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 Ashan Zahoor

I was born on 4 Feb 2001 is Sargodha. I have started

studying at the age of 4 years in Sargodha. I was very clever
when I was a child. When I was 6 years old, we moved to
Chakwal there fi rst time I made some good friends. They are
still with me.

I have taken early education from Chakwal. I have done my

Matriculation from a private Institute I got 80% marks. I have
done my FSC from Horizon College Chakwal and scored 60%
marks. Now am doing BBA from Bahria University.

My Family circle is very vast. I live in a joint family system. In

my Family there are my parents, and 5 siblings' other
members are my Grandmother, Uncles, aunts and their

Parents Siblings Cousins

Friends  Flat mates


I am a cricketer and it’s one of the most important thing in

my life. So, I have most of my good memories related to
cricket. My fi rst match winning performance was the most
pleasant memory I have ever had till now. 

The be st le ss on I have lea r ned so fa r i s th at ev er y th in g ha pp en s t o you

is f or be ne fi t. We a lway s g o for th ing s wh ic h we l ike but A l la h Al m ig ht y
have diff e ren t pla ns f or y ou . I alway s wa nt ed to b e a c r ic ke te r bu t eve r y
ti m e I tr ie d, I fa il ed eve n bei ng so t al en ted . So, wh en ever I g o t owa rds
c ric ket th e doors cl oses for m e d ue to diff er en t re ason s. I n s ta r t in g I
c om pla in ed a lot to A l la h bu t n ow I r ea li ze d t ha t it m ay be A l lah h ad
oth er pl an s f or m e.

I am a very cool and calm person. I am very helpful and kind

for others. I am a goal directed person. I was an Introvert
before coming here but now am an extrovert and social
personality. There are some fl aws as well I lose hope very
quickly. I over thing a lot. 

I had no link to Business studies. Even I had no interest in

getting higher education. But I have told you that Allah
always have better plans for you. So, I came in this fi eld
through my cousin's reference. Now am aiming to run my
family businesses or will try to start my own business af ter
the degree. Am expecting that this degree will give me skill
like Management, Marketing, Communication etc.

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