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Table Plans/Arrangement
Types of banquet services
There are various types of banquet services, such as:
Buffet: This is a very common banquet service in events with a large number of
attendees. There is a buffet line of food choices, which the guests pass through and
serve themselves. It is a convenient way of choosing what an individual wants to
Food Stations: These comprise of various cuisines, courses and offerings to guests.
Many times, these stations are manned by the chefs who cooks or prepares food in
front of the guests. The most common food stations include pasta bars, sushi
stations, desserts, etc.
v Reception: This is a gathering where people mill around the room while eating
and chatting.
Plated: In this service, the guests are seated, and servers bring food already
portioned into the plates from the kitchen. This is believed to be one of the most
efficient types of banquet service. The plated style is commonly seen at formal
events, seminars, conferences, and formal dinners.
Pre-Set Service: If the food is already showing up on the table, at the time of your
arrival, it is known as a pre-set arrangement. This is applicable mostly with the
bread, desserts, salads, and beverages.
v Cafeteria-Style: This is very similar to the buffet-style banquet service, with a
difference that servers themselves serve the food. The practice is used to control the
portion sizes.
Types of Banquet Setup
There are lots of types of banquet setup such as:-
1. Banquet/ Wedding Style
 2. Board Meeting Style 
3. Herringbone or fish bone style 
4. Hollow square style 
5. Lecture room/ training room style 
6. T-shape style 
7. Theater style 
8. U-style
Banquet/ Wedding Style

•This table layout usually used for

Wedding Receptions. 
•A banquet typically involves a
professionally-catered feast arranged
and paid for by an individual or a
business, in association with, or in
honor of, a particular occasion.
 •There are 8-12 persons in one table
Board Meeting Style
This table layout is often used
for Board of Directors
meetings, committee meetings,
or discussion groups.
Hollow Square Style
•Works for group meetings
with frequent interaction. 
•Square shaped layout
Herringbone Style/Fish Bone
 •Influenced by a Herringbone
 •A Herringbone seating arrangement
describes the positioning of seats
partially and equally askew in one
Lecture/ Training Style

 •Lecture- is an oral presentation

intended to present information
or teach people about a
particular subject, for example
by a university or college
•The layout is like the scene
when the lecturers are teaching

T-shape style The layout

of the tables are arranged
in T shape.
Theater Style
This is the most efficient set-
up when the attendees will act
as an audience. This set-up is
not recommended for food
events or if note taking is
This layout style is often
used for Board of Directors
meetings, committee
meetings, or discussion
groups where there is a
speaker, audio-visual
presentation or other focal
Mis-En-Place In Banquet

All cutlery should be on the table arranged neatly for the number of
courses to be served.
Fruit knives and for K are not kept but placed on the sideboards.
A various wine glass is kept.
Water goblets are placed (liqueur & cordial glasses are never
Salt and pepper shakers and the bread and butler are served on the
table before the guest enter.
The name of the guest is written on cards which are placed at the
head of the covers where the guest is to sit.
Seating should be arranged such that gentlemen and ladies are
seated alternately. The husband and wife should sit opposite each
A station number stand should be placed prominently for easy
identification of waiters.
Napkins should be attractively folded for each cover.
Flower varies with fresh flowers should be placed on tables.


• Before each function, the staff member in charge of the function shall brief all her/his
staff on the way the function will take place, allocate tasks accordingly and fix time 
• For larger functions, especially when casual staff are involved, a table plan and a job 
allocation plan must be issued in order to make sure that each staff member knows
her/his duties and where to perform them. 
• If needed, a rehearsal shall be organized.
• The room the function will be held in.
• The number of guests expected.
• Table setup specifications (including the sizes, types and colors of table
cloths and table skirts.)
• The menu for the function (including beverages, number of courses and 
• Review time for guest will arrive, food should be plated, serve each course
• The type of event / function.
• Any Special request made by guest.
• The other subjects covered during the briefings include :
• Employee personal hygiene : no body or smoking odour, clean hair and
• Uniforms : correct, complete and impeccable
• Food service : menu, way of serving, operating equipment
• Standards of service : mention the do’s and don’ts of banquet service
• VIP guests present and special requests
• A good briefing will avoid many service problems during the function
Service Sequences:

• Although the service sequences for the Banquet Department are basically the
same as these for other F& B outlets, they have to be adapted, prepared and,
if needed, rehearsed in order to cope with larger numbers of guests.
• When the organizer arrives at the hotel, she/he must be welcomed by the staff
member who booked the event. This person will introduce the guest to the
Assistant Banquet Manager in charge of the function and, together with the
guest, the function sheet shall be checked to make sure that everything is
according to her/his order.
• The function room where the event will take place must clearly indicate the
name of the function as well as the status in order to indicate whether the
function is in progress or not.
• Every staff member, especially all casual staff, must be informed about the
selected service sequence during the briefing session before the function
• During the banquet meeting and daily banquet briefing, all the steps of the
service sequence must be clarified to everybody. The layout of the function
room(s), the assigned service area(s), bar counter(s) and/or buffet(s) must be
organized before each function.
• All required equipment must be prepared and cleaned to ensure a smooth set-
up and service.

The toastmaster is a specialized person who conducts the

proceedings of a state luncheon or dinner.
žHe coordinates not only the timing of each service but also
the speeches and toasts.
žThe toastmaster  stands behind the chief host while the
banquet supervisor stands opposite him to receive signals.
žThe toastmaster announces the national anthem of both
the countries when all guests stands.
The toastmaster announces the start of the service.
žWhen the toastmaster removes the dish from the chief guest, it is
the cue to the banquet supervisor to signal the rest of the crew to do
žThe toastmaster announces that the host wishes to present a toast.
Toasting is a formal act done for the health and well-being of the
chief guest. It is a ritual that starts from the Greeks and Romans to
their Gods several centuries BC.
 › toastmaster
 Service
 ›

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