Magneto-Rheological Dampers

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Ameya Sanjay Dahale
College of Engineering,
B. Tech Mechanical
• Introduction

• Need of MR damping devices.

• Magneto-rheological fluids.

• MR Dampers

• Types of MR Dampers

• Modeling of MR Dampers

• Limitations

• Curre nt a nd Fu t ur e Scope

• References

• Concluding Remarks
Int roduct ion
The mai n purpose of this presentation is to
• Introduce the topic of magneto-rheological dampers to the audience.
• The mechanism of working of MR fluid.
• Objectives a nd future prospects of MR damper devices.
Need of MR damping
1. Automobile suspension mostly influence the vehicle ride quality a nd safety

2. Need of real-time performance adjustment based on road situation

a nd vehicle operation state.
3. Conventional dampers such as hydraulic a nd spring dampers have
constant setting throughout their life.

4. MR dampers due to t he a ppa re nt viscosity of magnetic fluids can operate

in semi-active conditions.
Magneto-rheological Fluid
• Composition : Oil (having low permeability) with varying percentage
of micron-sized (µ) iron particles coated with anti-coagulant
• Active stat e : When fluid is exposed to magnetic field, can be said in the
active sta te a nd its viscosity can be varied by varying the strength of
magnetic field.
• Un-active sta te : In the absence of magnetic field it is in un-active state
a nd
behaves like normal fluid.
• Apparent viscosity : It h a s constant viscosity in its un-active state but in
active state, due to alignment of iron particles along the magnetic-flux
lines, it possesses some a ppa re nt viscosity. This viscosity can be
controlled by controlling the magnetic field.
• She ar yield stress : The stre ngth of MR fluid can be described by shear yield
• Characteristics :

1. Under a strong magnetic field its viscosity can be increased by more t h a n

two orders of magnitude in a very short time (milliseconds)
Hence, very low response time.

2. The change in viscosity is continuous a nd highly reversible.

3. Yield strength of up to 50-100 kPa.

4. Insensitivity to contaminants.

5. Low voltage (12-24 V) required for operation.

6. Broad working t em pe rat ure range : -40º C to 150º C.

• MR fluid can be used in three different ways : Squeeze, valve and shear.
• Squeeze mode (or compression mode) : Squeeze mode h as a thin film
(on the order of 0.020 in.) of MR fluid t h a t is sandwiched between
paramagnetic pole surfaces as shown in Figure-

1. The distance between the parallel pole

plates changes, which causes a
squeeze flow.
2. Suitable for relatively high dynamic
forces with small amplitudes (few mm).
• Shear mode : It differs in operation from squeeze mode due to moving
paramagnetic sliding or rotating surfaces. It h as thin layer( 0.015 in.) of MR
fluid sandwiched between paramagnetic surfaces.

1. Magnetic field is perpendicular to

the direction of motion of these
moving surfaces.
2. Examples of shear mode include
clutches, breakes, chucking
and locking devices, dampers
and structural composites.
3. Suitable for relatively small
force applications.
• Valve mode : It is the most widely used of three modes. Here the two
reservoirs of MR fluid are used a nd magnetic field is used to impede the flow
of MR fluid from one reservoir to another. Here the flow can be achieved by
pressure drop between reservoirs a nd flow resistance can be controlled by
magnetic field.
MR Dampers
• These devices generally operate in t he valve mode.
• H a vin g st r u ct u r e of pist on a n d cylin der wit h flow con t r ol va lves
eit h er incorporated in piston end or cylinder (bypass).
• MR dampers were introduced by first Lord Corporation in 1980’s in truck
seat damping system unde r t ra de m a rk ‘Motion Master’
• General Motors in partnership with Delphi corporation (branch of GM) has
developed dampers for automotive suspensions. It made its debut in Cadillac
(2002) as MagneRide a nd on Chevrolet passenger vehicles (2003) as
Magnetic Selective Ride Control (MSRC).
• BMW uses it’s own proprietary version of this device while Audi a nd Ferrari
offer Delphi’s MageRide on various models.
• Typical MR damper :

1. Choking Points : The

areas where MR fluid is
exposed to magnetic
flux lines.
2. Fluid restricts the
flow when it is in
vicinity of chocking
points a nd in active
3. With increase in
magnetic flux increase
in apparent
resistance) occurs up to
some ‘saturation point’
after which damper
resistance cannot be
Types of MR
dampers :
1. Mono tube

2. Twin tube

3. Double ended MR damper

4. MR-Hydraulic hybrid dmper

• Mono tube MR damper :

1. Ha s only one reservoir for MR fluid.

2. Gas accumulator (nitrogen) is used to compensate for the change in
the volume due to piston rod movements.
• Twin tube MR damper :

1. Ha s two fluid reservoirs, one inside of the other.

2. The inner housing filled with MR fluid guides the piston/piston rod assembly.
3. The outer housing partially filled with MR fluid serves the purpose of reservoir.
• Twin tube MR dampers (contd..) :

4. ‘Foot Valve Assembly’ is attached to the bottom of the inner housing to

regulate the flow of fluid between two reservoirs.

5. Foot Valve Assembly includes – Compression valve t h a t guides flow from

inner to outer housing during compression stroke while r e t u rn valve
for exact opposite function during piston retraction.

6. For proper functioning, compression valve m ust be stiff relative to the

pressure differential t h a t exists on both t he sides. While the r e t u r n valve
m ust be very unrestrictive.
• Conditions for proper functioning :

1. The valving is set up properly.

2. MR fluid settling is not a problem.

3. The damper is used in a n upright position.

• Double Ended MR damper :
1. It ha s 2 piston rods of equal diameter protruding through both ends of
2. Does not require a n accumulator or similar arrangments.

3. Have been used for bicycle applications, gun recoil applications, and for
stabilizing buildings during earthquakes.
• MR-Hydraulic Hybrid damper :

1. These a re dampers in which a small MR damper controls a valve that, in

t urn, is used to regulate t he flow of hydraulic fluid.

2. It ha s been used in military applications a nd seismic applications.

Modeling of MR dampers
• Modeling MR dampers is difficult a nd complex task due to their non-linear
a nd hysteretic dynamics.
• Currently there are different modelling techniques for MR dampers.
Following a re well known-

1. Modified Bouc-Wen Model by Spencer for MR devices.

2. Recursive Lazy Learning based on neural networks

Lim it a t ion s
1. Settling stability of MR fluid : Heavy particles tend to settle in static
fluid. But using proper anti-coagulant can prevent such settling a nd fluid
can be used without any adverse effect in its operation.

2. Relative Costs : This is very important factor while making choice

between MR dampers a nd conventional passive devices. To reduce the cost
use of absorbent matrix method is used. Due to this, volume of MR fluid
is reduced to great extent, requirement of highly finished surfaces,
precision tolerances a nd seals is negated.
Absorbent matrix method uses sponge like structures t h a t keeps
MR fluid in active(choking) regions.
3. Durability of devices : MR fluids are inherently somewhat abrasive. To
tackle the problem, dynamic seal design, material selection a nd proper MR
fluid chemistry a re required.
Current and Future Scope
• Vehicular suspension, breaks, clutch systems.
• Military applications such as gun recoil system, naval gun turrets.
• Magneto-rheological finishing techniques.
• Prosthetic limbs a nd tremor suppression.
• MR fluid fixtures.
Concluding Remarks
• MR fluids a nd MR fluid devices have been greatly advanced in the last
decade a nd there are some commercial products have been developed.
• This technique h a s been developing competitively in the main industrialized
countries, especially in the United States, Belarus, France, Germany a nd
Ja p a n.
• It can be seen t h a t t he MR fluid devices introduced in this seminar will
continue to be t he subject of extensive research a nd applications in various
field as mentioned before.
• References :
1. Magnetorheological fluid devices: principles,characteristics a nd applications in
mechanical engineering, J Wang and G Meng State Key Laboratory of Vibration,
Shock and Noise, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, People’s Republic of China a nd
Siyuan Mechatronics Institute, Foshan University, Guangdong Province, People’s
Republic of China.

2. M.J.L. Boada, J.A. Calvo, B.L. Boada, V. Díaz, Modeling of a magnetorheological

damper by recursive lazy learning, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,
Volume 46, Issue 3, April 2011, Pages 479-485, ISSN 0020-7462,

3. Nitin Ambhore, Sh yamsundar Hivarale, Dr. D. R. Pangavhane, A Study of Bouc-

Wen Model of Magnetorheological Fluid Damper for Vibration Control,
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol.2 - Issue 2
(February - 2013), ISSN: 2278-0181,
4. J a m e s C. Poynor, Innovative Designs for Magneto-Rheological Dampers, Thesis
submitted to Virginia Polytechnic Institute a nd State University, Aug 7, 2001.

Thank You

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