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VSHR Pro Academy

Your Name:
Your Team:
What did your team
Achieve last week?
Achievement Title How those achievement did help VSHR Pro Responsible What is Next ?
Academy mission? Team Member What did we learn from it
216/300connection -YOUNGSTER community building: Total What we see:
From us: team( Phuong Just use the current relationship
+ branding VSHR Pro Academy leader) to build up it is not a long term
For other people: tactic
+Sharing professional skill for youngster What next:
+ Sharing job opportunity - Branding our community in all
the pages related to
- Proactive in invite other

John Masud Parvez

people by relationship

Recruitment post: 12post Branding VSHR Pro Academy employer Phuong What we see:
+ financial consultant (infina): Reach the potential candidate- No any CV - No one apply CV, improve
3post content and play the right
+ sales consultant (av tech): objective
9post What next:
- Modify all JD content focus on
salary, benefit, work place
What will your team achieve next
What will be key goals? How those goals will help VSHR Pro Academy Responsible Team What is Next ?
mission? Member What did we learn from it
500 connection Connect with more young people Total team - Comment on posts in other
groups to invite and introduce
our group
- Create interesting content to
post in the group

John Masud Parvez

What Help do you need?
Functions What help do you need How that will help the mission of By when do you need that?
VSHR Pro academy? Timeline?
Digital Services

Technology Services

Web Services

Business Development Services

Leadership Advices

John Masud Parvez

NewsLetter Services

Training and Skill Development -Write attrative content For more CV and candidate As soon as possible


Let’s work together !

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