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Lecturer: Irma Yunita, MP.d


Instructions are detailed information about how something

should be done or operated.

Instructions can help us…

1. Understand how to complete a task
2. Provide detailed information about a specific process
3. Share our knowledge so others can complete a task
4. Make sure tasks are being carried out in a safe manner 

When giving instructions, written or oral, you need to consider

the following things:
 Context
 Purpose
 Content
 Order
 Feedback

When giving instructions it is very important to think about the

context in which you are giving them.
• Who are you giving instructions to?
• What are they doing?
• Have they done something like this before?
• Why are they doing it, and not someone else?

Understanding the context means we will be able to give

instructions that meet the needs of our audience.

When giving instructions it is very important to think about the

purpose for giving them.
• Why are these instructions important?
• What is the end goal?
• Does your audience know why you are giving these

When we make the purpose of our instructions clear, the person

carrying them out will often do a better job.

When giving instructions it is very important to think about the

content of the instructions.
• How much detail have you given?
• Have you been specific enough?
• Are you using language they will understand?
• Can you use a diagram to help explain if you are writing

By thinking carefully about the content of the instructions, you

will make sure a task can be completed accurately, with
attention to detail. You will also make sure your audience can
understand the instructions. 

When giving instructions it is very important to think about the

order of the instructions, or the order that they are given.
• What needs to happen first?
• Is it important for some tasks to happen after others?
By thinking carefully about the order of the instructions, you
will make sure a task can be logically worked through from
beginning to end.

When giving oral instructions it is very important to think

about how you will get feedback.
• How do you know your instructions have been understood?
• Audience repetition
• Audience questions

You should always give your audience an opportunity to give

you feedback. This lets them clarify any steps they are unsure
about, and will result in a better finished product.

For example

A person who does not have any horticulture knowledge

may not understand why it is important to plant out in a
certain manner. If you explain that some plants will only
survive in certain conditions and show someone the
steps to proper planting they are more likely to follow
your instructions. And by explaining the purpose of your
instructions, you are making it clear why they need to be

Mr. Zacky : Good morning my students!

The students : Good morning Sir!
Mr. Zacky : Do yo know what are we going to study now?
The students:  Not yet, sir!
Mr. Zacky : Well, today we will learn how to operate about
Photoshop program. First , please turn on your computer.
The students : Yes sir.
Mr. Zacky : Next, click the Photoshop icon  located at the corner of
your desktop
The students : What next, sir?
Mr. Zacky : Then, draw something  by clicking a new canvas and be
creative from it!
The students : Okay sir, we will try.
Mr. Zacky : Don’t worry. Let’s try together!

 Giving instruction you should? 

a. You should use polite language otherwise students will get
b. You should use simple language so the instructions are clear.

 Giving instruction you should? 

a. You shouldn’t do a demonstration because it takes far too much
b. You should do a demonstration so students can see the activity
in action.

 Giving instruction you should? 

a. You should use questions to check key aspects of the instructions
b. You should use questions to check all aspects of the instructions

 Giving instruction you should? 

a. You should hold up worksheets when giving instructions so that
students look at you
b. You should hand out worksheets and then give instructions so
students can read what they have to do.

 Giving instruction you should? 

a. You shouldn’t use gesture as this will distract students from what
you are saying
b. You should use gesture because visual information can support
what you are saying
Thank You

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