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Estimation and

Cost Estimate

Approximate cost of a project =

Estimated cost
Importance of Estimating
• Helpful in working out cost before taking up project
• Useful in checking work done during and after
execution by contractor; to make payment
• Gives an idea of requirement of materials like brick,
cement, sand, steel etc.
• Helpful in valuation of property, fixing rent,
insurance, sale, legal issues etc.
Calculation of bricks in 1 m3 brickwork
Brick work = 1 cubic metre
1 brick nominal size = 19 cm * 9 cm * 9cm = 0.19m * 0.09m *0.09m
1 brick with mortar = 20 cm * 10cm * 10 cm = 0.2*0.1*0.1 = 0.002 m3
No of bricks in total brick work = total brick work/ volume of 1 brick
= 1/ 0.002
= 500 bricks
Volume of mortar in 1 m3 of brick work = 1 – 500(0.19*0.9*0.9)
= 1- 0.7695 = 0.2305 m3
Metric System of Units
1.Length - metre (m)
2.Area - square metre ()
3.Volume - cubic metre ()
4.Capacity - litre (l)
5.Mass - kilogram (kg)
Cost Estimate (depends on)
1.Type of work
2.Items in work
4.Rate of item
5. Cost of materials
Cost Estimate (depends on)
6. Labour
7. Tools & Plant
8. Taxes
9. Contractor’s Profit
10. Transportation
Types of Estimate
1. Detailed Estimate
2. Approximate Estimate
3. Quantity Estimate
4. Revised Estimate
5. Supplementary Estimate
6. Annual maintenance estimate
7. Repair Estimate
1.Detailed Estimate
•It has a complete schedule of all
possible items likely to occur, and
proper unit cost is applied.

•Therefore it is very near to the final cost

of a project
1.Detailed Estimate (measurement sheet)
Item Description No. Length Breadth Depth Quantity Total
No. (m) (m) (m)

1 wall 1 5 3 0.3 =1*5*3* 4.5

1.Detailed Estimate (abstract sheet)
Item Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount
No. (a) (b) (a)*(b)

1 wall =1*5*3*0.3 600 =4.5*600

=4.5 ₨/ =2700 ₨
2. Approximate Estimate
•It is a normal practice to work out
approximate estimate of project before
making detailed estimate.

2. Approximate Estimate (Why??)
•Preliminary Study
•Financial Viability
2. Approximate Estimate (Methods)
••  Service
Unit Method =(service unit x cost of 1 unit)
• Square Metre Method =(total area x cost per )
• Cubic Content Method =(total volume x cost per )
•Typical Bay Method =(no. of bay x cost of 1 bay)
• Approximate Quantities Method
Service Unit Method =(service unit x cost of 1
1. Approx. cost of a hostel building for 100 students @ Rs. 10,000
Per student?? = 10,00,000 Rs
2. Approx cost of a 100 bed hospital @ Rs. 50,000 per bed?? =
50,00,000 Rs
3. Approx cost of a 2 room quarter is Rs. 60,000 so cost of 3 roomed
quarter?? = 90000
4. Approx. cost of 10 km long irrigation channel of 3 cusec capacity
@ Rs. 70,000 per km?? = 7,00,000 Rs
5. Approx cost of 3 span bridge, each span 50 m long @ Rs. 30,000
per running metre?? = 150 * 30000 = 45,00,000 Rs

Square Metre Method =(total area x cost per )

If the plan of the building is not ready, just deduct 30-40% area
from the proposed construction area and multiply it with plinth
area rate.
1. The approx. cost of a building having 130 sq.m. super builtup
area and 40 sq.m. area of amenities like bath, verandah,
toilet, passage way @ Rs. 5,000 per sq.m?? = 4,50,000 Rs
2. Approx. cost of a 3 storey building having plinth area of each
storey 200 sq.m. @ Rs. 2,520 per sq.m? = 600 *2520 =
15,12,000 Rs

Cubic Content Method =(total volume x cost per )

The L and B should be taken as external dimensions of the
building and H should be taken from floor level to top of roof
(i.e. top of next flooring level).
1. Approx cost of building of cubic content of 400 cu.m. @
Rs. 1800 per cu.m?? =400*1800= 7,20,000 Rs
2. Building having out to out L=5m, B=3.5m, flooring level to
ceiling level height= 2.5m and ceiling depth 0.2m @ Rs.
2200 per cu.m?? = (5*3.5*2.7 ) *2200 = 47.25 * 2200 =
1,03,950 Rs
Detailed estimate is accompanied with:
1. Report (Description)
2. General Specifications
3. Detailed Specifications
4. Drawings
5. Plan, elevation, sectional elevation, detailed drawings, site
plan, index plan or layout plan.
6. Calculation and design
7. Rate Analysis
• Estimation, Costing and Valuation Book,
Rangwala, Charotar Publication

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