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What is Americanisation ?
World Before 1991
Two World Orders And Two
Economic Models
1.Before 1991,world had two main economic models.One was American
economic model and the other was Soviet economic model.
2.American economic model focused on free-markets whereas Soviet
economic model did not have free-markets.
3. U.S.A. had large private sector whereas USSR did not have private sector
and even public sector was government- owned.
4. Countries with American influence followed USA economic model and
countries with Soviet influence followed Soviet economic model.
5.Indian economic policy after independence was influenced by the colonial
experience (which was seen by Indian leaders as exploitative in nature) and
by those leaders' exposure to Fabian socialism.Therefore, India adopted
Soviet economic model..
Before 1991,Soviet Union used to have
a lot of influence on India which
stopped Americanization in many ways.
1.After adopting Soviet Economic model,in 1960s,India
established very close defence and trade ties with Soviet
Union because USA made an alliance with Pakistan(SEATO).
2.SEATO alliance with Pakistan lead to anti-US sentiments in
India’s politics and within the people.Thus,making ties
between India and USSR stronger.
Economic reforms, in India (in 1991),is the main factor contributing to the Americaization in India.Following points show the impact of economic reforms and liberalisation and how these reforms
have lead to americanization:
1.India’s annual growth in GDP per capita accelerated from just 1¼ per cent in the three decades after Independence to 7½ per cent currently, a rate of growth that will double the average income in a
decade.This lead people to accumulate wealth.
2.About 600 million people migrated to cities .
3.Due urbanisation and increased growth rate of per capita income many people started puchasing good quality American products ,products such as x box and I phones,etc. for entertainment
purposes.Before economic liberalisation, only a fraction of people had privilage to watch hollywood movies but now many people in India watch them and this has lead to increase in the usage of
words and sentences from American english in India.
4.Various American MNCs and firms were allowed to do trade and sell their products and services in India.
5.Many American fast food companies were allowed to do business in India.
The USSR collapsed in the last quarter of 1991.After the
collapse of the USSR, Russia did not remain an industrial power
.Many skilled engineers, doctors,scientists migrated to the USA
and other western countries in search of better quality of life .
After 1991 , USA with its strong,industrialized and high income
economy remained and and still remains the world power
.India’s reations with the USA have improved a lot since
then.Thus,Dissolution of the USSR is also a key factor in the
americanization of India
• Origin and spread of American

• Effect of Americanisation in
different countries-
• India
• France
• South Korea
Americanisation and Music
• Popularity and dominance of American music globally
• Influence of American music genres in
1. India:
-> Popularity of American Music in India
-> Emergence of new genres in Indian music
-> Effect of the emergence of new genres on traditional Indian
... Music
2. Globally:
-> Rise of pop culture in other countries under the influence of
American music
Media & Television
The Start
• Indians are fast losing their cultural identity because of mass Americanization being brought
about in the most subtle of manner by American lobbies, both in India and the US.
• Kavery Nambisan, a surgeon and a novelist from India who is in town for the Karachi
Literature Festival (KLF). She said that there were programs introducing mass
Americanization, teaching and encouraging Indians to switch over to American English and
grooming them in American customs and mannerisms.
Why ?

Youth Attractiveness

New “ TREND ”

A Different Path
Has Globalization been a code word for Americanisation ?

• Joseph Nye introduced the notion of ‘soft power’ – the

seductive power of McDonalds and Coca-Cola or the
inherent appeal of U.S style democracy to describe
America’s supposedly unique exercise of global power
during the twentieth century.

Being obese is now not
just an “American”
Quick Facts

• Being obese leads to 64% higher chances of having a

• 50 % increase of getting a heart disease
• 20 times the chance of getting diabetes
Corporate America takes over India

• The Indian fast food market is said to be worth about

42 billion dollars
• Maximum fast food chains are American companies
How Food Affects Our

• The type of food you consume dictates how attentive you will be
• It can also affect your sleep cycle/quality
• Long term consumption of Trans and saturated fats may affect
brain health
Difference in the mindset of guardians in the
US and in other countries.
In other countries, Because of emotional attachment Parents often tend to ignore the mistakes committed by the
child whereas parents in the US keep their emotions in check.
Parents elsewhere consider their children as an extension of their own identity which definitely pressurizes the
childs mentally. In the US, parents have this understanding that the child is an individual from the day he or she
was born.
Talking about the open mindset of the parents in the US, children are more inclined towards them and they feel
free to talk about it of whatever they are feeling. In other countries( especially ours ), we think 10 times before
even telling our class test result to them(Other factors aside) which does put us under pressure.
Upbringing and Freedom
• Indian parents act under sentiments whereas Parents in the US adopt a very planned approach to parenting.
• American parents consider themselves as enablers with their job as parents to teach moral values, how the
world works, and developing skills to survive on their own whereas in India, parents are ready to give
anything to their child and then ask for what In return?(MARKS!!)
• In the US, guardians ask their children to leave and be independent after they have finished middle school
so that whatever happens they get to know about the world before taking any wrong step in life(This does
happen generally not always but people do see it in a negative way). In India, parents have many
restrictions on their children which generally puts them under pressure mentally and physically and the
child is then forced to perform the tasks under non guidance and commit something illegal or unpreferable.
Americani$ation –Degrading Ethics & Values

Changes in celebration of festival.

Interaction among present generation.
Joint families
Old Age Homes
Parents becoming burden!
English language getting more prevalent.


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