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Books and Textbooks

Johanna Gabrielle C. Seriña


• the oldest and most common form of printed media used

by students.
• the best source of knowledge and information.
• comprise varied topic that include literature, history, fiction
stories, autobiographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias amd
many more.
Functions of a Book
1. Students gain legacy of knowledge earned by those
who came before.
 No education could have been possible without the use of
books and textbooks.
2. Used as Teaching Aid
 Used for lessons as primary source of information.
3. Provides Environment
People of every age, group or profession find information,
pleasure, relaxation, and inspiration while reading books.
Types of Book
A. Browsing books
a. designed to catch the reader's eye then allow for random readings
b. the reader literaly “browses” the topic for any topic that is interesting
or for intellectual curiosity.
B. Continous Reading Books
a. are the traditional reading books used by students for
different subject areas.
b. designed in a structured manner and generally begin by
introducing concepts moving on to more complex
C. Reference Books
a. designed for easy retieval of particular information.
Selecting a Book
• selection of a good textbook to use is a serious task.
• It is but worthwhile to take time to select the most
effective and most efficient textbook.
Guiding Principles for Quality Textbooks

1. Content
conformity/alignment with the curriculum aims and objectives in
the curriculum guide.
effectiveness of curriculum to meet curriculum requirements
irrespective of supplementary materials.
accuracy and relevancy of information
accuracy, quality and development of concepts
appropriate level of difficulty
absence of biased information/discrimination
inclusion of suggested references to facilitate consolidation and
self-direct learning
2. Learning and Teaching
development of generic skills
development of cognitive skills of all levels especially higher-
ordered thinking skills
fostering positive values and attitudes
catering to students diversity
inclusion of learning activities essential to achieving the
learning targets
facilitating students to integrate/practice/apply new knowlegde
motivating students learning
clarity of instructions
variety and purposefulness of learning activities
3. Structure and Organization
logical organization of content
use of table of contents and titles/headings/outline
appropriate use of overviews, summaries and a student's guide
to facilitate learning
4. Language
quality of texts in terms of level of difficulty and support for
independent reading and construction of meaning by students
coherence of text
opportunities to make good use of language to study the
 use of familiar and interesting language
 accuracy of language used
 provision of support for understanding and using subject-
specific vocabulary and expressions
5. Textbook and Layout
(for printed textbook only)
logical and consistent layout with consistent use of space and
margin for ease in reading
illustrations facilitate students' learning
appropriate separation into volumes binding in loose leaves
appropriate print font size and type
Guidelines for Using Textbooks
• Textbooks should meet students needs
• Based on their level of understanding so that they will be
comfortable in using them
• Directs student's reading by using objectives and/or questions.
• To help students read through the lines
• Emphasize the use of visuals in textbook
• Visuals enhance students' interest and comprehension
• Refer to teacher's guide for suppementary materials and activities
• Supplement textbook with other media
Most helpful approaches in an Elementary Class
1. Reading aloud
 provide enjoyable and shared experience
 teacher must read expressingly and interestingly
 shared reading
2. Reading together
 “Big Book” used in preschool class
 Parts of a successful reading session:
a. introducing the book
b. reading the book
c. talking about what you are reading
d. reflecting on the session
3. Guided Reading
 involves helping students to read for themselves
 Goal: To teach students to use reading strategies independently so
that they can read new material successfully and to discuss them
4. Group Reading
 involves one student reading out loud to other students in a small
 books can be shared or each of the students can have a copy of the
 reader should read loudly
 if reader encounters difficult words, students can help each other at
the end of the reading, students discuss among themselves about
what they read
5. Independent Reading
This involves:
a. supporting students choosing to read,
b. selecting what they want to read and then being
able to share what they have read

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