
• Party Interaction Management
• (Product (& Product Offering)) Catalog Management (Product offering & Product)
• Recommendation Management
• Product Offering Qualification / CPQ Management (Product offering & Product catalogue & installed base)
• (Customer) Order Capture / Customer Order Follow up
• Customer Order Delivery
• Product Order Management
• (Product & Product Offering) Installed Base Management
• Technical Eligibility / Service Qualification
• Address Management
• Service Order Management
• Supply Chain

Note: Colors correspond to ODA FA blocks mapping

and bold type to components described in next slides
© 2021 TM Forum | 53
Product (& Product Offering) Catalog Component

L2 - Product & Offer Capability Delivery Product (& Product Offering) Catalog
L2 - Product Capacity Mgt

L2 - Product Specification & Offering

Development & Retirement
Event – TMF688
L2 - Party Offering Devt & Retirement
Process Flow – TMF701
L2 - Product Configuration Mgt
Product Catalog Mgt* – TMF620
L3 – Manage Product Configuration Specification

Product Offering Party Product Spec. & Offering

Product Specification Product configuration ***

Product Usage ** Product Capacity

* No usage or capacity specification yet

** Product Usage specification only
*** Product Configuration specification only
© 2021 TM Forum | 54
Customer Order Delivery Component
Customer Order
L2 - Customer Order Handling Delivery Component
L3 - Customer Order Orchestration Event – TMF688

L4 - Customer Order Provisioning Activities Identification Process Flow – TMF701 Service Ordering Mgt –
L4 - Customer Order Provisioning Orchestration
post L2 – Service Configuration &
L4 - Customer Order Provisioning Activities Tracking Activation

get get & patch get & patch

Service Order
Product Catalog Product Ordering – TMF622 Product Inventory Mgt – TMF637
Mgt – TMF620
Service Order Management
L2 - Product Inventory Mgt Component
L2 - Customer Order Handling
Product (& Product L2 - Product Configuration Mgt
Offering) Catalog L3 – Issue Customer Order
L3 – Manage Product Configuration
Customer Product Product
Order Product configuration * * Product Configuration
installed base only
Product Order Mgt
Installed Base Mgt Component
Component © 2021 TM Forum | 55
Customer Order Follow Up Component

L2 - Customer Order Handling

L3 – Report Customer Order Handling Event – TMF688

L3 – Close Customer Order

L3 – Manage Order Fallout Process Flow – TMF701

Party Interaction – TMF683

get & patch get & patch
L2 – Customer Interaction Management

L2 – Party Interaction Management

Product Ordering – TMF622 Product Inventory Mgt – TMF637

L2 - Product Inventory Mgt

L2 - Customer Order Handling Customer Party
L2 - Product Configuration Mgt
L3 – Issue Customer Order Interaction Interaction
L3 – Manage Product Configuration

Party Interaction Management

Customer Product
Product Component
Order Product configuration *
Product Order Mgt * Product Configuration
Installed Base Mgt Component
Component installed base only © 2021 TM Forum | 56
Customer Order Capture Component (UC3 & UC4)

L2 - Customer Order Handling

L3 – Determine Customer Order Feasability Event – TMF688

L3 – Complete Customer Order

Process Flow – TMF701
L3 – Report Customer Order Handling Other macro-components
called to be detailed in
L3 – Close Customer Order
next version
L3 – Manage Order Fallout

post & patch post & patch

Product Ordering – TMF622 Product Inventory Mgt – TMF637

Shopping Cart – TMF663

In red, we have L3 or L4 part of Order
L2 - Product Inventory Mgt
Follow-up too -> So recommandation
L2 - Customer Order Handling L2 - Product Configuration Mgt could be to group Customer Order
L3 – Issue Customer Order L3 – Manage Product Configuration Capture and Customer Order Follow-up
in one macro-component called Order
Customer Product Order Product Capture & Lifecycle Management
Product configuration *
Product Order Mgt
© 2021 TM Forum | 57
Component Installed Base Mgt Component
Document History

• Version History • Acknowledgements

Version Number Date Modified Modified by Description of changes Name Company

1.0.0 02-Oct-2020 Alan Pope Final edits prior to publication Sylvie Demarest Orange

2.0.0 27-Nov-2020 Alan Pope Final edits prior to publication

Alexis De Peufeilhoux Deutsche Telekom
3.0.0 29-Jan-2021 Alan Pope
Brice Petitfrère Orange
• Release History
Konstantin Petrosov Deutsche Telekom

Release Status Date Modified Modified by Description of changes Ludovic Robert Orange

Production 02-Oct-2020 Alan Pope Initial release of document

Pre-production 27-Nov-2020 Alan Pope Updated to version 2.0.0

Pre-production 29-Jan-2021 Alan Pope Updated to version

© 2021 TM Forum | 58

© 2021 TM Forum | 59
Complete API Footprint (except component suite APIs)
Engagement Party Customer Bill Customer Privacy
Communication Payment Users Role & Permission Payment method
Management Partnership Type Document Account
Party Role

Party Interaction Federated Identity Sales

Process Flow Party Management Performance

Agreement Quote Product Catalog Product Inventory Performance Threshold

Product Offering
Product Ordering SLA Loyalty
Qualification Risk Management

Trouble Ticket* Promotion Shopping Cart


Process Flow
Core Commerce Management
Process Flow
Service Catalog Service Qualification Service Quality
Activation & Configuration

Usage Service Ordering Service Problem Service Inventory

Usage Consumption Resource Ordering Service Test Prepaid Balance

Resource Catalog Geographic Site Appointment Geographic Address

Resource Function Activation

Geographic Location Alarm Resource Inventory
& Configuration

Shipment Tracking Resource Pool Change Management Stock

Work Order (to be Shipping Order (to be

published) JAD Test Shipment Tracking

Process Flow
Production © 2021 TM Forum | 60
UC1 - Touchpoint – abstract (step B) – not yet illustrated
Create your account
Mr Ms
Firstname: Lastname:
No account yet?

Login (email address):


Create your account

3 2
Verify that you are the owner of the mail address
Your account is
Received code:
© 2021 TM Forum | 61
Service Catalogue View – Fiber Access CFSSpec
usages usages operations characteristics Multi-instance characteristics operations values rules

Commercial or / and Technical

informations are not representated
has because are not CFS’ informations.
Technical eligibility Yes
Customer Appointment has Always / Never / Subject to the result of technical eligibility
exposes has

Modify Technical eligibility Yes

Delete Initialize Modify
Guaranteed Bandwidth 50% or 100%
Factory Access Network

CFS Type Initialize Modify

Upstream max throughput Value (400 or 600MB)

Initialize Modify
[Access] has
Fiber Fixed Access Downsteam max throughput Value (400MB or 2GB)

Initialize Modify
QoS Ex : RealTime, Premium, Gold,Silver, Bronze

Access physical interface on customer
premises Optical


Geographical address on customer side

Geographical address Installation AdressID, Logo, Value
Plug number Value
Dedicated or shared access (between
MP and OLT)
Réseau de collecte (amont de l’OLT) Orange Network

© 2021 TM Forum | 62
Service Catalogue View – IP Fix Connectivity CFSSpec
usages usages operations characteristics Multi-instance characteristics operations values rules

Initialize Modify
Access on Internet (via browser,
Delete Full / URL value
applications, …)

Initialize Modify

Requires IP Fix Public IP address IP address

Une Box Orange connectivity freeze validation
(Inc internet)
Initialize Modify If fix address

Capacity to use public IP address

Yes, No
chosen by operator, not fix

Login fti…

Initialize Modify

TV Password password

Initialize Modify

Plug&Play? Yes/no

Initialize Modify

Triplet ? Acces/box

© 2021 TM Forum | 63
Service Catalogue View – TV CFSSpec
usages usages operations characteristics Multi-instance characteristics operations values rules


Initialize Modify
Requires Base bouquet id (or name), with its
Connectivity TV Base bouquet
corresponding planned end dates
Initialize Modify
List of channel packages id (or names),
Channel packages
with their corresponding planned end dates
Initialize Modify
List of SVOD services id (or names), with
SVOD services
Browse VOD catalog their corresponding planned end dates
Watch VOD
Initialize Modify

Browse SVOD catalog Max_devices_number Number of devices

Watch SVOD Max_concurrent_streams Number of streams

Watch live TV (channels in base bouquet + channel packages) administrate

Parental control PIN PIN code

Browse Electronic Program guide
Initialize Modify
Record on network (NPVR)
NPVR records quota Number of hours
watch programs already finished (catch-up)
Initialize Modify

watch programs in progress, from the beginning (start-over) NPVR Simultaneous recordings quota Number of recordings

© 2021 TM Forum | 64

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