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Seminar in Business Environment


Spartakas Dhakal (17309)

ai n
l u e
Institutional Arrangement

ie s
e c
G o
Meat Production (mt)

Growth Rate: 6% (Avg.)


2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

• 4% contribution to AGDP (DLS, 2016)
• 20% contribution to total meat production (DLS, 2016)
• Commercialization rate: 85% (MoAD, 2072)
• Value Chain ranking: 7 (MoAD, 2072)
• Annual demand for Goat: 40 Lakhs
among which 5 to 7 Lakhs goats imported annually
(Source: Himalayan Times, Jan 11, 2018)
Goat Population

Growth Rate: 4% (Avg.)
10500000 Goat Population



2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

Source: Statistical Pocket Book, (2016)

Legal environment

Sole Proprietorship

Company Registrar

• The name of the Private Firm
• The address of the Firm
• The objectives, functions and the particulars of goods or commodity to
be transacted by the private firm.
• The name and address of the owner, and the name of his/her father,
mother and grandfather, grandmother.

(Source: Private Firm Registration Act, 2014)

Legal environment
Registration Fee
S.N. Capital (in NPR) Fee (NPR)

1. 1,00,000 or less 600

2. More than 1,00,000 and less than 3,00,000 2,000
3. More than 3,00,000 and less than 5,00,000 4,000
4. More than 5,00,000 and less than 10,00,000 7,500
5. More than 10,00,000 and less than 50,00,000 10,000
6. More than 50,00,000 15,000
Legal environment
Renewal of the Firm

S.N. Capital (in NPR) Fee

1. 1,00,000 or less 300

2. More than 1,00,000 and less than 3,00,000 500

3. More than 3,00,000 and less than 5,00,000 800

4. More than 5,00,000 and less than 10,00,000 1,200

5. More than 10,00,000 and less than 50,00,000 1,700

6. More than 50,00,000 2,300
Legal environment

• Animal Slaughter House and Meat Inspection

Act (2055)
– Provision of Meat Inspector
– Prohibitions of sale of meat
• Animal Health and Livestock Services Act,
2055 (1999)
• Micro Enterprise to be tax exempt for 5 years
for male. (Source: Budget Speech, 2075)
Political environment
• Fundamental rights
• More stabilized
• Less strikes
Economic environment
• Inflation rates seem favourable
Source: Statistica (2018)

Inflation rate (in comparison to past year)

Economic environment
• Trends in fuel prices are not encouraging
Source: Ekantipur(2018)
Socio-Cultural Environment
• Per Capita Food Consumption is higher in rural
areas (3.62) than urban (3.45)
• Premiumness over chicken meat
• Festive season (Dashain)
• Heifer International Nepal (2012) – “Nepalese
goats were preferred over Indian goats by most
of the consumers due to lean meat and flavour of
the former.”
• Increasing middle class income
Technological environment
• Refrigeration
• Social media to generate awareness
• People still prefer to come to retail outlet
Environmental environment
• Out of total 3.3 million hectare of the
rangelands, nearly 80 % is in high hill and
majority of which is in mid and western
development region. Of the total rangeland,
about 27 % is within Protected Areas.

Source: Department of Livestock Services, Rangeland Policy (2010)

International Trade

• Heifer Int. Nepal, imports are mostly frozen

meat OR live animals
International Trade

• Import of live goats from Tibetan Autonomous

Region can also follow barter or banking system
• Import duties on import of goat from SAARC
nation is 9%, while it is 10% for general.
• Import duties on refrigerators is 15% for both
SAARC & General nations

Source: Customs Tariff 2014/2015, MoF

• Livestock Credit Scheme
• Goats as Pro-Poor Strategy
• Margin of at least Rs. 70 per kg of goat meat

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