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7e Applying for a job

Writing a CV
1 Complete the CV with these headings.

Date of birth

Home telephone

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7e-p. 89

Work experience




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7e-p. 89
2 How similar is a CV in your country? Would you use these headings? Would
you add any other information?
Answers depend on the students’ background and experience.
Other information that may be added could be: open references
about the applicant; strengths and weaknesses; personal qualities,
hobbies, life experiences (e.g. places you have visited).

3 Writing skill missing out words in CVs

a Compare these full sentences with the sentences in bold from a CV. Which
words are missing in the CV sentences? Which verb forms do the CV
sentences use?
1 I am working part-time in a restaurant. Missing words: subjects,
Working part-time in a restaurant. auxiliary or modal verbs
2 I’ve worked in a four-star hotel in France. Verb forms used: present
Have worked in four-star hotel in France. participle (Working), present
3 I had to meet guests at reception. perfect (Have worked), past
Met guests at reception. simple (Met)

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7e-p. 89
b Underline the sentences in the CV starting with verb forms. How would
you normally write each sentence?

(I am) helping the general manager.

(I am) managing staff.
(I) checked in guests / (I had to)* check in guests.
(I) worked in a large team.
(I) translated hotel correspondence … / (I had to)* translate hotel
correspondence …
(I) planned activities … / (I had to)* plan activities …
(I) organized the schedule. / (I had to)* organize the schedule.
(I) did most winter sports.
(I) acted in student theatre productions.
*Note that we can use had to when expressing duties or
responsibilities in a job.

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7e-p. 89
c Rewrite these sentences for a CV.

1 I am studying mathematics at University.

Studying mathematics at University.
2 I made pizzas in the student cafeteria.
Made pizzas in the student cafeteria.
3 I’ve competed in athletics competitions for my school.
Have competed in athletics competitions for my school.
4 I had to train new employees.
Trained / Had to train new employees.
5 I am learning to play the drums.
Learning to play the drums.
6 I’ve given presentations to large groups of people.
Have given presentations to large groups of people.

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7e-p. 89
4 Think about what you are currently doing (e.g. what job you are doing or
where you are studying) and your past work and studies (e.g. what you did
or have done). Write six sentences for your CV.

5 Now write your complete CV.

6 Work in pairs. Exchange CVs. Use these questions to check your partner’s CV.

• Does it have clear headings?

• Does it use present and past participles?

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7e-p. 89
7f My working life
Before you watch
1 Key vocabulary
1 I only buy organic food from supermarkets.
2 We set up our market stall at seven in the morning.
3 The positive parts of my job outweigh the negatives.
4 I like the variety in my job. Every day is different.
5 When you have a party, you can bring together all your
friends in one place.
a prepare These Italian actors are
b produced on farms which use no chemicals working in Istanbul, Turkey.
They are performing
c are more important than
Romeo and Juliet.
d when something has different parts so you don’t always
do the same thing
e a place for selling things outside
f have everyone in the same place 1b 2a 3c 4d 5f

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7f-p. 91
While you watch
2 You are going to watch three people talking about their jobs. Before you
watch, look at the photos and descriptions (1–3), and predict which person
says each sentence (a–f).
1 Katy has a market stall and sells
organic fruit and vegetables.
2 Virginia is a language teacher.
3 Marcus is an actor.

a ‘At the moment I’m in a play called Romeo and Juliet by William
Shakespeare.’ – Marcus
b ‘I always have to work at the weekends.’ Katy
c ‘I like sharing my culture with other people.’ Virginia
d ‘I enjoy working with other people and working in a team.’ Marcus
e ‘Sometimes the weather can be bad because it rains.’ Katy
f ‘It’s a fun job and I enjoy it very much.’ Virginia

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7f-p. 91
3 Watch the video and
check your ideas
from Exercise 2.
start / set
up the stall
4 Watch the three exercise
people in the video pack up and
go home
again and complete
the notes to answer
the three questions.
adult lessons

5 Work in groups and

compare your notes.
Then watch the video pay
again to check your
answers. team
(from home
to home)
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7f-p. 91
Videoscript My working life
0.00–0.51 1 My name’s Katy, I sell organic fruit and vegetables in lots of different places. I always
have to work at the weekends. We start about 7.30 in the morning. We set up the market stall, which
gets busy about 9.30. I take a break for lunch around midday, and then we pack up and go home at
three o’clock.
0.52–1.06 I like my job because I get to meet lots of different people, it’s good exercise, and it’s good
for the environment because our farmers grow organic food.
1.07–1.23 The job can be difficult because it’s long hours and sometimes the weather can be bad
because it rains, but overall it’s really enjoyable.
1.23–1.56 2 My name is Virginia. I am from Argentina. I am a Spanish teacher and I have taught
Spanish for 14 years, since I came to England.
1.57–2.24 When I teach at pupils’ houses, I normally start at four o’clock and that can involve
maybe, going to two different houses, or I also teach in the evening to a group of adults, and those
lessons are from 6.30 to 8.30, in the evening.
2.25–2.46 I like teaching Spanish for many reasons. One of them is because I like sharing my culture
with other people, and I feel it’s a way of bringing people together through languages.
2.47–3.13 I do find the job difficult sometimes. Sometimes the work involves a lot of paperwork or
marking, and after a few hours of doing that it can be a bit boring. And when I teach at different
people’s houses, that involves travelling from home to home and that can be tiring …
3.14–3.30 Overall the positives outweigh the negatives and it’s … it’s a fun job and I enjoy it very

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Videoscript My working life
3.31–4.23 3 My name’s Marcus and I’m an actor. I’ve been an actor for six years. At the moment, I’m
in a play called Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. I’ve always wanted to be an actor, so I feel
very lucky to be able to do it now. There are a few reasons why I enjoy doing it. I really like the
variety – no two days are the same. I enjoy working with other people and working as a team, and I
really like the sense of achievement that I get from creating something.
4.24–end There can be some difficulties being an actor. I often have to work very long hours. I could
start first thing in the morning and not finish till midnight. There’s a lot of travel involved as well,
which can be quite difficult. I sometimes have to go up and down the country just to get to work. The
pay isn’t that great either. Unless you’re famous, then you don’t really often earn that much as an
actor, but it’s a really fun lifestyle and I still really enjoy it, so it’s great really.

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After you watch
6 Vocabulary in context
Watch the clips from the video. Choose the correct meaning of the words
and phrases.

7 Complete these sentences about your job or a job you know about. Then tell
your partner about the job.

1 The job involves …

2 A typical days starts at … and finishes at …
3 Overall, the positive parts of the job outweigh the negatives because …

8 Which of the three jobs in the video would you prefer? Tell the class your

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7f-p. 91
Videoscript My working life
b 1 … sometimes the weather can be bad because it rains, but overall it’s really enjoyable.
a in fact
b in general
a2 … the work involves a lot of paperwork or marking …
a it’s part of the job
b it’s not necessary
b3 … I feel very lucky to be able to do it now.
a when bad things happen to you
b when good things happen to you
a4 I really like the sense of achievement that I get from creating something.
a a feeling of success
b a feeling of failure
b5 I sometimes have to go up and down the country just to get to work.
a find
b travel to

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1 Complete the questions with the present perfect or past simple form of the
A: How long 1 __________ worked (work) here?
you __________
B: About three years. I 2 __________ (join) the newspaper when I left
A: So, 3 __________ wanted (want) to be a journalist?
you always __________
B: Not particularly. But when I 4 __________ (be) young, I wrote stories.
A: What 5 __________ study
you __________ (study) at university?
B: Spanish.
A: 6 __________ lived
you ever __________ (live) in Spain?
spend (spend) a summer in Argentina.
B: No, but I 7 __________
A: Really? That sounds great!
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U7 Review-p. 92
2 Work in pairs. Explain why you used the present perfect or the past simple in
Exercise 1.
1 started in past and continues now
2 we know when
3 to ask about something in general
4 we know when
5 we know when
6 to ask about an experience
7 we know when

3 Write three questions starting How long have you …? Then ask and answer
your questions with your partner. Use since or for in your answers.

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U7 Review-p. 92
4 Complete the sentences with these prepositions.

across to the other side of the car park and the factory is
1 Walk __________
2 Can you pass me that book __________ the shelf?
3 in
I think Paulo is __________ the basement.
4 through those doors at the end and the photocopier is there.
Go __________
5 at
The cafeteria is __________ the top of the building on the fifth floor.
6 opposite each other in the office.
We sit __________

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U7 Review-p. 92
5 Can you remember the missing part of these compound nouns from Unit 7?
1 sales r__________
2 esigner
fashion d__________
3 shop a ssistant
4 reception a rea
5 c omputer
__________ programmer
6 e mergency
__________ exit
7 marketing m anager
8 ground f loor
9 contact d etails

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U7 Review-p. 92
6 Complete the text about the balloon seller with the correct form of make or
Nguyen 1 __________ two jobs. During the
day he sells balloons and in the evening he
makes money by working in a
2 __________
restaurant. He helps to 3 __________ food
in the kitchen. He works long days, but he is
saving so he can complete his studies. If he
4 __________ well at college, he can go to

7 Work in pairs. Look at the photo of the balloon seller. Do you think he enjoys
this job? Why? / Why not?

Students’ own answers

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U7 Review-p. 92
Real life
8 Match these questions at a job interview (1–5) with the responses (a–e).
c 1 Why have you applied for this job?
e 2 What are you doing at the moment?
b 3 Have you worked in a hotel before?
a 4 What do you like about your current job?
d 5 Do you have any questions for me?
a Meeting different people.
b No, but I have experience with customers.
c So I can use my language skills.
d Yes, just one …
e I’m working at a café in the city centre.

9 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask the questions in Exercise 8 and respond
with your own answers.

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U7 Review-p. 92
Communication activities
Unit 7a Exercise 1, page 82

According to a report in The Telegraph, these are the jobs employers find most
difficult to fill in the UK.

1 computer programmer
2 nurse
3 engineer
4 accountant
5 marketing manager

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p. 155

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